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What's up with Mephiston?


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Probably the fact that he's related to Sepharoth



That's only through marriage... :P


I think that the most popular rumor is that during his 7day/night imprisonment, his vision of Sanguinius that led him to overcome the Black Rage and become the Lord of Death might have been some false vision engineered by a deamon (maybe Ka'Bandha himself).

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If your meaning about the time when he was trapped by a deamon prince (can't recall his name) and was told that he was already on the path to Deamonhood... Well I think it'd mess me up a bit if I was a raging mini-carnifex like him :P

Also a lot of his brothers view him as different. A sort of permanent black rage that frightens them. The fact he's librarian means he's even more separated


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Malatox - I'm using the fluff from the 3rd/4th/5th edition BA 'dexs as that's all I have access to.

Oh sorry, my comment was directed at the Original Poster not you Dhx711... Sorry again


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only problem is that being on the path of Daemonhood could be said of ANY marine psyker... Or any psyker, or any marine. They all have a heightened potential, since they are so much more of interest to a daemon - with a body and/or mind that would be able to sustain the daemon far better in the pysicla world than a normal human might.
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Thanks for the replies.

So basically, one of the most powerful pyskers of all time is becoming a daemon. Sort of makes sense. You can't wield that much power, shrug off a curse without a few greased daemon hands.

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Thanks for the replies.

So basically, one of the most powerful pyskers of all time is becoming a daemon. Sort of makes sense. You can't wield that much power, shrug off a curse without a few greased daemon hands.


That's my theory atleast.

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I don't think that's it... I believe he THINKS he may be one, but I doubt that's the actual case. It seems more like a battle with himself where he is worrying over nought... Will this leave him weaker and more cautious? Will this be the gap used by chaos to corrupt one of the imperious most powerful heroes? Who knows?


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I don't think that it's the deamon story either. I can imagine that, when you set free these incredible powers of both mind and body, this changes you from your very soul. I think that Meph has become more "laid back" because he sees that within the geneseed lays both strength and doom of the Blood Angels, and that the overcoming of the curse can bring them doom as well.



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only problem is that being on the path of Daemonhood could be said of ANY marine psyker... Or any psyker, or any marine. They all have a heightened potential, since they are so much more of interest to a daemon - with a body and/or mind that would be able to sustain the daemon far better in the pysicla world than a normal human might.

Sure, every psyker is desirable to Chaos to make a possessed. But when you're possessed, you don't become a daemon: the daemon enters you.


Saying Mephiston is "well on the path to daemonhood" means he's on the road to becoming a Daemon Prince, which is much more rare.


Not saying the daemon wasn't lying, just pointing out the difference.

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isnt the most powerful psyker the emperor ? He isnt becoming a demon...yet....

Isn't he TOO powerful....?

It would be funny I his skeleton became possessed though :D

Line Trooper Astrates- "Quick! It's a nurgle deamon... Open fire with Bolters!"

Inquistor- "Stop this Hanis Act! It's the Emperor!"

Astrates- "yeh but... "

Inquistor- "NO buts here boy!... Now bow befor- glarg" *killed by Zombie Emperor*


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isnt the most powerful psyker the emperor ? He isnt becoming a demon...yet....



Ah, seriously though. There are theories on whether or not The Emperor was a sort of ascended daemon. There are also theories on whether or not he made a pact with daemons to create the primarchs, which he decided to re-neg on, which explains the scattering of the primarchs before the Emperors crusade to find them. Who knows? :D


On the subject of Mephiston, I feel that it would be very cliche for him to fall to Daemonhood. Not completely... impossible, but very unlikely.

One would think that his transformation from Calistarius to Mephiston caused certain things. Let us not forget that Calistarius was previously a very powerful psyker, and his defeat of the black rage only allowed him to use his powers in a different way. It also made him insanely strong physically. But becoming a strong physical being =/= becoming a strong mental being(Which Mephiston already was). As has been previously said by another poster I believe that the release of the Rage caused him to be changed from his very soul.


@Zhx711: Why can't you attain great power, and shrug-off the un-shrug-off-able? I think if anyone would be able, it would be Mephiston.




EDIT: Giggle. Post number 34. If you know the rules... oh, god what have I done?

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I think something needs to be said for the nature of the black rage.


During the BA brothers fall to the rage, they all believe they are Sanguinius in the final moments.


To me, Mephiston is NOT a daemon nothing close. In fact, I believe hes the opposite.


I believe the beating of the rage is a full physical representation of the psychic imprint left behind by Sanguinius. Its well known that during the rage BA go "crazy" and believe in their minds they are Sanguinius - thanks to that psychic backlash. But, if they beat it I believe that they have physical manifestations of the power of Sanguinius too.


I believe that Mephiston's insane statline is an in-game representation and embodiment of the spirit of the Primarch.

Mephiston has essentially become an Avatar for Sanguinius.

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The Sanguinor i felt was nothing close to Sanguinius(in my mind anywho) . I think hes a play on the angelic aspect of the "Angels". Comes in time of need descending from the Heavens like an avenging/protecting Angel, complete with blessings. Its almost as if hes the physical manifestation of the psychic hopes/prayers of the BA.


But, it could be two sides of the same coin. Sanguinor just didnt strike me as the vessal of our Primarch, while Mephy seems like he has unlocked a direct line to the power of our Primarch.


just me thoughts anywho :lol:;

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So Mehpiston, apart from being uber cool and shrugging off the Black Rage has a hidden secret. What is this?

The hidden secret which has quelled his Black Rage is learning the truth that Sanguinius was a traitor and did not "open the way for the Emperor's killing blow against Horus" as the popular propaganda would portray it. ^_^

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The black rage teaches the Blood Angels humility and humanity. The knowledge that they can fall to madness and inhuman rage tempers all that they do, the arrogance of some Astartes becomes empty and hollow. What use are the powers and strengths of an Astartes when, sooner or later, they become the very things that destroy you?


Mephiston has conquered the rage and through it has become more powerful than any Astartes, he no longer fears the rage but controls it. The sins of pride and arrogance are now very real dangers. I think this is what the Daemon was hinting at to be honest.

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even if meph isnt a deamon, hes very powerful. Noone quite knows what happened to him, cause they want it to happen again. he offers hope to the chapter that the rage can be beaten, yet hes the only one that has done it. so hes a compleate mistery. then the fact having alll that power and a deamon telling him that hes becomming one too. well noone can believe a deamon, but it would unsettle anyone, cause now hes likely scared of himself, and wat he could end up doing to his own chapter. libarians fear themselves. and to be honest hes a pretty scary guy... and hes cheif libarian. who knows what information he has access to in special tomes reserved for only the cheif libarians. and he saw all sanguiniuses visions first hand. and he has to help dante watch over his chapter, and to fight wars and deamons and the general enemy. so the dude has alot of responsibility, and fears himself... all stacks up against his mental well being...
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