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SM Box questions


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I hope i do put this in the right corner of the forum, if not i am terribly sorry. Its related to blood angels at least.




I am sitting on 2 boxes of regular SM tact squads.


But since regular tacticals doesn't fit well into my blood angels army, i am in dire need of finding sword arms/bolt pistol arms and probably 10 jump packs or more.


What box would you buy if you were to find 20 arms with sword/pistol?

And for the jump packs?


or would you search bit shops on ebay or elsewhere?


I have been looking at the Death Company box, it seems nice. But 4 of those is quite expensive.





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Well if you get the Death Comp or Assault Squad boxes you'll be continuing in a vicious circle - you'll get sword arms and jump packs but still be left with bodies. At least with the DC box you'd have enough parts to make 5 full bolter armed DC though, but it's a bit much if you don't really want 10 of them in your army.

As has been mentioned, GW do separate jump packs here. As for the weapon arms either go to bits sites or bide your time - build up more of your force and see what arms you have spare after a few more purchases, that way you'll make best use of your spare parts, though you will be waiting a while while those Tac boxes gather dust!

Sorry, quite vague but hope it helps

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I can't rate the DC box too highly. I used it extensively on my tactical box to create assault marines without jump-packs and special weapons troops. Bits, from GW for the jump packs and bits stores or ebay for arms and jump-pack torsos. Like the AOBR set, though, the real answer is find a friend. Some-one who is after bolt-guns and tactical torsos and buy a couple of sets between you.
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