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  Heru Talon said:
Is that green-grey one of the default colours or a custom creation of your own?


Custom - I forget the code but it was just for an idea, rather than a definite scheme.


I like the grey - I don't feel the scheme needs to reflect the Chapter particularly - with the lighter greys for the soft armour, counterpointed by the black.


Thought I should get green in somewhere so went for the lenses.

The code is #5c6961


Easy way to get a code from a linked painter image is to copy the link, paste it into a browser URL bar and add p to the end of the sm bit.


Also some suggestions for changes to your scheme:


Painter Link


1. Don't go with green eyes if your armour is green-grey, fiery orange seems like the best fit here.

2. Try not to do the whole "two knees coloured different than the rest of the armour" thing. Allot of people do that, and it never looks good (in my opinion). Go for either:

One knee, as asymmetry is actually a good thing in regards to the SM, plus it gives you somewhere to put the company &/or squad number/colour.


Neither knee.

Edited by Heru Talon
  Heru Talon said:
If you are still looking for a new name, how about: The Starkillers


Intriguing name and thanks for taking the time to consider one, but I don't think it fits particularly well.


I want the name to emphasise their void-war tendancies, their almost piratical nature I suppose.

starkillers brings to mind a trademark held by a guy with 6 great movies under his name (( i dont mention the name because i dont know if i am allowed ))


but as far as nameing goes i like starstriders brings to mind galactic gypsys, witch sounds like a awsome concept if u dont use i prolly will try something

  Ezekial Gravestone said:
starkillers brings to mind a trademark held by a guy with 6 great movies under his name (( i dont mention the name because i dont know if i am allowed ))


but as far as nameing goes i like starstriders brings to mind galactic gypsys, witch sounds like a awsome concept if u dont use i prolly will try something


If you mean George Lucas then "great" is a very subjective term :teehee:


The Starstriders - as they are so named now - are not gypsies in the true sense; historically they wandered the edges and darkest corners of Imperial space hunting and killing the foes of Man until the anniversary of the Purge of Caelum sees them turn back to the Imperium proper.


I very much want to empahsise the void war speciality and the notion that these guys are "good pirates".. Yes they capture ships and slaughter crews, but only in the name of the Emperor.

subjective true, but then lets remove personal like from the series and make note there are 6 and all had great boxoffice sales and a hell of a fanbase, witch would in the greater sense make them great movies.


but other then that, why not do the gypsy angle, pirate is so over done, gypsys are mystic alluring and aloof, they love misdirection all things i can see being usful in ship to ship combat, and also u might want to look into what marines use as fighters in space, like the CSM helltalons i mean they had to come from somewhere, where they the legions old fighter from before horus? what would a SM carrier look like would the old ship be there space fortress?

  Ezekial Gravestone said:
but other then that, why not do the gypsy angle, pirate is so over done, gypsys are mystic alluring and aloof, they love misdirection all things i can see being usful in ship to ship combat, and also u might want to look into what marines use as fighters in space, like the CSM helltalons i mean they had to come from somewhere, where they the legions old fighter from before horus? what would a SM carrier look like would the old ship be there space fortress?


Gypsies have less of a "What, we captured you and killed half your crew? Ah, that makes your ship ours!" attitude though.


Space Marines have the Thunderhawk and that's it; it's to do with seperation of powers that the Codex Astartes created and to be honest the only space vehicle that has caught my eye is the Cestus Assault Ram.


Also, void war in 40k isn't the graceful and intelligent thing you may imagine it to be; brute force and unsubtle tactics are usually the order of the day.

  Ezekial Gravestone said:
cept for the eldar, but a space battle is as elegant and subtle as u want it to be but i get what your saying, and thats cool, cant wait to see more


Aye, but I personally don't see the Astartes as graceful - especially with a Battlebarge primarily focused for a ground assault - and especially not my Chapter.


Cheers for the comments though dude, work has stalled slightly as I'm awaiting - patiently, honest - a particular critique so I've just been tinkering and adding images.. Oh and trying to come up with a damned name I like!

Void Stalkers, star dogs, Sol Horde, Black Stalkers


and if u want to persucute star battles, the thunderhawk isnt the best choice, they arnt vary manuvrable so maybe some converted land speeders would work, if i remember the tornado is space worthy

  Ezekial Gravestone said:
and if u want to persucute star battles, the thunderhawk isnt the best choice, they arnt vary manuvrable so maybe some converted land speeders would work, if i remember the tornado is space worthy


I think it's the Tempest Land Speed - enclosed canopy - but the Badab War Imperial Armour books mention the Cestus Assault Ram, so that would be my boarding vehicle of choice, alongside the more conventional boarding torpedo.

  Ezekial Gravestone said:
starkillers brings to mind a trademark held by a guy with 6 great movies under his name (( i dont mention the name because i dont know if i am allowed ))

I was aware.


  Ezekial Gravestone said:
subjective true, but then lets remove personal like from the series and make note there are 6 and all had great boxoffice sales and a hell of a fanbase, witch would in the greater sense make them great movies.

The old three were great, the new three aren't. Actually I just re-watched Revenge of the Sith a couple of nights ago, and I was virtually in pain over how stupid (as in they had an IQ of 2) all the characters were (especially Whinewalker).




Edit: Post number 3000.

Edited by Heru Talon
  Heru Talon said:
  Ezekial Gravestone said:
starkillers brings to mind a trademark held by a guy with 6 great movies under his name (( i dont mention the name because i dont know if i am allowed ))

I was aware.


  Ezekial Gravestone said:
subjective true, but then lets remove personal like from the series and make note there are 6 and all had great boxoffice sales and a hell of a fanbase, witch would in the greater sense make them great movies.

The old three were great, the new three aren't. Actually I just re-watched Revenge of the Sith a couple of nights ago, and I was virtually in pain over how stupid (as in they had an IQ of 2) all the characters were (especially Whinewalker).




I think I've just been derailed... :)

  Captain Juan Juarez said:
  Heru Talon said:
  Ezekial Gravestone said:
starkillers brings to mind a trademark held by a guy with 6 great movies under his name (( i dont mention the name because i dont know if i am allowed ))

I was aware.


  Ezekial Gravestone said:
subjective true, but then lets remove personal like from the series and make note there are 6 and all had great boxoffice sales and a hell of a fanbase, witch would in the greater sense make them great movies.

The old three were great, the new three aren't. Actually I just re-watched Revenge of the Sith a couple of nights ago, and I was virtually in pain over how stupid (as in they had an IQ of 2) all the characters were (especially Whinewalker).




I think I've just been derailed... :wacko:

I blame you and Ezekial. ;)

  Heru Talon said:
  Captain Juan Juarez said:
  Heru Talon said:
  Ezekial Gravestone said:
starkillers brings to mind a trademark held by a guy with 6 great movies under his name (( i dont mention the name because i dont know if i am allowed ))

I was aware.


  Ezekial Gravestone said:
subjective true, but then lets remove personal like from the series and make note there are 6 and all had great boxoffice sales and a hell of a fanbase, witch would in the greater sense make them great movies.

The old three were great, the new three aren't. Actually I just re-watched Revenge of the Sith a couple of nights ago, and I was virtually in pain over how stupid (as in they had an IQ of 2) all the characters were (especially Whinewalker).




I think I've just been derailed... :wacko:

I blame you and Ezekial. ;)


I always get the blame, it's par for the course!



I'm still struggling for a name... Void Reavers sprang to mind, but I dislike the use of the word "Void".

  Captain Juan Juarez said:
I'm still struggling for a name... Void Reavers sprang to mind, but I dislike the use of the word "Void".



Or you could go with a Rampager/Marauder/Relictor/Invader/Reviler type name like: The Pillagers or the Reavers

  Heru Talon said:
  Captain Juan Juarez said:
I'm still struggling for a name... Void Reavers sprang to mind, but I dislike the use of the word "Void".



Or you could go with a Rampager/Marauder/Relictor/Invader/Reviler type name like: The Pillagers or the Reavers


I wish to go back in time and keep the word "Astral" behind my lips... :wacko:


I want to include "reavers" because i like the word, but not on its own.. I may end up "having" to stick with Starstriders - it isn't a bad name as such, it just doesn't have that threatening edge I wanted but ah well... *shrug*

Imperial Reavers (it's like the Imperial Harbingers or my Imperial Monarchs).


Actually in regards to the Astral Reavers, I think if someone were to come up with a better name for his Chapter, KHK would likely change from using "Astral Reavers". Honestly I don't think he's hugely 100% in love with it for his Chapter (more like he can't think of anythink better).



Edit: Reaver in latin is according to Google translate "Raptor"... interesting...

Edited by Heru Talon
  Heru Talon said:
Imperial Reavers (it's like the Imperial Harbingers or my Imperial Monarchs).


Actually in regards to the Astral Reavers, I think someone were to come up with a better name for his Chapter, KHK would likely change from using "Astral Reavers". Honestly I don't think he's hugely 100% in love with it for his Chapter (more like he can't think of anythink better).



Edit: Reaver in latin is according to Google translate "Raptor"... interesting...


Aye, I kinda gathered as much :lol:


To be honest, I liked his original Chapter name rather alot.. But that's by the by.


I may actually go with "Imperial Reavers", cheers Heru :teehee:

u know, i will take fullblame for that one, but i still thing the whole cosmic gypsy thing was cool

and i blame whiny mcwhinealot for the ruining of the new 3, but i can like the story for the story itself because it was good


but yeah imperial reavers are a cool name (( brings the same thing to mind for me tho )) but i can see that name being cursed in a few corsair fleets and even a dark eldar shirneworld (( what do they call there worlds, bah sounds cool none the less )) so...yeah go with it

  Chapter Master Ignis Domus said:
No, don't use Imperial Reavers, use Purifiers. It's a much cooler and more stylish name.


I'm going for pirate, not janitor dammit! :)

Edited by Captain Juan Juarez

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