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Flesh Is Weak


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...Which some people will might have previously seen down in the Planet of Sorcerors...


Due to joining this years LPC vow, i've decided to put a thread in here, by way of showing that I'm making progress, and to show my models off in a way that more people might see + comment.


My Vow states that I'll be painting up 3 terminators (having already painted up 2) as well as 5 Thousand sons (Again, Having already half finished a squad...) (Slight error in this as they're in squads of 9 and not 10 as i previously thought...so looks like i'll be getting more of these guys after all to furfil the vow), as well as a squad of 5 Raptors.


To date, in terms of the vow, i've completed (minus base) 2 of the terminators, and i'm well on the way to getting the final one done, at which point I'll take a picture of the 3 new terminators, and the previous 2 seperately, and then all 5 together.


At this time, I've only got one model completely painted and based, so I'll leave you with that, but I also have a 10"man" squad of Horrors, a 10man CSM squad, aforementioned Terminators, as well as a 5man squad of Thousand Sons...As well as a MkIIb Land Raider is nigh on complete.



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So...eventually got round to finishing all the models, as well as getting the bases painted so...here goes:


Terminator 1:




Terminator 2:




Terminator 3:




Terminator group (5 of them woo)




Had originally had the 1st terminator effectively looking down the barrel of his combi-bolter but whilst painting it, the arm broke off and i didnt manage to glue it in the same spot - D'oh

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have you thought about using a wash to bring out the definition & detailing in the model.

try devlan mud over the whole model,if you are nervious paint up a tester model.

this has improved my models no end.

the wash does all the hard work.

try the black wash over tester or mix some of the other washes in the range.

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I have infact used Gryphonne sepia on all the models. Maybe you cant see it on the Reaper Autocannon term's face i dont know, but they all have been. If alternatively you're refering to the Sorceror, i used a asurmen blue on the blue and then the sepia over the gold.
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  • 4 weeks later...
So...its been about a month since my last post. I've completed 2 of the raptors, and done 1 of the Thousand sons....Slow progress :( And something I wish to apologize for. On the plus side i've got probably half of March off should I have any problems in completing the vow.
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Because its also reference to a film i like - Repo! the Genetic Opera...On the Planet of Sorcerors i called the thread: "Flesh is Weak, All is Dust"


All is dust? That's also the tag-line to the BL Horus Heresy novel "A Thousand Sons". I'm detecting a theme here... like Apocalypse Now/Heart of Darkness where Konrad Curze comes from. :wacko:

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  • 4 weeks later...

So...Time for another update.


Of my Vow, i've got the 3 terminators done, 2 of the raptors are finished, but now the rest of the Thousand Sons are painted, meaning i've just got 3 raptors to do. (btw, you might only be able to count 9...(or even 8), but i assure you there are 10.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Another update, tho it doesnt come with a picture this time. Got most of the way on finishing off the Raptors, just concentrating on doing one arm and the back pack, then gluing the bases on. Unlike the others, im not using the Secret weapon bases, and instead just using the normal GW slotted base...for the sheer fact that i dont want to make a mistake when adapting the better bases.
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Right. Im finished with the vow. As of about an hour ago infact. The Raptors have finally been finished:




Better shot of the Icon Bearer.




Will eventually get a look at doing a picture of all the vow, but not at this moment in time.


Hope you like them.

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