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Hello chaps,


I am dipping a tentative toe into the murky world of the B&C for the first time tonight, as I return to war gaming and figure painting after a three or four year sabbatical. I am old, though not quite yet incontinent, so please be aware that I may lapse into cynical old man mode at inopportune times, and wax lyrical about the good old days rather too much for some.


I confess that I have only played 40,000 once, about six or seven years ago at the club with a ex GW store manager acting as the rule book, the edition with the painting of Black Templars on the cover, and using 15mm proxy figures. I do however have a love of the 40,00 universe and used to play "Space Marine" as it was then, with a large collection of figures that I mostly still have in a box somewhere. First edition Space Hulk was another favourite, and I still have the rules, figures, and terrain for that.


Just lately I have had the hankering to start painting and converting again and I'm hoping that if I post a little here from time to time, I may get the old creative juices going again.


Below is a link to some of my figures, the Chaplin was just finished and still need some work on the base before he is varnished. The Shadow Hunters are an antidote to the hell that is trying to paint Howling Griffons, in the original colours, and because I want to to do a "dark" chapter that will out "Dark" the Dark Angels by quite some way. I know the name is taken btw, but unless I think of something I like better it will just have to stay. The plan, such as it is, is to work on the Space Marines and some Sisters of Battle I have kicking about somewhere too, as well as some IG that I know will hold no interest to this forum, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.


Thanks for having me and feel free to ask any questions, but I warn you, I have a short attention span and may wander off from time to time, also this computer has a will of it's own and will sometimes "wander me off" whether I like it or not.







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Thanks chaps, it feels good to be painting again. :lol:


Ah yes three Rhinos for a tenner, happy days....and you could still get Fish and Chips on the way home with the change....or not. <_<


Ebay, Dettol, and a glug of Nitromors for the lead in my life, have been kind to me over the last few years, so I have quite a bit of half decent rank and file to be going on with, I'm short on transport though.


Is it for an Army?.. well yes it will be eventually, but I doubt it will be a legal tournament style one, as I have too much fondness for giving figures what I want them to have, rather than what is in the existing rules, baring in mind the rules will probably change again before these figures ever see a table. I count on you chaps to curb my worst excesses.


The Griffons though will probably stay just as a Space Hulk force, life is too short to start again with the newer figures, though I may do a few odds and sods when I have the time.


Chaos?.. A small-ish number of CSM and Zerkers are on the list too as a wee distraction. As I open long untouched boxes, I amazed at the things I'm finding again ;)



take care..

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