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Just Starting Chaos...


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I've been torn between Chaos and Eldar (and yes, I was going to do Chaos Eldar, but I've never done conversions before, and it seems that as most the Eldar troops are metal, I'd need some practice first), but finally clinched it, by buying a couple of Obliterators. And a 'Mark 2' Predator.


I was thinking of the following, which I'd love some input on.


I have around 15 unbuilt space marines... so if I get the battleforce, that's 30 chaos marines, with less "chaos bling" that normal. Plus the possessed sprues, which either can make the 5 possessed, or make 5 "Chosen" marines, and the bits left to maybe deck out the squad leaders, or make a basic "lord" until I can get one.


The battleforce should give me 8 'zerkers and a rhino too. I have a rhino built (and painted mostly in BA colours), one razorback unbuilt (wasn't intending to glue the top on, so i can swap them around as needed), so that should mean 3 rhinos for transport.


I have three rogue-trader havocs, a launcher, las-cannon and plasma-cannon. Sadly most people do not recommend mixing them, otherwise I'm two away from a havoc squad. I could just intersperse them into squads, or use some of the space marine havocs to fill it out.


The last thing I have, which probably is pointless... is a Chaos Dreadnought from Space Crusade. Not sure how many weapon options I have for it, or even if it's legal to use, but I thought to throw it in there.




So that's what I have so far. I do have various space marines (see the blog for the list), but not really used them.


The theme for the army is something I was working on in the "make your own loyalist chapter" forum, the 'Unwanted'. However due to some of the BL books, it seems that regular space marines do fall to chaos, even willingly, so these chaos marines that aren't as covered in "chaos bling" will be painted in original chapters, such as BA, UM, etc. I'm thinking, the two obliterators, I'll do in Deathwing terminator colours, so they'll have colourful pulsating flesh between bone armour. I can't do this with 'zerkers as much, unless i use Death company parts to create some, mixed in with chaos, which would match the whole mentality, and maybe plague marines, if I can go through the history and find a chapter that has fought and lost against Nurgle, maybe have them painted in those colours, but nurgle-y-fied.


The Predator is sadly an annihilator. It's a metal turret so in theory it should come apart, and if I can get the autocannon fitting (my friend has twin bolters for the sponsons), I can get it running as a dakka-pred or combi-pred. For now, I'll have to use it as "counts as", but it's painted as Dark Angels, which fits the theme perfectly. Maybe daub some chaos symbols on the sides, to show it's rough allegiance, and if I do use it in a SM force, I'll just say it's Chaos graffiti that they can't seem to clear off.



So far then:


3x 10 chaos marines, with rhino

Predator (anhilator)

2x Obliterators

5 Havocs (can possibly make 1-2 las, 1-2 plas, 1-2 launcher)


So, That's the start. Other than the Codex, what more do I need? Will the "mixed fallen legions" idea work? Is it ok to have chaos marines without as much 'bing'?

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When you get to know the lore behind Chaos and Chaos Marines a little better, you'll realize that with Chaos anything goes. Take it as it sounds - ANYTHING.


If you can think it and give it a nice Chaosy twist, then by all means do it. Sometimes the rules help, and sometimes they don't in that regard. I'm not going to give you any advice on what you should or should not get, because I think doing so would make it less fun than finding all that stuff out on your own. Moreso than any other Codex, Chaos Marines can really be 'your' army and be different and unique in many ways, so do what you want.

After you get the book, you can literally follow any course and enjoy it all the way through.


Chaos is a blast, so have at it!

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That is true. I get so caught up on reading tacticas, that i have exhausted the race before I've even started playing! I think the codex will be the best option, and then just start painting before i buy more. Otherwise I'll end up like before, with hundreds of marines and no will to use them.
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You should check out the fluff about Huron Blackheart and the Red Corsairs. Your army is a perfect example of this. On a side note chaos havocs are only 4 heavy or special weapons per squad, and cant take plasmacanons. You can add in a plasmagun or two to make it up. If the guys and gals you play against dont mind go for it anyway. And since you have a razorback you can switch the turret from there onto the predator to give you more options. I do it myself.
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You should check out the fluff about Huron Blackheart and the Red Corsairs. Your army is a perfect example of this. On a side note chaos havocs are only 4 heavy or special weapons per squad, and cant take plasmacanons. You can add in a plasmagun or two to make it up. If the guys and gals you play against dont mind go for it anyway. And since you have a razorback you can switch the turret from there onto the predator to give you more options. I do it myself.


Hmm. I've read up on the Red Corsairs, and they do seem to be similar to the idea I had, but less consistent colour scheme. Maybe however I could get some transfers for them, and have all the marines wearing the RC emblem, even though their colouring is different.


Huron doesn't seem very... good though? Although that's the point, I don't have to take him.


Edit: One thing to ask... I bought a squad of Raptors, but the best "configuration" is a 5 man squad with 2 special weapons. Now, the squad comes with one, but then I need to purchase another.


Is it better to try and source out another special weapon carrier (around £10), or to look into obtaining another squad? (£20)

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Huron doesn't seem very... good though?

yes he does suck.

But then again so do most of our HQ that arent a DP. so nothing to worry about here.


3 squads and 3 rhinos is a good thing to start your force with . those can be csm or counts as pms[but then run in 7 man units not 10 with same gear] . as hvy support we got oblits and more or less nothing else . IF havocks then 3 or 4 autocanons [3=6 dudes 4=8 dudes . and yes those are the only "usable weapons" for them ] . If you want to try doing it the hard way you can try to play with a bit different weapons set up for csm[but dont glue them magnets are your friends] in the form of plas/autocanon. But only If you A realy want it or B hate skimers .


as raptors go . there is 2 schools of doing it [and by the way raptors are a bad choice] first is runing them as a cheap anti tank unit . 5 dudes 2 melta , other way is runing an 8 man unit with asp champ +fist 2 specials[melta again] and either run it with a babysiter lord[you know that bad HQ choice we have] or in a formation with a DP [with wings of course].

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I love the look of the Raptors, so I'll try them out. If I had the motivation I'd paint them up as Power Rangers, and when they DS in, I'd sing the Power Rangers song.


However I'd get banned from the store no doubt. Hmm.


Seriously though, I do like their look and fluff, so I'm aiming for the 5-2 set up. If I buy another box of Raptors, the second Aspiring can be a make-shift Lord with Jump Pack, with suitable modifications... it's just so much to spend so far, on ONE unit. £14 for the unit, then either £10 to get another special, or £20 to get another unit, all to make ONE small squad with 2 special weapons.


The worst part is, In my case, there's around 5 older style metal assault marines, (metal bodies and pack), which I could have used. Doh-well.


The Havocs are just old figures I picked up during my years, so although it would be nice to use them, I've got no worries about putting them in my Rogue Trader collection and leaving them there.


However, I do now own a Predator (annihilator sadly) so I do intend to give that a shot. If nothing else, I can use it with the SM I have.

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If I remember correctly you used to make Red Corsair armies by just doing up marines in loyalist colors then marking over their chapter symbols with red. Don't quote me on this though since I can't seem to find that source anymore. Since the army is basically built from captured and traitor marines I'm sure newer recruits are still wearing their old colors.


Huron is kinda average at everything. He's a Chaos Lord that gets Warp time and a Heavy Flamer. He'll more then likely gets wounds on anything he hits, and can work at two initiatives for close combat. There are definitely better HQ choices though.


As long as you're not playing in a really strict environment you can just say that the one with the Plasma pistol is your other special weapons guys. The downside to the beautiful raptor models is that it's rare they'll ever truly represent what you field.... they also have a tendency to fall over. So its more then likely that a ten man squad will end up having two champs with lightning claws, two assault weapons, and two plasma pistols no matter what your list says. Just have stuff clearly indicated and you'll be fine.

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Google Imaging them came up with something. GW in later versions said putting red crosses through imperial emblems, but before that, they painted the emblems in red.


Easy enough to do. The one guy who's figures came up on the search did a red shoulder pad to add cohesion to the units. I might go with a boltgun metal shoulderpad, hit with a wash or something to give it a rusty effect, add scratches of chainmail/mythril, to portray that they removed their former allegiance.


Huron seems ok. The little devil-bunny thing is a little weird but still. I do like the FW version of him though, but that's a bit expensive! I'll see how it goes with a generic lord/DP first, before delving into the realms of specific characters.


With the raptors, I'm intending to green-stuff the bottoms of the bases to add some weight.


I suppose for now, I could just leave it, wait for the squad to actually arrive, and work from there. Paint one different to represent the second special weapon (as it's metal, it's a synch to strip later), and bingo.

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Brother Captain Garad stared at the ruined power sword, blade snapped at the hilt. It had been a good weapon, and no doubt it could be repaired, but it was damaged, and would forever carry a taint. Without a second thought to the ancient heirloom, he dropped it to the ground and walked away. One of his men, Saren, stopped by the hilt, but he knew they would understand. He'd lead them for decades now, and his little quirks were accepted.


The smell brought him back. Blood and spent shells. Copper and Brass. The broken pavement would be forever stained by the blood of the cultists, but that wasn't his problem. They were dead, and this part of the operation was a success. Playing the fight through his mind, he moved to a corpse, bringing his ceramite boot down on the wrist. It snapped with the pressure, opening the fingers. Gently, for such a powerful person, he retrieved the blade, giving a few practice swings before trying it in the scabbard. It wasn't his, but it would do, and there was much more to achieve before the night was out.


Daylight flashed, lighting up the visors of his men. He had no protection from the glare, but realised it was wrong. It wasn't daylight. A sun blossomed by the twin moons of the planet, a painful vision before receding. Most people on this backwater world would see it as some sign or sigel. He knew different.


"Jaen, patch me through to 'The Emperor's Tread'."


The marine stopped for a moment, cocking his head as much as the armour plating would allow.


"Captain... I can't reach them."


By now, the sun was now a million shooting stars. He imagined that some of those would be his brothers, but there was no chance they could survive re-entry into the planet, or the impact that would follow.


"This isn't good, is it?" Saren stood by his captain, finger tracing the designs on his bolter. Nerves. Something that should have been broken out of him, but like his own quirk, it stayed.


"No. It's not good."


The mission was now void. The first cell of cultists were removed, but this far on the fringes of known space, it could be years before a rescue was mounted. If one was at all. Garad remembered the meeting with the inquisitor, the hushed voices and secrecy. There would be no rescue. This was it. Still, something had to be done.


"We continue the mission, without support. We bring the Emperor's justice to this world."



Twenty-four years later.


The Undenied broke into real space, engines blazing. Within moments the bridge was alive, servitors blistering as their slaved minds worked on telemetry data and scanning reports. An ensign moved to the command throne, kneeling by a figure that would dwarf even an Astartes.


"We're here"


"Good. Get transport ready, our brothers need us."




Garad removed his helmet. The visor's amplifications told him what he needed to know. With a single command, his squad was up and moving, blades and shields forged from the wreckage of the ship at hand. He shook his head, the minute movement enough to see his men stow their precious weapons. This was no threat, it was salvation.


Squad assembled, he moved through the pristine streets of the main city, pride building in his chest as he took in the monument to their fallen comrades. There was no graffiti, no loitering civilians, no noise. There wouldn't be. They were all gone. It had taken many long years to purge the vermin from this city, before restoring it to a glory fit for the Emperor himself.




Unclipping the helmet from his armour, he watched out the view port as the Thunderhawk set down. The files for the sector were vague, a backwater dirt-ball that had no idea of the Emperor, perfect for chaos cults who could be bothered to travel out this far. The integration of a space port to the city was surprising, but more so was the scans of the city.


"Five contacts"


"Five? In the whole city?"




He considered donning his helmet, wondering if a virus, or worse had taken hold. He savoured the thought for a few seconds, allowing the tinges of fear to take root before eradicating them. He would go bare-headed as a gesture of good will.




As the lander clawed the ground of the landing pad, before the engines even began to cycle off, the assault hatch opened. Astartes marched forward, bolters held across the chest, flanking the leader. Adorned in ornate terminator armour, he moved with power and grace, hands open beside him, not resting on his weapons. He didn't need to, Garad thought, as he eyed the marines. Like flags of an envoy, the vanguard gleamed of colour, representations of chapters, some he knew, some he didn't. Second on the right, a Dark Angel. Third on the left, a Flesh Tearer. There were more, all marching at the same pace, each part of a single, coherent squad. The vanguard finally came to a halt, within hailing distance of his men. The leader stepped forward, spreading his hands apart.


"How is it, that there are Astartes on this backward world?"


Garad mirrored the guesture. "A long story brother, however who are you?"


The leader smiled. "I am Volk, Brother Commander of the Crimson Picaroons."


He hadn't heard of them. It was unsurprising, his chapter was known for their secrecy, to the point of keeping clear of most chapter debates and actions.


"I am brother Captain Garad, lord of Excellis VI. These are my men."




Volk was taken back, although his smile never faded. "Lord? And where is your population? We scanned nothing in the city as we came down."


The bone coloured captain gestured widely to the city behind him. "We made this city a shrine for the emperor. We created it in his glory, and all vermin was removed.


It clicked. It all fit in, and it was all he could do to keep himself from laughing.


"I am impressed! Come, let us examine your city, and see this splendor for ourselves!" He moved forward, hand extended. Garad met his look, and grasped his hand. They were his.


Inside the thunderhawk, the command came through to step down. View ports, shielded from outside eyes were closed, and stalker pattern bolters were meticulously disassembled and stored. One of the snipers lovingly stroked the bolter with a claw, before closing the case.

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Read the codex before you build to much, there are lots of little gems buried in the army list that could heavily influence what you do both in terms of physical modeling but also back story.


From my own experience I started with a nurgle army, but the Choosen and Havoc units ability to take 5 man units fully armed with plasma guns got me to add some Iron Warrior allies. Subsequently i've found more and more iron warrior themed things i could do and right now what started as a support unit it threatening to take over and become my main army.


Daemon princes are another great little open slot. The daemon prince rules are fairly open: big nasty thing with close combat, some phychics and optional wings. There are so meny models that you could use here and finding a favourite out there could heavily influence you. I very nearly went thousand sons because i loved the idea of a couple of tomb kings ubshabti running round as DP's. The inquisitor model range on the GW site is also worth as look as these models are of the right size for a DP and it could just push your themeing one way or another.


.... of course this is assuming you even use Codex CSM.... there are plenty of loyalist army lists that could be perverted.

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Read the codex before you build to much, there are lots of little gems buried in the army list that could heavily influence what you do both in terms of physical modeling but also back story.


From my own experience I started with a nurgle army, but the Choosen and Havoc units ability to take 5 man units fully armed with plasma guns got me to add some Iron Warrior allies. Subsequently i've found more and more iron warrior themed things i could do and right now what started as a support unit it threatening to take over and become my main army.


I've not sat down to read the codex properly, just going off what I've picked up from books and such. I think the whole "rag-tag" force works well, although it's not that unique (i've read that a few people have done such a force, but it's ok), it fits any modifications I might need to do regarding extra units. I think I'll have a go through it today though.


Daemon princes are another great little open slot. The daemon prince rules are fairly open: big nasty thing with close combat, some phychics and optional wings. There are so meny models that you could use here and finding a favourite out there could heavily influence you. I very nearly went thousand sons because i loved the idea of a couple of tomb kings ubshabti running round as DP's. The inquisitor model range on the GW site is also worth as look as these models are of the right size for a DP and it could just push your themeing one way or another.


.... of course this is assuming you even use Codex CSM.... there are plenty of loyalist army lists that could be perverted.


I'm trying to find something a little more unique for the Daemon Prince. I do like the metal model (not fond of the plastic one), but as my force isn't supposed to be heavily "daemonic", I'm not sure what to do. As the lord has no real ties with the chaos gods, barring the gift of pacification and conversion, I'd prefer not to have him suddenly go *pop* and become a towering inferno of hate. Maybe I could have a daemon prince, but have him bound in chains (thinking the inquisitor Daemon Host?), to represent him being bound to the service of the lord. Same with any lesser daemons, possibly sculpt collars onto them, that I can paint up in eldrich colours, to represent their servitude. (Also explains why they lose the abilities their specific daemon kind would gain, such as fleet etc.)

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