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Punisher Warband

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Not really, as far as I know. Just another random warband they threw into the codex for variety I guess.

However, I did find this on Lexicanum:

"The Dark Hunters have a reputation for being particularly grim and resolute warriors. They are one of the seven chapters charged with elimination of the Chaos Renegades faction known as the "Punishers".

Taken from the page on the loyalist codex chapter, the "Dark Hunters". Take from it what you will, but if 7 chapters have been charged with taking them down, they must be a bit of a threat.

Hope that helps. B)

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mind you it says "renegade faction" so my guess is theyre something akin to the red corsairs :) pirates/renegades who pulled men from several sources to form a huge threat to the imperium. i doubt 1 chapter worth of renegades would be targetted by 7 chapters
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