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horrain's Space Wolves


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Following are early WIP shots for my 2011 LPC entry, sorry about the quality of the photos, in the shots of the Long Wolf in TDA(Minotaur) make is look pretty bad, but in reality in looks far cooler :rolleyes:


2x Rhinos



5x Grey Hunters



5x Long Fangs



3x TWC



First Lone Wolf





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I really like your Cloven and the conversion on the minotaur's armor looks already very promising as well.


I know it's an eraly WIP, but the sheer size of the model dwarfs the thunderhammer. I think you could even get away with putting something the size of a dreadnought's PF on top of the pole he's holding and it still wouldn't look out of proportion, due to GW's 'heroic' scale. Right now he feels a little underequipped, even if it's true to the WYSIWYG maxim. Just a thought.


Apart from that I really like what I'm seeing. :HQ:



Id use this Forgeworld Mark IV dreadnought ccw as the top of the Lone Wolf hammer. It would bulk it out a bit. The rest of your army is looking spectacular!!!!! Just think the hammer is undersized as well.

Yeah I agree about the size of the Thunder Hammer, I spent an hour or so riffling though my bits boxes to try and find something suitably massive but couldn't find anything that would fit. So I just used a simple hammer from a TDA kit. The rest of the model is pinned, but the hammer wasn't allowing me to easily replace it, so...



Has been ordered :) I'll paint up what I have so far, and add the new head once it arrives in the post.


For my second Lone Wolf I was planning on equipping him with Chainfist + Storm Shield, for that conversion I was thinking about using the power fist from the Black Ridge dreadnought as the base, then adding an under slung chainsaw :lol:


Thanks all for the kind words :) Will hopefully have some updates for you this week, last night I made a start on painting the Terminotaur, so should have something to show in a day or so.

Wait wait.... I have 2000p of beastmen that I hate playing with, lots of GS and stuff. Maybe, just maybe, I can use them like this =D


A while back I posted up a tutorial for the basic beastmarines, and I've half written one for my TWC that I'll be posting once I finish painting them for example photos and the like.


And once thats all done I'll write one for the 'Terminotaur' :P

Hey all, just a quick update, gotten most of the block colouring done, but I still need to go over it all and add some weathering and gore to break up the large expanses of green and brown/tan.


My order from Forgeworld arrived yesterday, which was pretty fast, normally my orders from them take months. So I remove the tiny hammer head and added something far meaner looking :huh:







Comments and critiques welcomed, and again sorry for the poor quality of the photos, though I discovered the lighting in my corridor is better than where I do my painting ;)

Right, I've finished my first Lone Wolf, I've taken a bunch of photos showing it off, and a final picture to show the raw scale of this model compared to a standard marine.


Now to decide what to work on next, I'm thinking my TWC.






Just a quick group shot with his two pet Fenrisian Wolves(Boarz) Om and Nom :)



I popped the Terminotaur next to a standard Marine, he's basically two and a bit times bigger, so IRL he would be about 14' tall :S



Hopefully when joined by my upcoming TWC and Wolf Lord I will have a striking collection of center pieces for my army :D

Hey, thanks nice words, played a game tonight and the Terminotaur got eaten by the "doom of malan'tai" but he did a mighty good job of damage control, allowing my Lord and his TWC brothers to kill off the Hive Tyrant and a Marloc :lol:


What greens are you using for the armour?

I base coat the armour in Goblin Green, then do two stages of highlighting using a mixture of Goblin Green and Golden Yellow, I'm not 100% of the ratios, when I start an army I tend to pre-mix and water my colours to speed everything up.


Once thats done I get some Dark Angels Green, water it down so its like a wash, then put it in cracks etc. Then use Catachan Green for the chips with Mithril Silver inside the chips. Then I take the final highlight and do a 3:2 mix with white, then apply this on extreme edges etc.


I think some cool armour on them would be dope as shizz. Like the armoured polar bears from Northern Lights by Phillip Pullman :lol: :cuss :)

I was thinking amour armouring my Fenrisian Boarz but when I was building them I didn't have any plastic card, though once everything else is done I may go back and upgrade them ;) Or use the armour to depict Cyber Wolves, which are a slightly better version.


I'd love to add some beast marines to my renegade logan wing

DO IT!!!! :)

I like how your doing the combi weapon conversions, might have to see about doing something simular for my Wolf Guard.


One question: where did you get those cool missle launchers?

They are from the Imperial Guard Heavy Weapons Team, you get three in a box, or many from a bits site, I only used them because they cost a fraction of the SM Missile Launcher, and it goes with the looted theme I've been working on :)


Hopefully have an update soon with some TWC goodness.

Cheers for the input for the combi weapons, they are cheap and easy, though I only use them to represent combi meltas, made one just like the others but with half a plasma pistol on the front for a combi plas (got a 3 combi plasma termies, and all 3 of them have differently made combi weapons :D)


I will make some, dont you worry, having bought a landraider, 2 boxes of blood crushers, a box of berzerkers (to make the riders) and a box of termies I think i've spent enough for a few months heh.


are they just chaos beast men with back packs and shoulder pads?


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