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Word Beareres bases suggestions?


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Hello again,



some might remember that I posted a thread about Iron Warrior bases not so long ago.

For all those who don't know/remember: I'm modeling and painting evry Chaos Legion + few warbands (yes I'm that nuts).

As for basing them, I like to have it that evry base represent the Legion.


So far I have:



Iron Warriors: city ruins + trenches

Black Legion: gravel + grass (largest legion should have most common base (in my opinion that is), and they represent evrything and nothing)

World Eaters: Cooled down pitch black lava rocks with a river of blood (water effects)

Thousand Sons: Egyptian desert theme (don't have them yet but that will be the base)

Death Guard: Slimy swamp (don't have them yet but that will be the base)



Skyrar dark Wolves: Snow

The Purge: Dead, dried out ground


This time I'm working on Word Bearers, group of CSM and Possessed.

And I have absolutely no idea what to put on the base and represent Word Bearers.


Any suggestions would be welcome.

Also, if you have ideas for the other Legions, post them aswel so I don't have to annoy people with 3 more threats in the future :)



Thank you for your time




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Tough one if you really want it to represent Word Bearers and not just be random bases of some sort of terrain that you happen to like.


It all boils down to what is iconic for the Bearers of the Word which is zealous faith, the occult and daemons really. Extrapolating from that it could be summoning circles, pentagrams, candles, daemonic entities emerging, books, warp portals, sacrifices, chaos effigies or symbols of faith and quite possibly lots more!


Not saying that some of those would be easy to implement but that should give you some ideas :)


Spread the Word!

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Tough one if you really want it to represent Word Bearers and not just be random bases of some sort of terrain that you happen to like.


It all boils down to what is iconic for the Bearers of the Word which is zealous faith, the occult and daemons really. Extrapolating from that it could be summoning circles, pentagrams, candles, daemonic entities emerging, books, warp portals, sacrifices, chaos effigies or symbols of faith and quite possibly lots more!


Not saying that some of those would be easy to implement but that should give you some ideas :)


Spread the Word!


This is also where my line of thought brought me.

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don't foregt you could go with the "sacrifice grounds" theme, namely rivlets of blood and slain foes on the bases in various degrees of dismemberment as a dark effigy to the 4 gods. i would try to keep the ground a greyish color to show kinda a "what they where" feel, as it was their pre-heresy coloring to contrast with what they are now,
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