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Iron Gauntlet 2011

Brother Argent

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Ok, here's my monthly update for January. I've started this IA from scratch and so far have done a bit of work developing the main subsections.


I like the way the concept is developing so far but I don't know if they IA really has a big enough hook to make them really interesting. I'm not in the market for making a chapter that is better than any of the others, but I want them to have a bit of a niche to keep the reader interested.


I'm going to try and develop to make them into a penitant chapter, untertaking crusades to purge the taint of their lineage.


If you guys have any feedback or ideas on how I can add some meat to the bones then I'd love to hear them!

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I just wanted to say a quick thank you to all who have helped me so far. Your continued help is greatly appreciated. I apologize for not offering a lot of comments, as I am new to the community and am still finding my sea legs, as it were. I'm also very strapped for time as I am a full time grad student, background investigator, husband, dad and Cubmaster. (heh, you'd think I'd use more scouts in my armies!)
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Why don't you think the hook is 'good' enough?

I don't know, I guess at the minute the IA is pretty basic so I'm not 100% convinced that the concept is enticing enough to draw in readers as it stands. Hopefully the IG will help me to get it beyond that stage. I like the idea of a highly religious Chapter so obsessed with atonement that they will do anything for absolution, I'm just not sure if it fits with the Space Marine archetype. God Emperor and all that.

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No that's a great hook, just don't try to shoe-horn the marines into a structure that they won't fit in. Instead, take the archetypes of the Astartes and fit their religious nature into it. Make it into a warrior-cult in the same way a regular chapter has their own individual (non-ecclesiarchichal) cult.


Make their faith theirs, not identical to the rest of the Imperiums.


They have their own reasons for their beliefs, for their reverence of the Emperor as a god where most don't. You justify and explain these reasons well enough and it will work more than fine, it could be great.

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Still in the process of brainstorming, but we're down to Origins now which will most likely be the final part before we do a first draft of the complete article: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=203425


Currently it's still somewhat unorganized, but the first post has most of the essential information. For everything else you'll have to read - a lot.

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Here is my January update for my Archangels Chapter...


I've been working on trying to make my chapter "more unique" as most of the comments have suggested.

Though trying to maintain a secretive Dark Angels feel and then explaining everything about my chapter seems at odds with one another!

I will be posting my edits shortly.


As far as miniatures are concerned - last challenge I went with a normal mixed force but for this challenge I think I will go for a Deathwing force if the challenge requirements allow for this.



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My apologies for my absence, several issues came up in quick succession that needed to be resolved as fast as possible. I should be able to have my update up tomorrow, so I'm hoping that doesn't count as a failure.

It shouldn't be (if it was, I would be quite surprised), so no need to worry ;)



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January update: I've started and greatly advanced the Lords of Shadow's outline, the single most major issue with the chapter I believe has been resolved. I would seriously appreciate any criticism or comments, as seven posts with 0 response is not entertaining, much less helpful to the IA.


But.. But.. But.. It's February!? :)

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January update: I've started and greatly advanced the Lords of Shadow's outline, the single most major issue with the chapter I believe has been resolved. I would seriously appreciate any criticism or comments, as seven posts with 0 response is not entertaining, much less helpful to the IA.


But.. But.. But.. It's February!? :D

Hey, I merely went along the January Update line.


I think it means that as by the end of January, this was done: Blah blah blah...

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January update: I've started and greatly advanced the Lords of Shadow's outline, the single most major issue with the chapter I believe has been resolved. I would seriously appreciate any criticism or comments, as seven posts with 0 response is not entertaining, much less helpful to the IA.


But.. But.. But.. It's February!? :D

Hey, I merely went along the January Update line.


I think it means that as by the end of January, this was done: Blah blah blah...


Well, I though it was funny :D

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I apologise for not getting the February challenge up earlier but I've been going straight from Fire Callouts to work to Fire Callouts (A fatality and a complete destroyed house) this followed by a Fire Watch (ensuring the house doesn't relight, which it did about thirty damned times, and making sure noone gets in to disturb evidence) until Five in the morning etc. All in all to busy. I'll drop a hint that the Challenge will be in regards to the Founding or "Founding Moment" of your Chapter, that is the(or one of) moment(s) that defined whom your Chapter is. I should get the full challejnge up tomorrow, baring any further emergencies.


My apologies again.


EDIT: @Octavulg: :rolleyes:

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