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Strike-Force Rauron wip (aka Rock Marines)


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Your army is coming out nicelly. :P

Btw, great Chapter Badge!

Rock on!!! :blush:

Thanks very much Vahouth :)

As promised, here's some pictures of the drop-pod... Just need to touch up a few areas then I'm done :);


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Tactical squad is happy to have thier "ride"!





C+c welcome


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@ Grazer, thanks man :P. I'm hoping to finish building his squad, but I'll have to leave painting them until I have painted the rest of my 1500 point list :/... But don't worry! They will get painted, along with a Storm-Raven I'm planning on buying, for my 2000 point one <_<


@Warpwalker, I feel bad because I have no idea whom your qouting or what it means :/ :L... But I will keep up the "cow bell" (I think)! Haha


@ Captain Mungo, thanks :). I got the idea from the picture of Dante riding the Flying-Land-Raider haha (as you can see if you've read the thread).


Thanks for posting everyone :).

I built another Drop-pod, this one for my Furiouso, and I have begun painting some more Assault Marines :). I'll keep you all updated


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Malatox- yes it's suppose to be a complement. If you watch the whole chip you'll see Bruce (played by Walken) can't get enough cow bell and your themed army is cow bell to me. B)


Thanks Captain Mungo the second clip is the exact one.


Also Malatox, can you post another pic of that sang guard. but with some stronger lighting. It's a great mini but hard to see. Thanks

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@Captain Mungo, thanks for the links :)


@Warpwalker, haha I laughed when I saw the clip :P. Thanks man.... Yes I can get a better picture for you, I'll try to get it sorted as soon as possible :)


@DeathKnight, I hadn't thought of that :P... But with a Dreadnought drop-pod just built, I might see about it :devil:

Thanks for the comments guys


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Hey all, I'm back with some pictures but very little updated...

I have an excuse for you all, but I'll leave that till After you've seen my pictures -_-;



My completed Baal :tu: (front)


From the side and higher


From the other side



My completed Blood-Talon Furioso with his newly built Drop-Pod


And to finish it off, a better picture of my air-guitaring Sanguinary Guard;



And now for the reason why I have done little;

I was at a party at the weekend and in a state of dilriousness had my eyebrows shaven off >.>... To say that it wasn't an eventful weekend would be to lie, but it meant I spent little time at home in front of my miniatures.

The good news is, I will not be leaving the safety of my house for a while now ;), meaning I'll have much more time to work on my army.

I hope it brings you a few laughs, and if it does... Please comment ;)


Sorry for the tangent there, I'll bring you more soon. Hopefully I'll finish a couple of new Assault Marines :tu:



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A little update of my I-pod Marine :geek:-


From the front


From the Side


From the back


From the other side ;)


All I have to do is finish his base and "shoes" and touch up a few bits here or there and he will be done ;).

Hope you guys like him, c+c welcome


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in a state of dilriousness had my eyebrows shaven off >.>...



no kiddin...


Anyway, love the arm and the paint job. Im a leaning a little to the ":)" side on the sang guard with the "guitar", but damn if it doesnt fit your army =p. Out of wonder are you by chance putting a wash of baal on them? If not< I would recommend it. If you dont mind, what color you use for your heads?

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Hi Till, no kidding there :L

Thanks for the compliments man :), they really do mean a lot. What do you mean about the Sanguinary Guard?

To tell the truth I have changed the paint routine a couple of times from the beginning, but now I basically follow the White Dwarf tutorial for painting Blood Angel Army :huh:. So, short answer, yes I do but I use it at the last step as a thin layer :).

For the head, do you mean the skin tone or the hair? :)




P.s. Saw you linebreaker squadron and loved it. It made me want to delete my post haha

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Hi Till, no kidding there :L

Thanks for the compliments man :P, they really do mean a lot. What do you mean about the Sanguinary Guard?

To tell the truth I have changed the paint routine a couple of times from the beginning, but now I basically follow the White Dwarf tutorial for painting Blood Angel Army :). So, short answer, yes I do but I use it at the last step as a thin layer :).

For the head, do you mean the skin tone or the hair? :)




P.s. Saw you linebreaker squadron and loved it. It made me want to delete my post haha



Seems you cant say the three letter acronym that would equal "what the :wacko: ". I mean the sang guard with the power weapon as a guitar is crazy, may not be my thing. It does fit the theme of the army very very well though. The color question I had was for the flesh colors. Im not sure what white dwarf says to do, I haven't picked up one in years; got sick of paying a ton of money only to get 20 pages on something that MAY interest me, and be forced to get 80 pages of :) I couldn't care less about.


The line breaker wasn't a "hey look at me, Im the best painter ever." There is a ton of people on here way better painting than me. I was showing that a person who may not be a pro painter can have a wonderfully great looking army without a ton of a skill or time if they go with all tanks. I think thats a good reason to go all razor spam army - its easy to make look good. All inf take much more work to get looking really good imo.

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Hey Till,

Aw that's fine, if you don't like it then you don't like it :). Thanks for being so nice and polite in your answer though it's well done of you ;)


The skin-tone recipe I use is a base of Dwarf Flesh, then a wash of gryphone sepia, followed by building on the raised areas by dwarf-flesh again before building more using Elf-flesh then at the highest points a mixture of elf-flesh and skull-White :)... Hope it helps


Aw no I wasn't saying you were boasting, I was just saying you had changed my mind a bit on the idea :)


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I never said the Guitar guy was bad... just not my thing. What I do love... is that you put effort in your army. I never judge someone painted army how well its painted, but rather how much effort was put in it. While the I would have done a different way with him, I appreciate the work you have in the guitar man of doom. ;)


What are you working on next? Im looking forward to your next uploads.

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Aw no I didn't mean that either, Till :P... It seems we're being too polite and getting our wires crossed :L

What would you have done with the SG?.. I ask because I have only built the one and would LOVE ideas for the rest :P (they aren't included in my 1500 point list, but I'd like to field them at some point).


Well you won't have to wait :P, here is my almost completed Thunder-Hammer Sergeant;


Front view


Side view


Backside view :L


This Assault Squad is going to be with my High-Priest count-as Corbolu, so I have given them a little more blood (read 'Gold-Eagle... It gives you jumppacks!' hinthint ;)) to show thier frenzy.


I'm working on the rest of the models I have built right now. Namely 1 more jumppack marine, a dreadnought drop-pod and 3 more foot Assault Marines ;)

C+c welcome :P


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Someone saying Im too polite... havnt been accused of that before on these forums :P , but thank you.


What I would have done with SG.... make him look like the GW box... Like I said in the other thread, Im not creative at all =/. You can see mine in my DoA thread. Come to think of it you actually put a post in it so I know you saw em.


I just finished two hammer guys as well, didnt care for how they turned out. next for me are the 3 priests my 2500 calls for... atm I dont like em at all... I may not even take pictures of em ><.


In any case I like yours a lot. At the moment if I had any ideas, it would be to thin your paints a bit more. Also watch covering up early layers with subsequent ones; if you go through a bunch of work, you want ppl to see you did it. :P

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Began painting some of the miniatures today, but none are worthy of a photo yet :)


I've been told about watering my paints before, and believe it or not I have worked on it and made it better since :). You are right though, I need to keep working on it, gosh darn red and it being difficult to paint :(!


I apologise for the poor quality pictures again, looking at them I see what you mean about the covering. It isn't actually like that in real-life, it's a more thin and glossy effect since it's blood. That's why I paint over it, the gore and blood leave spots and are coloured by the colours underneath.


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