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Building a daemon prince...

Kitchen Knife

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Just recently deceided, that my army needs a Daemon prince.


While the model from GW looks quite nice (and offers a lot of options), it's a little bit too much "fantasy" for my taste. :)


The concept for my DP could be described as follows:


- suited in a full armor (a twisted ornated armour though) with only a sinister red glow behind the helmets visor. The armour should have a more futuristic look.


- a more sleek and slender style compared to the bulky GW-DP, giving the figure a more hunter-like figure (well just crossbreed an alien from Aliens with a space marine and you get the idea)


- eventually a jump pack instead of wings.



My problem starts with the parts to use for this model. While I would like to use the head of a chaos FW-dreadnought, I haven't found a possibility to purchase such a head separately (buying a full dread just for the head is quite an overkill for my budget :) )


If someone of you might know a model for a proper conversion (GW or non GW) I would be really happy to hear about it.

Also C&C is appreciated




I might also say, that my greenstuff-skills are only good for filling gaps and not sculpting an entire model...

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well making a big spacemarineish DP is hard considering how both look, As for mine a good half of it is greenstuff... the new DP box does have a 40K torso front with it, though for legs it'd be hard IMO without sculpting... as to he head, one of the defiler masks might work well for you as well, and maches the DP size rather well...


For your jet pack, plasticard as well as a couple ork rokkitpacks might work well for you.

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Have you looked into the Inquisitor scale models? The eversor assassin might be a good base, though it might be more chunky and technical than what you described.


I also support -][- scale models... hell you can even get a giant set of power armour if you really want... although if you did that you would need to greenstuff details on it so it didn't look like a giant set of normal armour but like some sort of artificer or daemon armour.


Then change the head and maybe the hands as you require... add tail if you wish and so on...

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i used the =I= scale chaos magos as a base for my prince, i'm sure you could achieve the result your after doing the same.




size comparison



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