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Lamenters Strike Force Iltempus


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I like the look of a "Front Liner" to him. Nitty-gritty and gets his hands dirty without any super flashy gear draped all over.


Glad you picked up on that, I actually envision this Malakim as the 'modern' version, hundreds of years after the Badab War, so he isn't so 'fair of face'...

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I like the look of a "Front Liner" to him. Nitty-gritty and gets his hands dirty without any super flashy gear draped all over.


Glad you picked up on that, I actually envision this Malakim as the 'modern' version, hundreds of years after the Badab War, so he isn't so 'fair of face'...


I can definitely feel that with this model. A definite "Before And After" if you were to compare our models.


fair of face


I suddenly have this bizarre desire to convert Malakim out of Sigvald the Magnificent.


You know, I read it the same way and envisioned him with brilliantly colored armor and a flowing mane of hair.

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fair of face


I suddenly have this bizarre desire to convert Malakim out of Sigvald the Magnificent.


You know, I read it the same way and envisioned him with brilliantly colored armor and a flowing mane of hair.



You were supposed to talk me out of it.



Hm, hm. Those legs aren't right for power armor at all. And I don't like the pauldrons. But the chest is fine, and an arm swap for that shield for an infernus pistol wouldn't be too hard.

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fair of face


I suddenly have this bizarre desire to convert Malakim out of Sigvald the Magnificent.


You know, I read it the same way and envisioned him with brilliantly colored armor and a flowing mane of hair.



You were supposed to talk me out of it.



Hm, hm. Those legs aren't right for power armor at all. And I don't like the pauldrons. But the chest is fine, and an arm swap for that shield for an infernus pistol wouldn't be too hard.


Not to mention that Sigvald is a REALLY small model, unfiting IMO for a space marine...

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that malakim phoros is really inspired. I like what you did with him :D


Are you planning on making one for your army?


I know I am. In fact, I'm going to make 2 I think — one to actually be Malakim, and one to counts-as that fits in with my other models for his rules without actually being a Lamenter army.

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that malakim phoros is really inspired. I like what you did with him :lol:


Are you planning on making one for your army?


of course! But first I'd like to finish my 2nd company. Once that's done, I'll spread out my work more - 1st company, armoury, and command structures (librarium, calix, reclusiam, and malakim of course).

Ah well, who knows? Maybe I can't resist and will build him earlier...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Stormraven 'Heavens Fall' arrives on the scene...







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That top hatch is just begging for a "drive me closer, I want to hit them with my sword" style commander. Good job making the model look less like a brick.


PS: Drilling the multimelta barrels is my only real criticism....

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Very nice! I like the simple but effective blacked out canopy and the more streamlined look without the large air intake and turret. Only thing I dont like are the red and blue Bloodstrike missiles but that's just me :D . Great work :devil:
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Looking great!


Those MMs, is it hard to magnetise them so you can use all the weapon load outs? My brother is a BA player and a bit of a magnet lover. :lol: I am sure he'd even magnetise those lascannons.


Have you used it it games often or are you nervous about the 200+pts and the av12?


It would be great to see it in a BoLS video. I am sure Black Orange runs training sessions on the Storm Raven. First lesson free :P


I have always been a yellow lover, ever since I was a little boy. Your army looks really good on the video batreps.


Will any dripping hearts go on the SR?

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