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Terminators - Differences between the chapters


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i´ve read though a couple of boards, and most of the Dark Angels, Black Templars and so on are happy that the got new toys with their errata ^_^


Can someone please explain the difference between the various Terminator Options the Chapters offers?

As i am new to W40k and only know the Blood Angels, it would be nice if one of you experienced players can explain it :)


thanks in advance!

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DA and BT had inferior weaponry, hangups from their codecii being written under older rules or under an outdated 'concept' (in the case of the DAs). Examples being stormsheilds only being a 4++ (rather than a 3++ as BAs have) and only allowing that save in hand-to-hand (rather than all the time).


Now BT terminators are mostly the same as our ones (though I think they still get to pick a special skill from a short list - tank hunters or FC i believe), while DA terminators are a mixed weaponry squad rather than assault or tactical terminator squads. Imagine a 5 man squad with a cyclone, 2 LC terminators, and a painr of thunderhammer/stormshield terminators. Basically they can pick and choose whatever they want (with a limit on the number of heavy weapons).

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Black Templars can take Tank hunters or furious charge. They also get cheaper Cyclones and can have 2 cyclones in a 5 man squad.


Dark Angels can mix and match assault terminators and regular terminators. Theirs are more expensive, but get fearless built in.


regular marines are the same as ours without paying extra for the thunder hammer/storm shield and they don't have the Red Thirst. But they do have chapter tactics (fleet with Shrike is nice)

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Also, in a Wolf "Termie" unit, we can mix in Power Armor to keep price low or to take other options. We're not obligated to have squads full of Termies, unless I've been reading that HORRIBLY wrong since the Dex came out.
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DA termies are up to standards now. Probably even better now that they can field mass hammernators, as a troops choice.


Blood Angels gain 5 points on theres, but have a chance of gaining Furious Charge and Fearless. They also may gain feel no pain from San Priests if any are in the area. They gain a bit more but get more expensive overall.


Space Marines is fairly standard, they cost 40 each, but are famiously hard units anyway. 400 points for 10 hammers and sheilds makes it a brutally efficent unit in close combat and if for some strange reason it is losing, the can battle tactics so everyone else can have a shot before it charges back in again.


Space Wolves pay considerably more for their formations, but are easencally veterans and termies rolled into one. They have a very wide range of shooting and melee dutys it can preform, and counter charge can give it the edge. They may also be fielded as troops. Unlike other termies they can take combi weapons.

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While we DA have quite good TDA units now, keep in mind that fluffwise we can field more than most Chapters, and rulewise we have a 5-man limit. So say a tourney allowed you to take all termis for 2000pts, a Blood Angel player took all termis and we did so too, we would be out-numbered
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In other words, we have the worst Termies?

I wouldn't say that.

BA are much more of a finese and synergy army. Yes our termies are Tad more expensive, but they have the chance of gianing Furious Charge and Fearless instead of ATSKNF. With the ability to have Sanguinary Priests, we can have access to Furious Charging, Feel-No-Pain Termies pretty easily and that's nothing to be scoffed at... Throw in us have a fast, Skimming Land-Raider (yes I believe "Storm-Raven" was a typo :P) and you've got a unit that can perform different roles from other Chapters.

My $0.02 <_<


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malatox has picked up on what i was going to say. with a priest, we get str 5 lightning claws, and fnp. on termies, those bonuses are badass. :(


Don't forget the +1 Initiative bonus from FC as well :P

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Ours are presently the uberest possible.


Sanguinors blessing




Sanguinors Aura

Fearless/company banner reroll

Sacrficial ICs (excess priests)

2+, 5++/3++

Corbolo's eye.


Yes, I've had all these working on a termie unit at once.

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In other words, we have the worst Termies?

I wouldn't say that.

BA are much more of a finese and synergy army. Yes our termies are Tad more expensive, but they have the chance of gianing Furious Charge and Fearless instead of ATSKNF. With the ability to have Sanguinary Priests, we can have access to Furious Charging, Feel-No-Pain Termies pretty easily and that's nothing to be scoffed at... Throw in us have a fast, Skimming Land-Raider (yes I believe "Storm-Raven" was a typo :P) and you've got a unit that can perform different roles from other Chapters.

My $0.02 ;)


I would say BA have the worst terminators right now. Though just my opinion.

BT: Furious charge, preferred enemy or tank hunters and double CML and preferred enemy

DA: Mixed terminators, one squad gets FNP and +1 attack, troops, fearless, turn 1 teleporting. Probably the best, except maybe BT.

C:SM: The same as BA, just cheaper TH/SS. Can get furious charge with Khan. Infiltrating with Shrike. MC thunderhammers with Vulkan.

SW: Can be troops, pretty much any wargear or anything you want.

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yeah its all about the synergy. Add a priest and maybe a reclusiarch to a squad of LC terminators and you have a unit that is init 5, S5 with re-rolls to hit AND to wound in close combat and have a 50/50 chance of shakin off those few wounds they do manage to recieve.. goodbye carnifex(es), goodbye 'Ardboy MOB... goodbye any other 5 (hell, id go againts 10) man terminator squad you might have to go toe-to-toe with
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BA have the worst Terminators, come off it? I'm a BA player and after reading some of the above posts I think people haven't quite grasped the FNP, FC combo have they? Before the FAQ, DA and BT had the worst Terminators but now we have been updated it makes our Deathwing much more on a par with everyone else.
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BT now have the best Terminators. Preferred Enemy and FC built in to every assault unit and now proper Storm Shields and THammers. 4 St9 shots at armour per squad with 'Tactical' termies, plus the Preferred Enemy to rebuff any charges they might take


DA have the most versatile


BA have the hardest hitting


SW have the most affordable (Wolf Claw and Storm Bolter) and are the best defensive (With Counter attack)

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Black Templar Terminators (well, all Black Templars in fact) are also Fearless in CC and have Righteous Zeal to get closer to you if you shoot them. Both 'standard' and Assault BT Terminators can pick either Furious Charge or Tank Hunters, the Assault Terminators (as said before) have 3++ Shields for free, and the Termies also benefit from army-wide Preferred Enemy. However, the most important thing to note when looking at Black Templar Terminators is that they don't need another unit nearby (e.g. Sanguinary Priests) to gain any of these bonuses. This is what makes them deadly.


Dark Angels can mix types of Terminators, so they will probably have a couple Storm Shields in a unit to absorbe fire directed toward the Cyclone Launcher termie. Also, the Dark Angels can take an army of pure Terminators, and they can take a single Termie Apothecary and Banner Bearer.


Codex Marines have effectively the same Terminators as the Blood Angels, just slightly cheaper Storm Shields.


I am not as familiar with Space Wolves, so I cannot comment on them.


The major strength of the Blood Angels Terminators is that they can easily gain bonuses from friendly units, such as the Sanguinary Priest. However, remember that each Priest is an extra Kill Point, and any other army can use other models to boost their Terminators. When comparing just Terminators across armies, the Templars come out on top, and the Blood Angels do have the worst Terminators (but the best way to boost them).

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