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Night Lords: Former 12th company


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Hey guys, as you might know (probably not) I collect NL, I've always been fond with the scary masters of twillight,

and when I started the army fate was on my side and shortly after the first unit was painted, the excellent Soul Hunter was released, which only expanded my love for NL. Now with every army I collect, fluff is important, so my NL are no exception.....


12th company was, like the other companies, very succesful. They listen to Cruze and Cruze only, often deserting allies and enemies alike if the Night Haunter needed assistance. As with each company captain, Cruze gave 12th company's captain, the title 'the Bloodtear' mainly for what atocities he did to his victims usings his talons.

While the rest of the legion headed towards Caliban during the Horus Heresy, 12th company came to the conclusion that the Heresy itself was a failure from the start, Horus failed to take into account any survivors and instead basked in his glory, as a result the Emperor could work agianst him. So in an act of defiance 12th ignorned the Night Haunters requests, and headed towards vulnerable forge worlds. Here they amassed equipment and forced imperial battlegroups to their service.

With the heresy over and news of Konrads death, the Bloodtear became the self proclaimed heir to the NL throne. Megalomania set in and the Bloodtear began to believe himself as a rival to the greatest Chaos Lords in the galaxy. With his power he renamed the company 'the Weepers' , and punished worshipping of other Gods, as he was the only God there would ever be.

However not all could be controlled and rumour is that a cult of the dark gods resides within the company, whether or not the Bloodtear's ego will allow him to see what is truly there is let to be seen, but a uprise is spreading as each power hungery Astarte decides on which option will be of most benifit. But the Weepers continue their murderous carnage across the galaxy...


So without further ado, heres the models them selves

The Bloodtear





Claw squad 1





Claw squad 1.5











Assult squad










And tester Talon




So there you go C&C more then welcome :mellow:

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Your Chaos Lord's grin made me grin :(


Your Raptor Champion... Your basing for him is terrible. It would have been so much better if you had left him as you got him, basing wise, although the painting is superb, so :(


Ah yeah, about that. When I got the model it was far too foward, a slight touch caused it to snap, so instead of attempting the impossible I glued the flames to his jump pack. :P

But thanks anyway



Ok, so this is Master Horrocks, Lord Talon. He will be leading my Talon unit (Sternguard)




And this is The Obsolete Optic, I prefer the old tanks to the newer ones




So as usual, what do you think?

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Not much of an update.


Finished two Talons



The Talons were made using the Legion of the damned with additions (heads, guns, back packs) and all Imperial symbols removed. The extended gun idea, was shamefully stolen off Dan the deamon http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...2506&st=325 (somewhere in there)


Closer pics of Raptors (yet to be based)





Front view of Rhino



Side view, with poor Cadian cruifixion



Assult marine showing fondness of banners




Detail isn't shown well on the camera


Almost accidental assult marine running



Special weapon guys



Side view of Macharius, with captured Ultramarine



And something small I made with some bitz I found

A Plasma Generator



C&C always welcome

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Ah yeah, about that. When I got the model it was far too foward, a slight touch caused it to snap, so instead of attempting the impossible I glued the flames to his jump pack. :D

But thanks anyway

Oops, my bad. I think you should have attempted to attach his feet to the flames instead of the loincloth, but it's done now.


As for other comments, I just noticed the lighting you did on the feet of the Raptors, after you mentioned that they had yet to be based. The lighting is well and truly amazing, that deserves far more than just this - :P - more like a bow or a hat being removed.


I also noticed you exchanged their typical chainblades for power weapons, do you plan on running them as Vanguard? Or do they just count as a Close Combat Weapon?

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Oops, my bad. I think you should have attempted to attach his feet to the flames instead of the loincloth, but it's done now.


As for other comments, I just noticed the lighting you did on the feet of the Raptors, after you mentioned that they had yet to be based. The lighting is well and truly amazing, that deserves far more than just this - :rolleyes: - more like a bow or a hat being removed.


I also noticed you exchanged their typical chainblades for power weapons, do you plan on running them as Vanguard? Or do they just count as a Close Combat Weapon?


Aw thanks, it wasn't much I juts drybrushed Blazing Orange on the under side of the feet.

And yeah I use the BA codex, so my Raptors are Vanguard and they use power weapons


Small update; two more Talons are done and I found out how to enlarge images, although picture quality is still bad





And a group pic (it's dark because their NL, honest)



Next in the pipe line are another Marine squad, Terrorists (Sang guard/ Honour guard) and home made Jetbikes (LandSpeeder)

So C&C (if anyone else will be bothered :huh:)

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Double post, sorry.


Now I don't know whether this should go in the WiP section, so if the mods feel thats appropriate then fine.


I've aquired some Flayed Ones talons and with them I plan to make some Death Company stand ins.

Heres the first model, sorry about the excessive amout of Blu tac, the damn thing doesn't wnt to stick :blink:









I don't know whether to have the other arm behind him or in front.

So C&C ;)

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I've not yet decided on how I want the position I want to make it so he's running forwards, but I'm still working on it.

In the mean time, due to a recent advance in money :lol: I've began ideas for my Jetbike /Land speeder count as.


A little off topic, but I know my NL's arn't great (I prefer to say mediocre) however check out these! http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=221157


Oh well we can dream :)

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