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Lamenters Strike Force Iltempus


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wow such a nice base on that raven :( may i ask how you got that look to it?


oh and er...the raven itself is very nice to :)


The base is done with a couple large rocks, my sand mix (which has sand, sawdust, tiny sprue pieces, and a little cat litter) drybrushed Calthan Brown, Dhene Stone on the rocks, medium green static grass to taste.


Those MMs, is it hard to magnetise them so you can use all the weapon load outs? My brother is a BA player and a bit of a magnet lover. :( I am sure he'd even magnetise those lascannons.


Really easy I'm sure, maybe not for the turret weapons, but still doable.


Have you used it it games often or are you nervous about the 200+pts and the av12?


It would be great to see it in a BoLS video. I am sure Black Orange runs training sessions on the Storm Raven. First lesson free :(


I have always been a yellow lover, ever since I was a little boy. Your army looks really good on the video batreps.


Not nervous at all, though I'm really looking forward to getting the second one. I plan on using it in a battle report soon, maybe with the Sanguinor in it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Revered Ancient Tyrus






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Aventine, that dread is outstanding! love love love it! If i may make a slight suggestion; In my personal opinion, the wires/cables around the sarcophagus/skull are a little on the bright side, and take the focus away from the model and onto them. If it were me, and i am by no means as excellent of a painter as you are, i would hit the red cables/hoses with either a black/mud wash or use a slightly darker color. Just my humble opinion, however. Either way, that is a sweet lookin dread!
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  • 4 weeks later...
nice conversion on the Storm Raven there Aventine. What did you use on the dread's right shoulder there (that you ended up painting checkered)? Looks like a good idea B)
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  • 2 weeks later...
nice conversion on the Storm Raven there Aventine. What did you use on the dread's right shoulder there (that you ended up painting checkered)? Looks like a good idea ;)


Ironclad Assault Launcher

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my 2nd Stormraven done...







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so is the plastic Furioso a nice model? ive got 2 of the metal ones lying around. might save one for when i need a dreadsock once (one is incomplete anyway :HQ:) and replace the other one with a plastic version.
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so is the plastic Furioso a nice model? ive got 2 of the metal ones lying around. might save one for when i need a dreadsock once (one is incomplete anyway :o) and replace the other one with a plastic version.


Quite nice. And it's loaded with bits!

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