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Why does Forgeworld do this?

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Why do Forgeworld models almost always end up being smaller and/or more delicate than the plastics? It is infuriating.


Take the every-wonderful Sevrin Loth. I wanted to give him different arms from the plastic range, but no; his default arms are so thin he almost looks like an Eldar, and he overall is juuuust a little smaller than a plastic PA model, so plastic arms made him look like Popeye. Thankfully, the chestpieces and shoulderpads that came with the kit are right size, so I can use them for the ICs I'm planning to build...


Or their older Venerable Dread. Next to plastic regular dreads, it's noticeably shorter and lighter of stature.


Does this happen to vehicle conversion kits as well? And why is it that the resin parts are smaller than plastics?

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I think it's more to do with the plastics getting bigger than the resin getting smaller. Take a look at RT era marines and they are a hell of a lot weedier than the newer models. I also think that resin casting causes the model to shrink a little bit when they make the molds?

Same here. FW tends to have poor quality control of its resin. I have several sets of Land Raider/Rhino doors and a few of the conversion kits and I have some serious differences in size between casts of the same kit. Some fit great - others are almost impossible to use without the kit looking terrible. The irony of it is you want to use FW bits to make a centerpiece for your army, but it is the quality of those bits that prevent it from being a real showpiece.


Which really irks me becauseI really want one or two of the new Achilles Land Raiders - but my past experiences makes me cringe at the thought.

I've had a few experiences with Resin and FW are usually pretty good when you have beef with their products not fitting correctly.

My best mate got some Rhino doors and they didn't fit properly at all.

Quick email with some photo's of the doors 'in place' and replacements were sent out free of charge.


More than I can say for some suppliers -_-

I can definitely relate to this.


While I was in Iraq, I decided to get myself a Christmas-come-early present, and purchased a Thunderhawk Gunship with the Inquisitorial doors/symbols.


Taking it out of the package, I beheld in awe as the entire top part of the gun-mount chassis (just behind where the main dorsal cannon sits) was twisted to the right. Not just a little, but enough of a deviation to make me have to grind, sand, dremmel, and heat-gun it back into place, and even THEN I was afraid of it melting or warping any more out of place.


When contacting them in regards to the poor quality of the cast that I received, all I got in return was a "Sorry, the larger models tend to shrink/warp a bit during the casting process. Use a blowdryer to push the pieces back into place".

Resin doesn't really shrink in the casting process. Metal shrinks considerably as it cools compared to resin casts and the printed masters I've used in the past. I'd chalk it up to scale differences in the modeling phase rather than shrinkage of the resin if there is a difference in the size of the bits.
"Sorry, the larger models tend to shrink/warp a bit during the casting process. Use a blowdryer to push the pieces back into place".




Wow... I'd be sending it back and demanding a complete refund.

I don't know much about the laws in the UK but where I am it's a BIG no no to sell defective products like that.


Might be worth looking up in case something like this happens again B)

I have bought alot of FW models I don't have many of the problems that you guys have. All the vehicle kits seem to fit nicely with maybe a little tweaking, as I have more then several of them... As for there larger Model warping problems Resin tends to warp slightly and bend a tad when its a larger flatter peice. But forge world Is MUCH better in quality then any other resin company out there period. There costumer service is better too! Also you should have told them your Thunderhawk piece was non salvageable they would have sent you a replacement.


In the end its what you expect from them that is how you see the models, if you expect the models to be resin and the problems that come with it being resin...Then they are fantastic models. IF you get resin and expect it to be like metal or normal GW plastic you will be disapointed...


My two cents


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