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BA Chaplain


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Hi there I thought I'd throw up my Chaplain. I was given Lemartes for Christmas but alas, I already had him. So, I thought to myself, I'll do so minor conversions and use him as a regular Chappy for my DC. This is the first model I've painted properly in about 6 months so I was quite pleased with how he came out. Comments and Crit is always welcomed as I've probably missed a load of stuff. The base isn't finished yet but the model is as far as I can tell.


Cheers for looking









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Cheers fellas, was a bit worried all my painting knowledge had done an Elvis and left the building so to speak, so was quite pleased with how he turned out. I brought the red up from Mechrite Red and kept mixing in Blood Red until I was using pure Blood Red and then for the final highlighting just added a bit of Blazing Orange to the mix.
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  • 1 month later...

I've added the wings to my Sang Guard having previously left em off. I decided I'd go with gold to contrast the red armour.





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