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LPC 2011 "Little Green Men"


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Alright then here we go *ahem*....


To the beginning of my true W.I.P. blog about my journey back into the hobby after my little vacation (4 years). I had started a blog before but ran out of steam with the Crimson Fist idea. I for the life of me could not get motivated to do another dark army, as my last army was a Black Templars Crusade and I had never ventured into a lighter color scheme before. So thru process of elimination and my handy bookmarks on my web browser I had finally decided on SALMANDERS. BUT what could really motivate me, what could get me off my arse and crunch out my new Battle For Black Reach Box Set? By the Emperor, A NEW PAINTING CHALLENGE! And so purged of my lazy thoughts, here I am armed with a renewed purpose and completely set on a color scheme. Oh yes, here are the contents of my VOW....

  • One Captain W.I.P.
  • One Dreadnaught
  • Ten man Tactical Squad with flamer and missle "rocket" launcher 1 Sergeant and 2 Marines Finished
  • Five man Terminator Squad with storm bolters and heavy flamer

As everyone knows Salamanders are simply green armour and black shoulder pads and backpack but I didn't want just a simple black backpack, it seemed too simple for a chapter made of blacksmiths. So upon searching thru Lexicanum I found this...


I definitely like the look of bronze chest aquillas and backpack vents so that was set. As far as a company I decided on 2nd based on the fact that currently I can find no fluff Captain wise for them (unless in the book Salamander they were 2nd company I cant remember B) ) Now with basecoating a scheme of green I decided to borrow an idea from a user named GreyDeath on dakkadakka for his Sons Of Medusa. In his blog he primes the models white and then goes over the dry primed model with Tamiya Light Green spray paint (which you can find at most local hobby stores). Once that dries you wash the model with Thrakka Green and then work it back up to a nice light green. Now here is a crappy photo from my phone (my wife has the memory card for the digital camera :P) of the basecoat of Tamiya Light Green after priming the army white...


Although you probably cant see it, the Tamiya paint covers even and is a very BRIGHT green. I will be posting a test model I finished yesterday and a finished marine probably tomorrow (if I remember to grab the memory card) and so I must leave you. Please post any C&C as I progress. Thank you.


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UPDATE: Got the memory card back! Time for pics.

@GooseDaMoose: Yeah they are a bit bright but I never envisioned Salamanders as being a dark green. Doesn't help that my weird lighting makes my finished models look uber bright...

@LuNCHBZZLE: Hahaha no it isn't is it?

@Captain Juan Juarez: Hahaha nice!

As I said before I will post my test model which was "ok". Just messing with the greens and trying out different weathering/ mud&grime splashing techniques with whats available to me (a bit short on funds right now)





And now for my first actual finished tactical marine....









So there is my test model and one finished tactical marine (I still have to add some grass patches once their all finished). Only 9 more tactical marines, 1 captain, 5 terminators and 1 dreadnaught left to finish. Hopefully I can cut down on the amount of time on each model, I want to at least get half the tactical squad done by Saturday. Oh I also have a little game coming up next Sunday with them and the Orks that came in the box set so I'll let you all know how my first game in over FOUR years goes :( AND on a side note I have some old terrain I'm giving a face lift to from the old Battle For Macragge box set I'll post up too! Thanks for lloking and comments and concerns are always appreciated.


Nice start, just started Salamanders myself though much darker :D . I don't have the book but from what other people have posted the Salamanders captain IA:10 book is of the Second, I think his name is Pellas Mir'san. Keep up the good work.

Thanks for all the kind words everyone I sincerely appreciate it.


@Brother Tancred: Darker eh? Post some pics brother I would love to see your take on them. Also do you know what the Captains armament could possibly be? It sucks not having the money for those two books. I'll probably grab them at Chicago Gamesday later in the year (along with a crap load of other FW stuff I've been drooling over for so long)

I like it!


Just another note on the damages from me. It looks too comicy, and I know why: there's too much black showing. I don't think it should have as thick of an outline like as it does, so if there's a hairthin line of black or none at all except directly under the silver I think you'll be good.

Quick update Brothers before I go off to work. Firstly, thank you to everyone your comments and concerns I appreciate them so much!

@zxyogi: Thanks brother that means a lot from you. If it wasn't for you and 1000heathens I would have never even tried battle damage. I also have to blame you both for making me want my next marine project to be Marines Malevolent....

@Seahawk: Thanks brother. I had a weird feeling about the damage and that hit it right on the head. I'll definitely go over the damage after work tonight.

Without further rambling here are some more Tactical Salamanders...






And a new pic of the first marine I did with the new yellow company knee pad let me know what you guys think...


C&C is always welcome.


Malevolent, these are gorgeous! This idea that you and greydeath do (ive spoken with him before) seems genius. do you by chance have a link to the taymiyya sprays? Id love to find a dark purple for my Children of Eternity (Sons of Medusa were the chapter they were founded from).


as for the battle damage, do you use boltgun metal and then black? or is that chainmail?


what could work i think with thinner lines, is buying a thin tipped black sharpie marker. that may solve the thick lines of black.



PS: im finally happy to see someone do the salamder skin correct (black with red eyes) and not only that do it PERFECTLY.


PLEASEEEEEE make the characters from Nick Kyme's books. I was never a salamander fan until the books. They are IMHO the BEST black library books that have ever been written. You GOTTA make:

1. Dakir (librarian armor!)

2. Tsu'Gan (epic bada$$)

3. Baken (he is the epitome of a salamander!)

4. Velcona (Chief Librarian with awesome name)


and of course chapter master ;) and well hestan is already a figure lol

Well thank you very much XKhalilX. Are you sure your talking about my minis? Hahaha just kiddin'. Thanks so much for the kind words.


Anyways... heres a link to a Tamiya color chart I found, there is a nice dark Maroon on there I hope that helps.


As far as the battle damage I first did a pattern with Chaos Black then paint over it with Boltgun Metal. With the black lining I may just do something close to the sharpie idea but with a Micron Pen . Micron pens are mostly used for graphing and such and they make them with the tiniest tips which I'm beginning to realize would really help me with the damage :)


Now as far as the characters from the Salamanders series, I had no plan to do them other then Vulkan He'stan and Chapter Master Tu'Shan (maybe extensively converting either Vulkan He'stan or High Marshal Helbrecht for Tu'Shan) only because I'm basing my Company off of Second (they were Third Company in the books). However I could probably do Dak'ir because hes a Librarian now and they attach them to different companies when needed. I have a feeling though when I re-read Salamander, listen to Fireborn and lastly read Firedrake I'll have to model the rest of the gang but don't worry, just watch this space :D......






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