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Allies for the DA


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Hi all,

I have been painting DA for quite a while now and am looking to do something else colorwise than dark green or bone.

I am not a player, so it doesn't matter to me if this is legit for tournaments etc. However, I would like it if the choice makes sense fluff wise.


So do you guys know of any chapter(s) that worked closely together with the DA in some war and/or campaign that have a different color scheme than dark green/bone white?

I looked at the second founding chapters of the DA, but colorwise they are either too similair or too dull for my taste.


Thanks and cheers!

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They don't mingle with other chapters much, they keep to themselves. Before the Heresy El'johnson and Russ, were the best of brothers and both chapters liked each other only when they got into the duel the chapters got little mad but the Primarchs still loved each other.
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Too my knowladge, right now DA would not ally up with anyone. They are very distrustfull. Why I have no idea. I could see them allying up with someone if they had information releating to the Fallen and the DA could not infiltrate any spies into the orignization.


Maybe a faction keeps getting info on Fallen from time to time, so the DA want to make sure they stick around and nobody troubles them or kills them off. Maybe once they don't have any more info, I guess their Allience would end then.


So it can be whoever you want it to be. I could see Grey Knights. Funny thing is, GK just like DA usually kills everyone who had any informaition of their where abouts so nobody would know they were around. So it would be interesting what would happen if GK and DA fought side by side. Maybe that is the only "truce" and not an allience per se.


I agree with the Consencrators. They can be done nicely, just like GK ironicly.

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Thanks for the replies!

I am considering the consecrators, since they do look nice, however it says that they use the older mark 6 "Corvus" armor, I have no idea if these are easy attainable or moddified from the mark 7 ones.


I was also browsing the lexicanum and noticed quite a few successor chapters that have an unknown founding chapter. Maybe instead of making up a full invented chapter I'll use the color scheme and badge from one of those and just say the are DA successors.




Edit: seems that forgeworld actually sells Mk6 armor, altough expensive, this might just be what I need

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You do get the bitz to make a single suit of MkVI from the standard Tactical kit. So if you have other friends who are buying Tactical squads, you can come to an arrangement with them to trade or etc. Or find those bits easier from a bits-order company and/or eBay than you would be able to with the MkV and older stuff.
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I'm sure if you can't find these pieces in a friend's bits box, you could buy them from bits dealers. You don't need exactly mk6 items if you're going for a fluffy look. As long as you attempt to make the armor look archaic than people won't mind if you have a mk5 torso, mk4 head, and mk7 legs.

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I actually have been modeling Consecrators myself, here is the thread if you need any reference -



The mk5 toros were easy to come by, and cheaper than using Forgeworld obviously. Though, lexicanum states they use mk6 as you noted, I have seen people state they would use any ancient mk which was the angle I took with my sarge and converting mk5 torso to look like mk4 for the meltagunner. I consider them the most senior marines in the squad and as such have the most ancient and consecrated wargear.


I also got my hands on some older bolter bits and such. The studded pads were on ebay by 3s for a decent price and in case you didn't notice, I've actually been cutting the trim off the right side pad per fluff I have seen.


On a side note, I know per fluff the DA do not mingle so much with other chapters, I believe there would be times they may still coordinate if need be. I for one, don't have a problem with you simply choosing a chapter with a complementary color scheme and using them under the DA rules. I think, as you suggested, using one with an unknown foundering chapter is a nice fluffy solution.

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