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Iron Gauntlet 2011

Brother Argent

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Okay, my IA is up! Link in the siggy, if you're so inclined.


Now I can give more attention to critiquing others.


Bracing for criticism!


I refuse critique based on the hideously clashing colours :D


Boo, hiss.


Want me to send you a version with just the text? :P


To be honest, I'd er.. Actually forgotten your IA, which might be why I picked on Blacklights ;)


And a job well done there, too.


I'm having second thoughts on Blacklight's myself; I'll give it another read when I wake up from my nap.


Quote-Train! *Choo-Choo!*


Ahem.. I'll have a look at the Host tomorrow, I'll be at work all day so I'll need something to pass the time ;)

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So is/are the first challenge(s) going to be issued on Tuesday?!


Probably yes. Depends on how I go with work on Tuesday.


Just a reminder to people (myself included) that if I dont have a January update and a link for your IA by Tuesday then you fail the challenge already (and that would be sad... very sad...)

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@The Shiny One


Nope not too late to enter your Traitors. Last slot filled with them, however so no more signups after yours.




A Monthly Update is required every month of the Challenge, as stated in the first post. Basically all I want is every month you let people how you are doing with your Chapter/IA. What sort of help you need and to generally indicate that you are staying active with the Challenges. Last year a lot of people accepted the Challenge and then just faded into non-existance so I'm trying to prevent that again, or at least aknowledge when someone drops out of the Challenge.

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A Monthly Update is required every month of the Challenge, as stated in the first post. Basically all I want is every month you let people how you are doing with your Chapter/IA. What sort of help you need and to generally indicate that you are staying active with the Challenges. Last year a lot of people accepted the Challenge and then just faded into non-existance so I'm trying to prevent that again, or at least aknowledge when someone drops out of the Challenge.

Ok, so I'll get my skates on! :unsure:



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I'd better post a new topic then, my old one has zero traffic. That and I haven't updated it recently. :cuss


I've been doing exactly what I've told myself not to do time and time again. Working on paper during the day and then being too lazy to retype my notes. Then losing them. I swear I've written the same notes over and over and over again recently.

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Apologies for not actively reading others and working on my own this past week. Need a new processor for my desktop and have just hijacked a family members laptop.


January update of the Claws of Forca would be what it has right now, which is to say Origins and Homeworld with the rest in outline form and all of it needing more stuff. Managed to put some stuff down in a notebook I've been brainstorming of and will get it onto their IA when I have time. And hopefully read through many of the other entries.

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SP, I think you need to update some of the links on the first post. My link for my new WIP is in my sig and a few of the other signups don't have links even though their chapters are on the first couple of pages of the Liber.


The reason I mention this is as with the news of the January update I'm a little nervous that without a working link on the front page my chapter may be cut, which I don't want.



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I think I may have already posted one, but for the sake of my peace of mind here is mine:


This month I made the IA and have revised it several times. I do not consider it a complete work yet as I feel it can still be improved.


On the model front I also ordered a battleforce to bolster the forces I got in the Assault on black Reach set

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I've updated the list on the first post and added some links I fished out of the frst few pages. Still a few I cant find but if those people get in soon I'm sure I'll let it slide just this once :)


As for my own January update I haven't had much of a chance to work on anything due to under staffing at work meaning I have to do all of my job and half of someone elses but I'm starting to get cracking now. The Iron Dragons sit as they did at the start of the Challenge with a major re-write incoming. The Exculpators have started as an idea but I feel they shall expand into something worthy of comment early next month (I have a wek off so I should get something done.)

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