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Tears of the Emperor


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So I have taken inspiration from a number of B&C members and want to a give huge shout out to four of them in particular for helping and inspiring me with this through their posts and correspondence, they are 1000heathens, Pig of Sparta, Ufthak and Wibble.

I have drawn inspiration and stolen some of their ideas. I'm currently working on two large projects but decided I needed something smaller to distract me. So I developed this side project. It started off with the idea of developing a kill-team but I'm up to a 2000 point army. My plan is to build and paint a kill team then 500 points worth then 1250 and finally 2000 points worth. My idea for the post is to post story, fluff and models all on the same thread to build up the Chapter.

C&C welcome on all parts and apologies because this will be one really long post with a lot of reading and some images. So here's for the first upload the order will be fluff, story and then the models. I will try to update on a regular basis with all three parts. Hope you will all like. Please be kind with any criticisms as I've been hiding out on B&C for a while before getting the confidence to finally publish. Also please don't roast me if some parts of this seem like heresy to you I think it fits with cannon but can understand why some people may not like it.

*********** FLUFF ***********


Chapter Name: Tears of the Emperor

Founding: 26th Founding

Gene-Seed: Unknown

Home Planet: Amon

Chapter Master: Ankou

Current Strength: Approx. 400 Battle Brothers and 700 Scouts

++++Encryption: Vermillon ++++

++++Administratum Eyes Only ++++

++++++ Incoming Transmission ++++++

+++++++Date: 0037768.M41++++++++++

++++++++Subject: 26th Founding++++++++++

My Lord and Master of the Administratum,

I bring grave news. As suspected the Holy Ordos have been busy plotting ahead of the forthcoming debate on giving authorisation for a new Founding of the Emperor’s Holy Astartes. Our spies working within the Holy Ordos have unearthed a startling conspiracy but not without a high cost; over 15 of our best spies were caught, tortured and executed. I am uncertain as to what knowledge of our spies the Holy Ordos may have discovered and I have initiated a full investigation. But forgive me my Lord as I digress.

As you know the High Lord of Terra, including yourself, are soon to debate the creation of a new Founding of the Adeptus Astartes, I believe this will be the 26th. As you will also know from the previous negotiations with the High Lords the decision has largely been agreed upon. The Holy Ordos however will use the next debate on the creation to attempt to hijack and take control of the creation of one of the Chapters likely to be authorised.

My Spies have informed me that this drive by the Holy Ordos has been instigated by the Ordos Xenos. Having witnessed the success of a Chapter of Astartes loyal to one Ordos, the Chapter known as the Exorcists who are loyal to the Ordos Malleus, the Ordos Xenos highest Inquisitors are believed to have long been campaigning for a similar force loyal to them. For the last millennia this campaign has fallen on deaf ears but with the recent troubles in the Ordos Hereticus and the increase in Xenos activities it appears the Ordos Xenos has won the backing of all the Holy Ordos.

We understand that the proposition from the Holy Ordos will be that the creation of one of the Chapters of the 26th Founding should be placed into the care and supervision of the Ordos Xenos. The Holy Ordos will not maintain control of the Chapter following creation but believe that by being critical in the Chapters birth the Chapter will remain incredibly loyal to the Ordos Xenos and therefore be unlikely to turn down a request for aid.

As you are aware the Ordos Xenos already maintains a Chamber Militant in the Deathwatch and so it is likely this force, should it be created, will be used to supplement this and enable the Ordos Xenos to deploy larger formations if, which is likely, the Chapter Master agreed to supplications for aid.

I am appalled at the Holy Ordos attempts to undo the very foundations of the Holy Imperium of Man and increase their power. While I would urge you to follow your heart and block such a move by the Holy Ordos I must gravely inform you that such action would be futile. My spies tell me that the Holy Ordos have succeeded in gaining the backing of a majority of High Lords including the Ecclesiarch, the Grand Master of the Assassinorum, the Fabricator General of Mars and the Paternoval Envoy.

I suggest to you my Lord that you therefore also back the plan so as not to lose favour with the Holy Ordos. For if you back this move they will surely be indebted to you.

As ever your loyal and most humble servant,

Aurelius Rex

Master Prefect of the Emperor’s most Holy Spies

+++++++ The Emperor guides and watches all+++++++++++

+++++++++++++++++++End Transmission+++++++++++++++++++

++++++++++++++++++++++Encryption: Vermillon++++++++++++++++++++++

*********** Story ***********

Passius could remember little about the world he had once called his homeworld. It seemed like an eternity since he had been a young warrior of one of that world’s barbarian sea tribes and been taken from battle by the grim and menacing spectre of the Chaplain. He had become an Initiate of the Emperor’s Spears Astartes Chapter before proving himself on the field of battle. That was three hundred and eleven years ago. Passius was a Veteran and long lived even for an Astartes. Having proved himself as a Battle Brother, Passius had been selected for service in the Ordos Xenos Chamber Militant, the Deathwatch. It had been a great honour to serve in the Chamber for ten years before the Lord Inquisitors had selected him to become part of the training cadre for a new Chapter of Astartes, and so had begun his third and current life. Of his original life, among the sea tribes, little remained; his face and arms still brandished the tattoos of his barbarian origins. Yet this did not mark him out from his new brethren for they too bore tattoos from his new homeworld, Amon. As part of the training cadre he had overseen the training of the new Chapter, his Chapter. A Chapter linked closely to the Ordos Xenos. A Chapter gifted the best equipment the Imperium had to offer. A Chapter with one of the Galaxy’s greatest libraries on war strategies from era’s past and present and authors from Dorn and the Lion to Calgar and Dante. Passius had been a Tear of the Emperor for over two hundred and fifty years now and still the Chapter was not near full strength, with a heavy reliance on Initiate’s, but the Chapter was growing and fast. Passius gazed out of the port hole in the station at the ship yards stretching before out before the station. All were a hub of activity as building continued on new space vessels for the Imperium. The glint of the sun off of the gold decoration of the nearest vessel pulled in Passius’ attention. The vessel was why Passius was here, this was his mission. It was an immense vessel clearly of devastating power and brimming with menace, yet it looked sleek and agile. Passius shook his head gently ‘This Strike Cruiser was unlike any he’d seen before; indeed to call it a Strike Cruiser seemed insulting’ he thought. As he looked at the beauty of the ship, splendid in the grey and white of the Chapter, decorated with blue tear drops and gold Imperial Eagles, he recalled that he had in fact seen a Strike Cruiser of similar design during his days in the Deathwatch. During a mission near the Cadian Gate they had come into contact with the Emperor’s most holy Grey Knights. Their vessel that was what this new Strike Cruiser reminded him of. Passius allowed his thoughts to return to his mission and to the ship before him to be named the ‘Intrepid’. It was to be the first Strike Cruiser of seven delivered to the Chapter, and all were now nearing completion. This would give the Chapter greater flexibility as currently the Chapter was reliant on the three mighty Battle Barges and the other smaller vessels that made up its fleet. His thoughts drifted back to his meeting on Amon with his Captain and his Chapter Master before the start of this mission………………

*********** Images ***********

So here's some of the models to make up and the Sternguard kill team minus the Razoback - apologies for the quality of the pics.

Parts and boxs:



Sternguard Group Shot (minus one model and with two wips lurking in the background):


Sternguard Sergeant Passius:


Sternguard Specialist:


Sternguard Brother 1:


Sternguard Brother 2:


Sternguard Brother 3:


So like I said C&C welcome and hope someone actually likes something from here :lol: and apologies again for the length.

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Models look lumpy, seems it is the undercoat spray.


And the colour scheme... :ph34r: Really? Blue and purple and gold? Might need a tweak there buddy. How about making the chest eagle and skull gold, like the shoulder pad, and maybe the helmet too? Or splitscheme the helmet with the rest of the armour.

I know on the losing of detail on the model.......devastated me when it happened and put me in a foul mood my fiancee wasn't overly impressed as it was our last night together for a month :lol:


I'm torn on the stripping.


In the flesh they don't look so bad. I've painted one up and he looks fine. Started on a second - some of the detail is lost but not sure may be ok. My worry is I've used extensive use of green stuff, resin, plastic, white metal on all models and if I use a stripper not sure it will all hold. I may paint them up see what you guys reckon and if need be redo afterwards.


As for the scheme sorry to say it gets even more busy - Red roman loin clothes.......


There is reasoning behind both the Ice blue Helmet and red eyes which I will explain later in the fluff.


The yellowy colour on the shoulder pad is gold and that shoulder pad is the eagle with the teardrop side which is a Chapterhouse Studios Blood Raven shoulder pad.


Thanks for the comments so far.


Goose and AL: Thanks for the comments on the models glad you like them.

Just to link this in with a much earlier thread all of my scouts will have balaclava's on - there is a nice fluff reason for this.

Anyway here's an example of the Scout head as shown on the earlier thread:



Next on my list to do after I've finished painting the Sternguard squad will be a Scout squad or two and a Sanguinary Priest I think.

As for how I'm getting on with the painting one done and part way through the second I think they are coming on ok. Will post images soon.

The models look cool! They will stand out nicely and really pop as sternguards I think :)


The color scheme, I had the same issue with my last scheme ( gryphon sephia white, black, green and red ). Some models tended to look more like christmas decoration than warhammer models. Thus I'm now re-doing the entire army ><

So paint a few models and see how you feel about them. If it doesn't bother you one bit, then go for it! If it has fluff behind it then let 'em roll.

But if it does bother you, then I recommend switching now before you have a massive pile to redo!


Stripping models can be a bit of a pain, but is you use the right stuff then you'll most likely get away with just a few of the bits falling off ( as the glue might get done in ). But nothing more serious.



  • 5 weeks later...

Wow it's been a long time since I updated this thread. That in mind here is next bit of the story and the first model painted. Apologies for the length of the story I will try to keep it down to a snippet to keep intrigue but not start telling an actually short story! Also the next update will include some background fluff. Also to inspire me to finish them they are now part of my LPC so consider this the first update!

+++++++++ Story +++++++++

…………………Passius moved silently and swiftly down the marble hallway his bare feet barely making a noise on the cold surface. The marble reminded Passius of a night sky lit up by the multitude of stars in the galaxy. Much of the flooring of Tartarus, the Fortress-Monastery of the Emperor’s Tears, used this marble. It was locally quarried in the Southern regions of Anitola, the main continent on Amon. The darkness of the flooring contrasted with the brilliant white stone used for the walls of the fortress. These came from the neighbouring planet Friakkah. Tartarus was built into the side of a large mountain on a small island surrounded by great seas. It was a fortress of immense beauty and almost had an ethereal look to it with its high walls and spindly towers that reached almost up as far as the upper atmosphere. The great seas surrounding the island meant it was often cloaked in mist and fog that added to the awe of the white fortress. For all its beauty it was still very definitely a fortress and one of great power. Passius could still recall the construction of Tartarus, it had been a mammoth undertaken but once completed Tartarus was clearly an appropriate home for the Emperor’s most holy Astartes. Built with the co-operation of the greatest minds and resources of the Inquisition, Adeptus Mechanicus and the mighty Imperial Fists, under the direction of Captain Lysander himself, Passius doubted he had seen a mightier fortress since he visited Holy Terra itself. Passius stood before the mighty double oak door that led into the Audience Chamber and collected his thoughts. He had been summoned by his young Captain, Demos, for an audience with himself and Chapter Master Ankou. Demos was a young rising star within the Chapter and Passius took great pride in the fact that he had been the one to oversee both his selection and initial training.

Passius pushed one of the heavy oak doors open, the fine carving in the wood depicting the Siege of Terra as the tide turned on the Traitors. Slipping inside the Audience Chamber Passius was again awe struck by the immense beauty and space of the chamber. It was designed to hold the whole Chapter on parade. In theory it was where the Chapter Master heard petitions for aid and welcomed visitors, but the Tears of the Emperor were a secretive Astartes Chapter. Those seeking aid from the Chapter were rarely allowed into Amon air space never mind actually setting foot within the halls of Tartarus. The Tears of the Emperor believed that the greatest defence for their homeworld was secrecy. Therefore few knew exactly where it was. Requests for aid were made to a small detachment of the Chapter based on the Inquisition Space Station the Chiron which orbited an uninhabited planet on the far side of the system from Amon. The request would be forwarded by the senior Astartes to Tartarus. Only if the Chapter believed it necessary would a small petitioning party be allowed to petition in person within the walls of Tartarus. When such permission was given the Chapter would collect the party from Chiron and bring them back following the petition. This way did the Chapters location remain a mystery to all save fellow Astartes, who knew where the Homeworld was and were welcomed to make direct contact, and the Holy Inquisition who again could make direct contact. The audience chamber was truly a breathtaking room. Its ceiling, rising high above, was made from stain glass windows depicting some of the greatest Astartes battles in the history of the Imperium from the 1st Battle of Armageddon to the victory on Ullanor during the Great Crusade. The moon light shining through the glass caused a myriad of colours to dart across the dark marble floor of the chamber. Nine pillars made from Terran marble were arrayed along the outskirts of the room in two lines of four with one standing at the end in the middle. Each pillar bore a dramatic and finely sculpted statue of the nine loyalist Primarchs who stood by the Emperor during the tragic events of the Horus Heresy. The pillar at the end was home to the perhaps the greatest sculpted statue, that of Sanguinius, the Angel. It had been a personal gift to the Chapter from Lord Dante, of the Blood Angels, in thanks for a crucial action by the Chapter in the recent Archaon wars. Sanguinius was depicted in flight his sword held high above his head ready to strike down those who opposed the Emperor. Opposite Sanguinius was the Chapter Masters throne where he sat and heard petitions for aid and presided over his Chapter. The throne was made from the bones of a mighty Kraken killed near the island Tartarus stood on. Above the throne suspended from the ceiling was a huge tear drop of deepest blue Sapphire that sparkled in the candle light of the chamber. Behind the throne a giant gold statue of an Eagle rose up from the ground its wings almost encompassing the throne in a similar vein to the Chapter badge. Behind that still further, ivory steps led up to an altar standing high above the throne. The altar was covered in a brilliant white cloth and bore no embellishments. On its top sat a large Gold, but rather plain Chalice protected by a stasis field. This Chalice was one of the Chapters greatest relics, given to the Chapter by the Adeptus Custodes, collected within it were the tears of the Emperor himself. The wall behind the altar was covered from floor to ceiling by gold gothic sculptures of many of the Imperiums Saints and greatest heroes. To the right of the throne was a spiral staircase that led below the chamber to the personal quarters of the Chapter Master. Passius surveyed the chamber and was not surprised to find Captain Demos kneeling before the statue of Sanguinius. Demos had always found a close affinity with the Primarch of the Blood Angels, his tactics, his dedication, his humility and his skill at arms. Passius began to cross the great chamber to join his Captain but did so quietly as to not disturb Demos’ supplications. Demos was wearing the pearly white tabard of the Chapter as Passius was but where Passius had a red sash tied around his waist and looping over his shoulder denoting him as a sergeant, Demos wore a deep violet sash denoting him as a Captain of the Chapter. Demos’ hair was long and touched his shoulders, it was fiery orange like all natives of Amon although Demos’ looked like it was almost alive with flame so orange was it. Passius stopped short of his Captain standing just behind him to the right, as he came to rest he saw Demos make the sign of the Aquila and raise his head, slowly his Captain brought himself up onto his feet.

“My Lord, I did not mean to disturb you” Passius said softly as Demos turned to face him. Like all natives of Amon, Demos’ skin had a pale blue hue to it, the candle light of the chamber danced across Demos’ face as he opened his eyes. Demos’ eyes were as red as the colour of a ruby gemstone, a side effect of the gene-seed used by the Chapter. When combined with the natural traits of the natives of Amon it gave the Chapter’s marines the look of a demon of olden tales.

“Passius my old friend what have I told you about calling me Lord” Demos spoke with a soft eloquent voice that often betrayed his underlying emotions. Demos was indeed quite the orator and he could raise the spirits of broken men and bring about great acts of courage and heroism through words alone. This time however it was clear that Demos held Passius in great affection although it was clear there was a small degree of annoyance in the words Demos spoke.

“Very well Demos I can see I will not win this one”

“Well as long as that is settled shall we walk together?” It was more of a statement than a question as Passius fell in beside his Captain and they began to walk to the Chapter Masters throne.

“It does the soul good to give supplication to one as great as Lord Sanguinius I find Passius. It is all too rare these days that I have time to stop and think about the great victories of the Primarchs and give supplication to them in this great hall.”

“It is testament to how much the Imperium needs great heroes like them, like yourself Demos that we fight so often”

“Passius my old friend you are too kind to me I am but a young Captain in the service of the Holy Emperor if I was to be half the man Sanguinius was I would have lived a life fulfilled.” The colours on the floor from the stained glass windows were beginning to wane as the Moon began to slip from the early morning sky while the two Astartes crossed the Chamber.

Passius and Demos were almost at the throne when they noticed candle light emerging from the stairs beside it. The first figure to emerge from the stairs went and stood to the right of the throne a second emerging closely behind stood to the left. They too wore the simple tabards of the Chapter both with rope sashes denoting them to be Brother Marines, but on their chests were sewn green wreaths denoting them as members of the Chapter Masters Honour Guard. They both wore their hoods up concealing their faces. Both held aloft large gold candles in their outermost hand from the throne. Finally a third figure emerged from the stairs wearing the simple tabard but with the gold sash of the Chapter Master. As Chapter Master Ankou took his place standing in front of the throne Passius and Demos dropped to one knee their right hands held in fists placed against their chests.

“Rise my Brothers” Ankou said softly as he moved towards them. Demos and Passius rose to their feet and Demos took Ankou’s hand in the warriors embrace. “Well met Brother-Captain, it has been too long since I have seen you here on the shores of Tartarus, Demos”

“The Emperors enemies are many my Lord and we are but a tear drop in a vast ocean”

“True my dear Demos, too true I’m afraid” Ankou moved to stand in front of Passius and offered his arm outstretched which Passius took. “And how are you my oldest friend still as strong and agile as ever I hope?”

“My Lord that I am.” Passius responded enthusiastically.

With that Ankou moved back to the throne and stood in front of it. “Brothers you have returned to us at an opportune time. We have just received a petition for aid from our fellow Brothers of the Crimson Fists. It appears a new Ork Warlord is gathering several warbands together near the Rynn system in an attempt to launch a new Waargh.” Ankou paused to allow the news to sink in, all Astartes knew of the tragic events that had befallen Rynn’s World not long ago, and the dire situation it had left the Crimson Fists in. “I have agreed to supply what aid we can to help them tackle this warlord before he gains enough power to launch a full Waargh. Currently the Second and Third companies are involved in fighting with the Tau Empire. The Fifth, Sixth and Seventh companies are fighting the Tyranid Hive fleet Leviathan while much of the Eighth company are seconded to the Deathwatch with most of my own First company. I have requested the return of these forces with the Deathwatch but it will be some time before they are returned to Tartarus. While you were waging war on the foul Eldar Xenos of the Biel Tan craftworld recruitment to our ranks has continued at pace but still the Ninth and Tenth companies are not yet operational. I am sorry Demos that your stay here will be so short but we need you to take the Fourth Company back to war.”

“My Lord it is an honour to serve, and I relish the opportunity to fight alongside Brother Astartes of such dedication and loyalty as the Crimson Fists.” Demos’ answer was enthusiastic and clear, Passius was proud of his Captain. Demos saw most opportunities to work with fellow Astartes as an opportunity to learn of new cultures and strategies it had been something Passius had instilled in Demos when he was still a Sergeant about to take up his first secondment to the Deathwatch.

“Then Brother-Captain you will take the Fourth Company along with those new recruits ready for your company and make all haste on board the Battle Barge ‘Cerberus’ to Rynn’s World where Chapter Master Kantor is awaiting your arrival.” Ankou turned to face Passius “Passius, I understand from Brother-Captain Demos that you and he feel there are enough experienced Brothers in the Fourth Company to create a Sternguard Squad?”

“This is true my Lord. Four of the Brothers from the Fourth Company have excelled recently in fighting against the Eldar scum and previous to that they have all served in the Deathwatch at various times.”

“Very well Brother Sergeant Passius you shall lead this Sternguard squad the first of the Fourth Company but Emperor willing the first of many.”

“It will be my honour Lord.”

“This brings me onto the second bit of auspicious news. The first of the Chapters Strike Cruisers is ready to be collected from the Shipyards of Saturn. The other six are nearing completion as well but we cannot wait; this one Strike Cruiser will dramatically increase the firepower of Captain Demos’ strike force and allow for greater mobility. Therefore Passius as soon as your squad is ready you are to go to Saturn and collect the ship ‘Intrepid’ from the docks. The Crimson Fists have leant us one of their massive cargo vessels for your journey. You will take the equipment and armour from our forge that the ‘Intrepid’ will need to serve as the Fourth Companies home. Upon arrival at Saturn you are to transfer this equipment and armour to the ‘Intrepid’ and then bring her home to Amon. Here we will install her Reliquary, Chapel and Librarium before you and the ‘Intrepid’ to join Captain Demos.” Ankou turned to face them both. “May the Emperor and the Primarchs watch over you, guide you and work through you. Through the tears of the Emperor we will wash away the threat of the Xenos, Heretic and Demon”

Demos and Passius made the sign of the Aquila and bowed their heads before Ankou returned the symbol and then left the throne making his way down the stairs to his chambers with his honour guard. Demos and Passius were left alone in the Audience Chamber………………

+++++++ Models +++++++++

So here he is Brother Artorus:






C&C welcome........

So it never rains but it pours as we say back in Blighty.

So update two of the day.......this time some fluff on the Homeworld and Brother Chorus.

+++++++++ Fluff ++++++++++

Homeworld –

Amon, the Homeworld of the Tears of the Emperor Astartes Chapter is located to the Galactic South East of Holy Terra. Its actual location is a well kept secret guarded closely by the Inquisition and other Astartes Chapters. Amon is found in the Korrian System which in turn is part of the Tartu sub-sector, in Ultima Segmentum near the systems of Veridian and Kolarne. The Korrian system is home to a small Inquisitorial Space Station a number of mining planets and the feral world of Amon itself. Amon is a relatively small planet covered in a large ocean, known to the locals as the Ageaus Sea. There are two medium sized continents and a large number of islands. It is clear from the mountainous landscape that dominates both of the continents and many of the islands that at one time Amon was far from the stable world it is now and was racked by earthquakes and volcanoes. Today however Amon’s mountains stand dormant and while there are still earthquakes there are few of significant magnitude. The ocean of Amon is inhabited by all manner of deadly predators greatest of all are the Krakken and the Cestus Sea Leviathans. On the two large continents there are a number of dangerous predators including Giant Eagles capable of cleaving a man in two with their claws. The Human population has yet to reach blackpowder levels of technology although on the larger of the two continents, Anitola, a small Imperial colony oversees the mining of Amon’s rare marble. This colony is cut off from the rest of the continent by a large mountain range and the colony does not interfere with the local population. The Governor of the colony answers to the Chapter Master of the Tears of the Emperor alone. Of the rest of the planet the islands and the continents are home to a number of city states that are often at war with each other. Typically the local population use a combination of spears, shields and swords although the highest ranking members of the city states armies’ use double ended sword. Every day is a struggle for survival for the indigenous populace against the natural world around them and against each other. Despite this and the constant warring the people of Amon are great artists, blacksmiths, musicians and philosophers. In appearance people of Amon share a common look, traits of the environment in which they live. Their skin has a pale blue hue while their hair is a fiery orange. They are brave and hardy souls and make excellent recruits for the chapter.

The Tears of the Emperor’s Fortress Monastery is on an isolated island left undisturbed by the warring city states. The Fortress, named Tartarus, is built into the side of the mountain at the heart of the island. Built using white stone from a nearby planet, Tartarus has a number of large spindly spires reaching towards the upper atmosphere. The largest of these Spires breaks into the upper atmosphere and includes a docking ring where the space vessels of the Chapter lie docked. The fortress was built with the best technology the Adeptus Mechanicus and Inquisition have at their disposal and its layout was conceived by Captain Lysander of the Imperial Fists.

And here's Brother Chorus:






C&C would be great.....next will be a third Brother with no fluff or story and some WIPs of some officers in the Chapter.

Oh dear....


Well, to start off on a good note, the colors, as odd as they are, seem to work surprisingly well together. It's still a bit discombobulated (amazing that spell check actually acknowledges that as a word), but over all it somehow works well enough.


Now the bad news...much as I hate to say it, it seems that clumpy basecoat really messed uped things. Almost the entirety of the models has some chunky, mustardy texture to it. Partly, it looks like you could thin your paints a bit, but really I don't know if there's any coming back from that botched primer.


I know, given the variety of different bits and greenstuff (very ambitious builds by the way, I really liked them pre-prime), stripping is not much of an option. So, I'd say either carry on and do the best with what you've got, or consider rebooting the project.


By the way, if you used GW White Primer, that makes things a bit worse. I've never had any luck in stripping white, despite numerous attempts.


Best of luck to you, whatever you decide to do.

Well, frankly, I think I like the colour scheme. I am impressed at the amount of converting and greenstuffing you've actually put into this and you've got a solid grasp of the layering technique.


That being said, the blotchiness takes away a lot from the models. It's unfortunate, but at the moment there's seemingly nothing you can do about it. What you can do for the next model though, is water out your paints a bit because when you're layering (a personally favourite technique btw) you put on, well, several layers of paint. If these aren't thinned down then it's gonna get even blotchier. So at the moment I'm not actually sure if it's the undercoating or the thick layers of paint doing the damage. It could be the next model looks nice and healthy!


When I had been painting for a while a coupla years ago I was a huge fan of the layering technique and I think it's a great basis for learning more advanced ones. I also like it a bit better because it requires more skill than just plopping on some washes (not that I have a problem with people using washes! I do it myself!) but so great props to you for that, and keep on keepin' on.


So, to sum up that unecessarily large wall of text, thin your paints a bit more :D and keep practicing!

Firepower and Goose: Cheers for the comments, glad you think the colour scheme actually works.....have to agree that in principle it really shouldn't especially with the addition of the redbut still it just kind of does.


So quick couple of things from now on this thread will just be the WIP models as the fluff and story have become way too long what can I say I'm a historian so sue me :)


I may carry on both but in other forums.


Back to the models so to summarise must thin down paint more.......no problems thanks for the advice I did thin them down a bit but clearly not enough so thanks for the advice ;)


As for stripping I think I'm just going to finish this squad as is but does anyone have any advice on how to successfully prime the models in white so I don't get the clumpy awlful look they got......it was truly heartbreaking and now I'm doing a Vanguard squad and characters I really don't think I could take it if it happened again :rolleyes:


Thanks as always for all the comments and replies it's really useful.

So here is another update with Brother Cestus, painted before the advice about thinning my paints down further last completed one:






And now for some WIPs first up Chaplain Cato:



Next up Chalice Bearer Perseus (Counts as Sanguinary Priest):




Librarian Phoustos:


And finally a very very early WIP of Captain Demos (Counts as Seth) so far just the legs:



Comments, Criticisms all welcome hope people like my latest attempts at both painting and modelling.


Wow, I really dig your mix and match of body parts. The Librarian and Chaplain have a killer setup. You have a super nice army idea here. Hope you sort out the spray paint thing. I'd test on a metal mini the next can of spray you use to be sure the temperature, distance and all that works out for you. If you do strip the rest of your models, seperate the greenstuff fromn the model and just strip the plastic. Deal with the existing paint on the GS and go from there.


Read all the C&C, and NO ONE commented on the NAME of your chapter. Tears? C'mon! Like you tear a sheet of paper in half or tears as in crybaby? Space Marines dont cry. The Emperor never cried. Ever. (did he? hehe...) I'd totally change the name of your chapter to something else.


Fluf is important, but when you have synonyms like these associated with tears; breach, cleft, crack, discontinuity, disjunction, division, fracture, gap, gash, hole, rent, rift, rupture, schism, split... it makes one wonder.

Of course, tears can be interpreted this way: break, claw, cleave, crack, damage, divide, evulse, extract, fray, frazzle, gash, grab, impair, incise, injure, jigsaw, lacerate, mangle, mutilate, pluck, pull, pull apart, rend, ribbon, rift, rive, run, rupture, scratch, seize, separate, sever, shred, slash, slit, snatch, split, sunder, wrench, wrest, yank, and those seem better, you still cant shake the negative connotations of the word.


I'd go for something less ambiguous. Something less dubious in name and meaning. Something in keeping with the fluff you've written. I'd change from tears to life blood of the Emperor or Something that moves away from crying. I dont know what you can change it to because anthing else moves in the direction of blood drops... And that would change your paint scheme. And blood drop chapters are already extremely prolific. And if you really think tears are the way to go, then cool. More power to ya, I just dont like tghe name. My 2 cents.


EDIT: One last thing. I like how you tie in other chapters in the fluf. But one thing stood out. Lysander. Why would he help to design a fortress on a feral world. What are you denfending? The Imperium would never sanction something so expensive on a back water world. I'd make the tears of the emperor have some secret the ordo wants hidden... maybe a fortress where the ordo can keep all their xeno artifacts out mind and out of sight. What better place than a fortress monastery of the Adeptus Astartes? That'd give your chapter more fluf, more secrets more mystery and justify a big ass spire fortress in the middle of nowhere. Well, anyway, gl and hf.

Read all the C&C, and NO ONE commented on the NAME of your chapter. Tears? C'mon! Like you tear a sheet of paper in half or tears as in crybaby? Space Marines dont cry. The Emperor never cried. Ever. (did he? hehe...) I'd totally change the name of your chapter to something else.


If I'm not mistaken, it means tears as in crying, yes. And the Emperor did and does cry according to an old little snippet from some 2nd Edition book, where every astartes that died prompted Him to shed some itsy bitsy almost inconceivably small tear, which of course was reverently collected up. It ended with something like "only when the most horrible of tragedies befalls His sons does the Emperor weep openly." Also, the big teardrop custom shoulder plates is kind of a give away ;)


Back on the color scheme, the more I look at it, the more I have to agree with Hubernator to some degree. The red has a very odd tint to it, and doesn't really compliment any of the other colors. The purple though, if it were lightened up just a smidge, would continue to work fine, and could probably take the place of the red bits.

Thanks for all the comments everyone really appreciate it.


Firepower is correct it is tears as in weeping. My idea is that ever since the Heresy the Emperor has wept every time one of his sons (space marines) has turned his back on him. these tears are collected by the Custodes as they have miraculous properties. The Tears of the Emperor were gifted some of the Emperor's Tears to help them in their fight against the enemies of humanity. The Tears of the Emperor use his tears as part of the gene-seed process.


I think it the lighting was better the red would like ok as it kind of does in the flesh problem is I'm relying on ceiling lights as my model lamp is back in the UK. As for changing it to Purple it's a good idea one that is partially being used.......basically the ordinary Brothers have red, Sergeants have red but with red cloaks and red horse hair crests, Officers (Librarians, Chaplains, Chalice Bearers) have white, finally company Captains have purple, purple cloaks and purple horse hair.


Dizzy: I like your idea of hiding something secretive for the Ordos Xenos. Originally in my mind Lysander had helped as the Chapter had fought side by side with the Fists against Iron warriors but you have def given me food for thought.


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