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The Knights in Gray


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We will preach unto them the unbelievers untill they realize the error of their judgement. Then when they fall to thier knees in agony over the lies they have lived by we will cut open thier throats and thier dying breathes will be prayers unto the true gods. And if that doesnt work, we will go to plan 2. Ummmm whats plan 2? Honestly i will wait to see the codex then i will have a better idea of what to do.
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I'll likely field a couple plasma guns in my chaos marines to counter grey knights, but it seems like once you crack open their land raiders and(hopefully) rhinos, you can just plasma cannon them to death just like any other marine...only more expensive.

PAGK, as long as they retain T4 and the 3++ should die just the same to massed and low AP fire as any other marine, and GKT should die to plasma and melta reasonably well...or just be tarpitted with some lesser daemons or even CSM. It's worth noting that depending on how much of a CC buff the PAGK get it might be best to stay out of CC with them.


I might consider swaping out a CSM unit or maybe a couple oblits for either a melta raptor, termicide(using termies in that manner I find distressing), or melta biker unit, as distasteful as it may be to me, if merely to have a threat on the table to deal with Land Raider heavy forces quicker than melta CSM can. If PAGK gain the ability to use razorbacks/rhinos or most importantly some fast tough skimmer(likely...) I may be subbing my AC havocs in for a pair of oblits to aid in the demeching procedure.


Basically I'll deal with them the same as I'd deal with a current elite/termie heavy space marine list, without any major changes to my all comers list. I might pack some plasma CSM in the place of my current flamer guys as a knee-jerk reaction, but other than a little fast melta that my current list lacks I don't think I'll need to add anything else. If they have super anti psyker powers I'll be dropping warptime in favor of more dakka though.


Here's hoping they don't all get artificer armor or armywide FnP though. If they do I might have to turn to nurgle worship.

I've been waiting for plastic GK models forever though and I think this time I might have to start a new army(or at least a new killteam!).

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Hello (insert typical insult for Chaos here),


I have heard that the Daemonhunters are going to get a new Codex and that it is going to be nasty: Grey Knights: We're gonna need more AP2


How are you guys going to handle them you think. I wonder because I...*ahem*... sometimes play....Chaos.



Two words : Nine Obliterators.


Sad, but true.

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Some how the rumblings about the Grey Kniggets, that they are supposed to be a very elite army, irks me. To me having come from Warhammer Fantasy Battles that always seemed to me to be the Chaos way in that a Chaos army might number a lot less than most armies but in the end made up for that with the strongest units in game. In certain respects Chaos does have that in 40k but just not enough in my opinion and certainly no Imperial force should have followers stronger than those of the Dark Gods.
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Some how the rumblings about the Grey Kniggets, that they are supposed to be a very elite army, irks me. To me having come from Warhammer Fantasy Battles that always seemed to me to be the Chaos way in that a Chaos army might number a lot less than most armies but in the end made up for that with the strongest units in game. In certain respects Chaos does have that in 40k but just not enough in my opinion and certainly no Imperial force should have followers stronger than those of the Dark Gods.


The ones who are going to get hosed the worst will be the Chaos Daemons players. Literally everything that isn't a Soulgrinder is going to end up getting curbstomped unless this Codex isn't nearly as powerful as the rumors portend.

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Well, we shall have to wait and see how the codex plays out. Grey knights have needed a points break and/or boost for quite awhile and it would be nice to see a GK army that fields more than 25 models, or a playable GK killteam.


Am I worried they're going to all get S6 power weapons and AP3 storm bolters? No. Am I slightly worried they're going to be made to feel more "elite" by all getting FnP or arti armor or something else(buffed up Shrouding?)? A little apprehensive, but not really "worried". I won't get worried until I read it and play against it. Afterall for all the shenanigans in the new BA it's still a reasonable list to play against. I said the only changes I would make would be to include some fast melta to counter possible land raider heavy lists, and maybe swap my flamers for plasma guns, mainly to compensate for the increased number of MEQ players caused by new codex player surge. I won't panic until a GKGM solo instant kills a daemon prince after walking effortlessly through 20 khorne berserkers with a couple powerfists, which quite frankly would be fine if he were costed appropriately.


As-is, the current GK list would be okay if it had 3+ SS and some form of man portable antitank. As is you can only take min units of inq. stormtroopers in a rhino for all your BS4 melta needs, and they're slightly overpriced, as is the horse they rode in on(rhino @50pts!).

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