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Iron Warrior Units - Your help needed

Dr Duck

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I'm currently expanding my Iron Warrior army, they started off as a few speccial weapon units for my Death Guard, but over time they've sort of grown. I've got 4 units i'm working on but i could do with a bit of comminuty input on them.


1) Iron Warrior Assault Terminators

I'm going to be using a pack of loyalist marines to basis of this but one of the conversions I want to do is to put forgeworlds MkIII iron armour heads into the suits. Has anyone tried this and do they know if they fit well?



2) Iron Warrior Troops

As a result of the above i'm going to have a spare set of 5 MKIII bodies. I'd like to find some interesting heads to put on them and i'm going to arm them with plasma guns to be used as a Choosen special weapon squad. Has anyone done anything of this nature and can suggest something i may not have considered as an interesting set of heads to use?



3) Daemon Prince

I've already got the Inquisitor Chrono Gladiator as my daemon prince model but i'd like to give it flight caperbility. Biological wings just don't look right to me. Does anyone know of a jump pack or mechanical wings in the right scale i could get hold of?



4) Lesser Daemons

I'd like some mechanical themed lesser daemons. I'd considered necromunda pit slaves but they have guns on the models. I then through servitors but there are only 2 models available and £8 per close combat servitor is a bit steep. The only other thing that lept to mind was Necron Flayed ones, but i felt these were too readily identifiable as Necrons to get away with them as iron warrior lesser daemons. Does anyone know of a good close combat robot model of the right scale?

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For #4, might I suggest Arco-Flagellants. With the =][= stuff filed down and proper paint, they'd look like Iron Warrior daemons.


If you don't mind :lol: non-GW stuff, Cryx Mechanithralls or other Cryx units from Warmachine could work.


I have a Chaos daemons army that I am going to paint in metallics to represent servants of the Soul Forge who have renounces prior ties to serve the Masters of the Forge. With some guitar strings and cybernetic bits, any daemon could look very Iron Warriors esque.

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1) could do, but chaos terminator bodies would fit better imo

2) I use MKIIIs as heavy siege troops (plague marine rules). maxmini has steam knight helmets that resemble older mk armor, other than that I recommend using the metal helmets from the Iron Warrior bitz box.

3) there were some rules quarrels about jps not being wygiwys. I use a gladiator arm but with the generic DP as a base with dragon wings, as I haven't found a corrctly sized jp either. I recommend searching the librarium for pre-heresy jumppacks and adjust the dimensions.

4) warmachine scrap thralls, rackham AT-43 assault golems, german emaciated troopers from darkson designs ww2, anything built from fantasy chaos marauders/warriors, upcoming dark eldar wrecks

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My DIY warband is largely comprised of and influenced by Iron Warriors. For my Terminators I'm used modified Berzerker skull heads and the heads from Loyalist Venerable Dreadnought kits. The latter I think are perfect for Iron Warrior styled Terminators.


As far as Summoned Daemons goes, I'm using WHFB Empire Flagellants with chain swords. That's not mechanical, but it's still neat. For a different project I'm getting plastic Necrons and GSing them to make Mechanicus Tech Adepts. I think if you kitbash some Necrons with some WHFB Chaos Warriors (Marauder or Knight arms) you might get a neat looking effect, with some GS to smooth out any awkward fittings.


For for my Daemon Prince I had an initial project that was to make him a mechanical construct with jetpacks. It turned out much to big to be a DP, so I made him a DIY custom Walker and bought the new plastic DP kit and dealt with it. BUT, when I was looking for jet pack parks I looked in three primary places: 1. rummage shops like the DAV and Salvation Army for old toy airplanes, 2. Toy stores for new toy airplanes and sci-fi toys, 3. a store called US Toys where teachers go to get all the crazy stuff they decorate their classrooms with. I found all kinds of neat things in these stores, and eventually bought a Terminator: Salvation toy that I pulled the jet engines off of. It was just too bad that at the time I had no idea how tall a Daemon Prince really was, but the point is you can find all kinds of conversion parts in these places if you just keep looking.


As for interesting heads for the MkIII bodies, a lot of people use Berzerker helmets with the bunny ears cut off to look like Crusade/Heresy era helmets.

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1) I wanted to go for a cleaner look without the ornateness to give it a more industrial look. After removing loyalst symbols (ofc), i was going to use some plastic rod to add some rivets to complete the effect. Sounds like the helmets will work though


2) "I recommend using the metal helmets from the Iron Warrior bitz box" .... I'd totally forgotten about that bitz pack and of course its the obvious choice now i've been reminded of it :)


3) Although my opponents are quite happy for me to just add the wings ability, its personal preference to want to show it. I feel a plasticard pack may be the answer.


4) The Arco flagellents are tempting but the number of =][='s on them is a worry. I'd also thought about the flagellents but i'm using them with cadian arms as my gene-tealer cult troops already. However.. Cryx Mechanithralls, warmachine scrap thralls & rackham AT-43 assault golems all look superb and are exactly what i was hoping for, if not more. If anything i'm now facing a hard choice of which one i like the most and may well end up with a couple of lesser daemon units


Thanks guys, thats been very useful ;)

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i my self have made iron warrior havocs using FW mkIII armour and it worked well but they are a bit anoying to kitbash/convert as there torsoes are a bit thiner and there hands are partialy covered by the gauntlets making it hard to regular GW bolters and plasma guns on.

but if you can be bothered doing the work it is worth it, and as for the heads i, too, recomend buying the iron warrior conversion set for thouse heads.

good luck

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When I finally get around to it, I'm putting together some Wardroids from Pig Iron Miniatures as Obliterators for my IW. Couple that with some kickass bases from Dark Art Miniatures, and you have some sweet looking mech-obliterators.
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For heads for your troops, how about Steam Knight Helmets


Thats the way i've ended up going, they should be arriving any way now. As its turned out though i'm using them on my terminators as i feel that they would suit the more individual heads being an elite unit.


As a futher bonus forgeworld have been extra efficient and my Tyberos arrived today a week earlier than i was expecting :(

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For my IW troops I use a mixture of metal IW pack heads, shaved down berzerker heads, chaos marine heads(I shave all but one set of horns per squad), loyalist heads(including the ven dread heads which work fantastically, and the bionic heads from the iron hands pack). Heads of note are using a ven dread studded helm for an IW skull champ, using a Tz champ horney head with the horns removed, making a passable closed helm, the loyalist bionic sergeant head, and using the three eyed nurgle CSM champ head with the nurgle removed for heavy weapon havocs.


For torsos I mostly use CSM torsos and berserker torsos, with a smattering of the metal IW torsos and a few non aquilaed loyalist torsos as well. The Iron hands pack in general is also a good buy, as it gives you some fantastic metal bionics as well as a loyalist tac marine squad(good for veriety and there's a few rather nice bitz in there too). Maxmini also produces a bionics set, and the character conversion kit from FW has some really nice bionics as well(and a really fantastic powerfist!).


Loyalist techmarines can also be a good source of bitz, and from leftovers from my conversion beamer MoTF I used the servo harness to make 2 servo arms, 1 flamer on servo arm, and a melta servo arm which look really nice on the TT, and make the models stand out nicely. The classic range techmarines also come with very nice armor sets that with a little filing can make very attention grabbing IWs, and their servo arms are simply fantastic for champions as well.


The classic range warsmith model is also a good source of bitz, his bionic arm can be fashioned into a servo arm or used as is as a powerfist, and his armor is studded with fantastic sculpted iron warriors symbols, making it an idea base for your ICs or champions. His combi melta really sleek looking, and a all around fantastic bit(great for pintle mounts, termies, ICs, or champions), as is his servo arm backpack.


Another must have is the melta 5 melta pack from GW direct for any IW army, they're non spiky, but you'll probably need more meltas than the CSM boxes can provide. The GW metal IW shoulder pads are also very nice and I personally prefer them greatly to using transfers in most cases.

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Forgive the poor image (quick snap on the iphone) but i've got my Tyberos model painted up now in the IW colours. The removal of the sole imperial insignia was a doddle for anyone else considering getting this guy for a Chaos.




I'm opting to deploy him as a Chaos lord with mark of Slannesh and a Daemon weapon. I felt this gave him a suitably fearsome close combat 'boost' in his stat line to back up the reality of his vicious weapons

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