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Chaos Warbands


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Hello all,


Due to my participation to Silver Phoenix's Iron Gauntlet Challenge, I'm getting stuff together to be able to start writing about my DIY warband. The problem is, Chaos warbands don't seem to have a common base (the raw stuff) on which to then build upon. But I'm convinced that there is and I'm turning to you, fellow brothers, to help me out a bit (if such a thing is even suggestable :lol:).


So, any questions, comments, suggestions are welcome.



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Any special diety? Or Chaos undevided?

I would like to start with Chaos Undivided, then go on to specific dieties/themes.


Which models do you like (that how i choose my models)?

I apologise for not being clear, but this is for fluff, not really for an army (yet). Though if the models do influence the way I write my IT, then I like Possessed & Terminators. Otherwise, I like the fluff for other units, but their GW models suck (such as Plague Marines and such).





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Hello all,


I'm currently in the process of putting together some basic points for a DIY Chaos warband (Chaos, not renegade). I'm having difficulties as I can't seem to find a common base on which all warbands are based on. What are the central points of all warbands (or most)? What is the first layer if the cake? This is why I'm turning to you (yes, you) to help me out a bit, if it isn't too much to ask :)


So, any questions, comments, suggestions are welcome.




That depends entirely on the basis from which your warband would come from. By and large, "Chaos" warbands are part of or were formerly part of the Traitor Legions, and would take their cues from their past (or current) parent. In the cases of those that broke away from their Legion, or had their Legions disbanded after the Heresy, then you're potentially looking at a powerful or charismatic HQ (DP, Lord, Sorc) who drew these Marines to themselves and who can command their loyalty. This is the 1 HQ, 2 Troop "first layer" as per any cake from GW's table. After that, it's open season. Does your HQ have a force of Elites that carry his favor in high regard? If so, how does he opt to use these particular Marines? Is there a co-commander of the warband? Does the warband have control of vehicles or have the influence to afford to buy the services of various Cult troops/units? Did the warband dedicate themselves to a Chaos god where they could expect to command daemons on the field when summoned?

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The thing I've found to work best when making a Chaos warband is coming up with a solid mental image of who the leader is. Is he a Legionnaire, or a more recent Renegade? Did he lead from the start of their fall, or did he come to claim leadership of an existing Warband/traitor Company? How does he view the Gods, with scorn, as tools or with worship? What are his character traits?


Once you've gotten these questions, the rest of the warband starts to fall into place, once you get an idea of what troops he would have fighting under him, what allies he's managed to gain, etc.

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How much influence does he have, that he could possibly command cult marines and even deamons? If he (or she!) is a deamon prince, how did they come across their prince-hood, who gave it to them and why.... and if they do not follow any god now, why not? Is that god peeved that their "plaything" has rebelled against them, or was it really all just part of the god's great plan?


Why are the possessed... possessed? How does the HQ keep them in line? Are they chained down and locked up between battles (ala Death Company), or has there been a pact made willingly with the champion of the possessed, and they tag along in battle?


If you don't want plague marines, then a lot of people who have a theme army model the figures to represent the extra toughness (cybernetics for Iron Warriors, shields, etc). For Thousand Sons, you could model bulky addons to their backpacks to represent a refractor field or such, which gives them their 4+ inv save, and their bolters could be modified to be bigger (longer barrels), possibly with box drums, to represent the AP3.


If you do model the figures, explain how or why they received their tech/adaptations. Did the HQ find a hulk full of lost tech, and are slowly integrating it into their force? This could tie in the Obliterators too. Maybe some of the xenos tech infected their more technical minded marines (the ones who were maintaining the armour and weapons anyway), and created the Obliterators? Outside of fighting, they are like servitors, but with the brilliance of tech marines, however without any way to use their knowledge. You put them in front of a tank or weapon, and they fix it within seconds, but you ask them to create something, and they just stare into space.


I dunno. Just ideas, probably not very good sorry!

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Thanks for tall the ideas chaps. Some really good stuff here.


I've modified the first post so if you would be so kind to go and take another look at it, it would be appreciated.





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This is why I started with Chaos Marines. They sky is the limit with what you fluff out for them. They can be original Traitor Legions, they can be some really strange post-Heresy Eye of Terror bred unit from a Traitor Legion, they can be Loyalists gone evil for any number of reasons, and they can even be still loyal to the Emperor or the Imperium but through some tragic twist of fate outcast, trying to help the Imperium even while the Imperium tries to destroy them. So much possible to write from.


I think what someone else above said about focusing on the leader is spot on. As far as a common thread for Traitors/Renegades I have to say that all the CSM material I've read is based on the charisma and personal ability of unit leaders. You've got all these psychopathic killers you need to control, so you need to come up with a reason for them to not only not kill the leader, but to have some semblance of military discipline while following his orders. And there's 10,000 reasons for that, so I think the possibilities for making a Chaos/Renegade warband are enormous.

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Pick where you warband came from...


Renegades chapter/company or from the traitor legions... For renegades use a codex force as the basis of your chapter unless you happen to be a spin-off group from say the blood angels or space wolves. If your warband if from a legion then use that legions personality as the foundation of your warband. A vanilla renegade chapter probably needs the most work put into it, other groups already have better foundations to work on.


Choose a god or not. Well you've already decide you will be undecided so now you need to decide how you worship... This could be how your warband feels on the whole or how they are directed by their dark overlord. For example you have the we hate the chaos gods chaos marines, we use chaos as a tool but do not serve it marines, we pop into church now and again but really we do this for fun marines, the dedicated to the dark gods marines... although their dedication might vary from time to time and finally the fanatically zealous chaos worshipping marines... Feel free to make your own up.


The Dark Overlord. This is another and possibly related part of your warbands background that will help you put your own mark on it that will make them stand out from whatever legion they come from (just like different religious practises can make them stand out). Now your lord doesn't have to come from the same background as his men (and his men might come from a different background). Two examples a company goes renegade and their captain is killed by chaos lord X (maybe he wasn't a lord at this time) and those who swear loyalty to him are allowed to live. To take FWs example Lord Zufor (spelling?) who is the leader of the large world eaters warband the Skulltakers (I think) was originally a loyal space marine chapter (The storm lords maybe?).


Or your warboss may be a guy who has been around since the HH and knows his guys well. What your lord allows you to do is give his own little twist to the legion ideal. He could be totally different say a World Eater who wanted to learn magic powers but I find that a 'subtle' twist on the legions theme is often the best.



Ok so now we know where your warband is from, what gods they worship, how they worship and who their boss is.


Now you need to put these guys in universe, how do the things that make your warband unique affect their interactions with other factions or characters. What events has this caused them to become involved in or maybe even avoid. Maybe your chaos lord and the Warmaster don't get on and this has caused your guys not to get involved in the black crusades and maybe other warbands try to attack you (who serve the warmaster). On the other hand you might serve the warmaster but is it because you believe in his cause or because you are waiting for the right moment to make your own bid for power.

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As Helios says, don't feel constrained to utterly copy the sterotypes if you use an existing Legion. For example, my Night Lords are led by a Marine who was one of the first recruited from Nostramo, who was a devoted supporter of the Haunters regime. Since the Heresy, he's largely kept his Company free of the scum that populated the Legion, or at least kept them in line and obedient, and now seeks to create the New Nostromon Empire, liberating Imperial worlds as the Night Haunter did in the Crusade, in an attempt to create the Night Haunter's "ideal galaxy". He does actually have the best interests of humanity at heart, but like the father he once followed, he's entirely willing to do whatever needs to be done to see his Empire flourish.



Very different from the usual "Night Lords only care about looting and are all criminals", but remaining true to the original Crusade-era themes of the Legion.

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