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[LPC] Legion of the Damned


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So I've started my Legion of the Damned, and gotten along enough to be worth posting pictures. Here we go!






I've gone through the black armor and the first three stages of bone, which are as follows:


- Khemri Brown base

- Leviathan Purple wash

- Watered down Brown Ink wash


Right now it looks like fail because I don't have a good photobooth, but it does have a cool purple/brown shading.


After I got through the second wash, I realized I'm totally out of the next two colors I need. *sigh*

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Bone is basically done. Onto the next part...metallics!










C&C always welcome of course!

The bone looks great!

Did you use the tutorial from the WD with the Legion of the Damned?

Why, yes I did! I had references to the 2nd edition paint job and the current one...and decided on the current one. I liked Anja's use of purple to get the curious undertone (and I seriously love painting purple in the details, heh) and so it was settled.


As for how many layers, the answer is "very few." Here's how it went though:


- Khemri Brown base

- Leviathan Purple wash

- Watered down Brown Ink wash

- Bleached Bone highlights

- Skull White super highlight


There may have been a couple layers of BB highlighting, but really as I paint it dries practically instantly, so I can paint the chest, then a shoulder pad, then go back to the chest and evaluate (which usually is what I do), sometimes adding a second layer further in to get a more solid appearance. Of course I'm a stinker and all the bone was pretty much just drybrushed, though on the larger surfaces I did a little wet layering to even it out (it looked seriously ugly without it).


My goal is to have them ready by Saturday for a tournament. Amusingly, that would mean my LPC challenge is done two weeks before it even begins...most likely I'll just end up making them table-top worthy and then finish them up next week though.


If anybody spots a dot of white in what should be black spots let me know...I've already swept through the unit two times to fill in those spots after the initial black layer, but I may have missed some yet again!


Thanks everyone!

Just a quick one. Didn't do any painting last night (had to get my multiplayer on haha) but worked for an hour or so tonight. Metal and flames, base colors. The orange really helps give them color, though I'm sure more details later on will too.





At this point I also realize I'm happy I didn't do the armor highlights yet, as there are more than a few places where I biffed a little and have to go back over black.

So I slapped some more paint on and stuck weapons to hands so I could use them at the tournament on Saturday. This update is just action photos from that day...






  • 2 weeks later...

I've been lazy lately and haven't painted anything, so I'm sorry for no recent updates. Thanks for the complements though! Yea, when they hit the table they did well. In the first game they easily killed off a (once)healthy daemon prince; in the second they owned an entire table half from the Dark Eldar, and in the third they wrecked a rhino, pinned a Grey Hunter squad, and then chased it off their own objective in the last turn to hand me the win.


And now, naturally, I wish the flamer was a plasma gun. *sigh*


Oh well. At this point I have to do highlights on everything and the eyes. There are a couple bone spots on weapons I didn't yet do, so there's that too. Otherwise that's pretty much it! Of course, that might all take me about another couple weeks to crank out, so stay tuned!


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