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++ Knights Sanguine ++

grandmaster lisander

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due to resent events and evidence shown to me by members of the B&C and GW communities, i am forced to re-do something i belived was a completly original chapter (something i belived scenes first starting this game). i thank all of you who have put in the time and effort into helping me and passing on great advise. its back to the drawing board with me and ill be posting my results as soon as they are completed. i look foward to the creation of a completely new (and hopfuly original :mellow:) chapter.
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Due to the distrust of the blood angels chapter (because of their gene curse) by the inquisition, it was requested that the new chapter be sent to a beligard section of the imperiom.


If they were distrusted by the inquisition, why send them far far away? Would it not be better to have them close by for vigilence?


Grand master Lisander

very close to chapter master Lysander of the Imperial Fists, but hey.


Using a Knights Sanguine Army in Warhammer 40,000


A typical Knights Sanguine army is created using Codex: Blood Angels..


not really necessary to tell us about the TT version here.


Other than that, I like the Belief system, and the strong ideals on brotherhood they have. Keep going!

This is my critique from your Blood Angels sub-forum posting:


First off, given that you are obviously of a Germanic persuasion - I don't get to use the word Germanic often enough, I like how it sounds like a crazed or energetic German <_< - you might want to consider running things through an online spell check with an English facility.


The 26th is a late Founding; the last unless the 27th has happend - Im still waiting ;) - so there would be a huge reluctance to use Blood Angel gene-heritage because of the inherent deficiencies.


It is accepted by the Liber and formerly ratified - another word I love - by the Imperial Armour books that a Chapter is created using a gene-heritage from a Primarch/Legion and then created from a Successor who bears that geneseed. I find it hard to credit that a host of Chapters would contribute to their creation.


Generally there is a specific reason for the creation of a Chapter - one sactioned by the HLoT or the Inquisition - so having the Blood Angels decide to contribute to the Founding of one is... Out of the window.


Lots of interesting and powerful worlds within a system, that your Chapter happens to call its own? That smacks of "I Am Awesome" syndrome; in an IA you want cool not Awesome!.


I wouldn't say they lack the mechanized elements of warfare, they just may not have enough of them to complete operate in that way due to being a relatively new Chapter.


Why have two Companies been wiped out? Also, if they are Successors of the Blood Angels then chances are they wouldn not be Codex adherent as standard, but you need to explain if and why they differ from the Blood Angels.


The beliefs pretty much echo what most Astartes will believe.


The "Red Angel" is a name given to Angron during the Horus Heresy.




Grand master Lisander

very close to chapter master Lysander of the Imperial Fists, but hey.


Lysander is First Captain, Vladimir Pugh is Chapter Master - minor point but every little helps right?

Ho-ho-ho :cry: Let the skull-harvest begin!!


The Knights Sanguine though a young chapter (about 386 standered years), still has a long list of accomplishments as well as near crippling defetes. The knights sanguine were born in the 26th founding (738 m41), commissioned by the high lords of terra. Calling upon the Blood Angels chapter to donate gene-seed, training cadra, weapons, power armor, and other equipment. Due to the distrust of the blood angels chapter (because of their gene curse) by the inquisition, it was requested that the new chapter be sent to a beligard section of the imperiom.

- The later Foundings aren't the best for use of BA gene-seed, because of the reason you mentioned, the curse and flaw.

- The gene-seed, equipment and what not is supplied by Admech.

- If the Inquisition is against use of BA gene-seed, then thre is no way it'll be sanctioned by HLoT.

- What is "beligard"?


The knights Sanguine are charged with defending this corner of space agents all enemies, and hopefully parish doing so, for the Inquisiton fear the danger that the new chapter represents.

- Then why they were founded in the first place? The Founding of Chapter is huge investment in both time, effort and resources. Throwing them away is really no-brainer.


Lindathia System rests in the outer reachs of Sigmentum Ultima along the Centaurus Arm.Lindathia system is home to a surprisingly vibrant set of Imperial planets. several Imperial fortress worlds, an adeptus mechanicus forge world, and feudal worlds dot the system, This is the place that the Knights Sanguine call home.

- 'System' is group of planets with one sun. There is no way how could you pile several inhabitanted planets into one system.

- Space Marines are fast strike force, therefore they are charged with defence of the whole sectors.


Whatever colonies that once covered the planet are all but whiped clean.

- You know, the Space Marines chose the planets, because there is population suitable for recruitment. Chosing barren rock as a base of operations is somewhat useless for them.


the fifth company is the cardinals (apothecaries), chaplains and those who have been consumed by the black rage.

- Those, who are consumed by Black Rage are shoot dead or perish in battle. There is no need for such formation.

- Cardinal is title for Ecclesiarchy high-priest.


The 6th company is the squires (scouts) and pages (initiates) along with their 1st company training cadre.

- You said *8* companies, where are these two?

- Also the succession is page - squire - knight. Initiate is marine with full set of organs.


The knights sanguine hold A fierce loyalty to their brother knights and there grandmaster is entrenched in the beliefs from the home worlds were the knights sanguine recruit from. They believe through unity comes strength, through brotherhood comes victory, all are brothers from the lowest savant to the highest paladin.

- Do you realize there is section called 'Organisation', right? Care to explain to us, who are knight-brothers, grandmasters and high paladin?


initiates are gathered from all over the star system

- Neophyte is the term you are looking for.


Before being dobbed a knight they must pass 4 trials, body, mind, fire and blood.

- Nothing new under sun, just re-packaged. Explain in more detail.



Overall: There still long and arduous path before you, young padawan.

Ho-ho-ho ^_^ Let the skull-harvest begin!!

Lindathia System rests in the outer reaches of Sigmentum Ultima along the Centaurus Arm.Lindathia system is home to a surprisingly vibrant set of Imperial planets. Several Imperial fortress worlds, an adeptus mechanicus forge world, and feudal worlds dot the system, This is the place that the Knights Sanguine call home.

- 'System' is group of planets with one sun. There is no way how could you pile several inhabited planets into one system.

- Space Marines are fast strike force, therefore they are charged with defense of the whole sectors.


@ nightrawenII


While I agree with most of what you said, it has been taken into account, but you are wrong about systems, and or star systems, and or solar systems, and or galaxies


A star system or system is a small number of stars which orbit each other,[1] bound by gravitational attraction. A large number of stars bound by gravitation is generally called a star cluster or galaxy, although, broadly speaking, they are also star systems. Star system may also be used to refer to a system of a single star together with a planetary system of orbiting smaller bodies (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_system)


Astronomy .

a. a number of heavenly bodies associated and acting together according to certain natural laws: the solar system



Astronomy: a group of celestial objects connected by their mutual attractive forces, especially moving in orbits about a centre:

The system of bright stars known as the Gould Belt. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/system?view=uk


A (1) : a group of interacting bodies under the influence of related forces <a gravitational system> http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/system


As you can see a system is not just one body of planets moving around a single sun, but describes main astral bodies moving around acting with one another, usually through gravity. I believe what you were referring to would have to be a solar system.



The sun together with all the planets and other bodies that revolve around it. (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/solar+system)


I see how the Lindathia system could be miss understood with a system as being singular set of planets instead of a large group of stars, planets and peoples. I apologies and I shall amend the lindathia system to the lindathia star system to make it clearer to others who may become confused with this in the future.


Thank you for all your helpful input

1. The Lamenters were probably the last Blood Angels successor created. I wouldn't put a BA successor any later than 18th Founding at the extreme end. Probably earlier, without really good reason.


2. The Knights Sanguine existed you know, and they're all dead now. So you got a chance to flesh out the chapter, but you should also have an ending.

1. The Lamenters were probably the last Blood Angels successor created. I wouldn't put a BA successor any later than 18th Founding at the extreme end. Probably earlier, without really good reason.


2. The Knights Sanguine existed you know, and they're all dead now. So you got a chance to flesh out the chapter, but you should also have an ending.


The Lamenters were 21st founding, with the knights of blood being of unknown (possibly 26th?) reference Codex: Blood Angels 5th edition.


Also what list shows the Knights sanguine and when were they wiped out? I can’t find any record of this. It would suck seeing as I have played this chapter I thought was my own original back when I started. Can you clarify?


i do see as B&C fluff wise it would be far easier to just make them an earlier founding, thanks for the advise.

1. The Lamenters were probably the last Blood Angels successor created. I wouldn't put a BA successor any later than 18th Founding at the extreme end. Probably earlier, without really good reason.


2. The Knights Sanguine existed you know, and they're all dead now. So you got a chance to flesh out the chapter, but you should also have an ending.


The Lamenters were 21st founding, with the knights of blood being of unknown (possibly 26th?) reference Codex: Blood Angels 5th edition.


Also what list shows the Knights sanguine and when were they wiped out? I can’t find any record of this. It would suck seeing as I have played this chapter I thought was my own original back when I started. Can you clarify?


i do see as B&C fluff wise it would be far easier to just make them an earlier founding, thanks for the advise.


I doubt that the Knights of Blood were as late as the 26th, though I suppose they could be. Codex Blood Angels itself says that almost all successors are early founding because the High Lords didn't know about the curse yet, implying they stopped using the gene-seed when they realized the curse wasn't going away. Imperial Armour 9 is firm that the Lamenters were the only BA successor of the 21st Founding (closing off any of us who wanted Cursed Founding IAs, darn them) and, given the spectacular failure of the Lamenters project, I personally (based on my own personal interpretations of the fluff) can't imagine permission being granted for a successor after them.


Anyways, to answer your question:


The Chapters described here are the most famous of the Blood Angels' successors, but this list is by no means complete. Others have come and gone in the millennia since the dissolution of the Blood Angels Legion. Some, such as the Knights Sanguine, were consumed by war. Others, most famously the Exanguinators and the Flesh Eaters, were fatally undone by their gene-seed.


Sorry about that, brother.


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