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Wanna add to my apoc force? :D


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Like? and titans are out of the question I don't want to be the doucher that drops 10 strength D pie plates

I think you do not understand what apo games are about . But good luck playing without D class weapons and flyers. Hope your opponents have same build armies.

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I think you do not understand what apo games are about . But good luck playing without D class weapons and flyers. Hope your opponents have same build armies.


Spot on. If you don't have D weapons and the other person does, you're going to lose whole swaths of your army before you can take it down. Seriously, score a Warhound with two turbolaser ddestructors (that's "ddestructors" with 2 d's for a double dose of Str D), paint it up blood-and-brass style, and unleash Hell. A Brass Scorpion to go along with your Defilers not only is a sweet formation, but is also damn terrifying to forcibly insert into someone's precious armored column (people tend to forget the Scorp has Frenzied Charge). Also, you need more Terminators, at least 11 of them, so your Termie Lord/CPT and all his boys can be a Chaos Annihilation Force, which is the second-most awesome thing in Apocalypse that isn't a four-Reaver Titan Inner Sphere 'Mech lance (or a Nurgle Plague Tower filled with Obliterators, which is a sickness all its own and a very nasty shock to anyone), and no one likes the idea of a pack of Terminators dropping in right after a scheduled bombardment/precision strike that just crippled/stunned their army's most valuable unit.


Actually, if you're adamant about not using Titans, definitely use the Plague Tower + 9 Oblits. The 9 Oblits are immune to damage as long as they're inside the Tower, and all 9 make a formation that allows them a Str D Death Star cannon shot in addition to the independant shots the Tower itself takes. Entire armies will be forced to expend their firepower trying to crack through all its structure points just to get at those Oblits, and in the meantime your Khorne horde is slamming into their lines with the fury of the Blood God.

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I think you have to be more specific, TheGerman. Are you looking for something that would look cool, something that would fit the theme or something that would be competetive? Or something completely different?


In case of coolness, I agree with Lay.

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well I use the daemons codex so they get their invulnerable saves. mainly I troll with my daemon princes because my friend plays with a ridiculously huge slaneesh army and we like to just jump around the map quickly and do annoying things to enemy units.
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About how big of a model are they? Ill make a few mwahahahaha


Big. It's a 3 Structure superheavy, so at least the footprint of a Baneblade tank.

Jesus man. is there any type of tactical way I would wanna deploy them if I had a few


Well, they don't move once deployed, so stick them where they can be defended and then let them throw damage around the field.

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