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count as, just why?

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I am always dissapointed to see people sayin use Codex BA/SW to represent ur chaos army!

I can just about understand WE as SW, but DG as SW or BA?? why is this becoming the uniform suggestion for everytime someone asks for ideas on how to branch out their army?

Cant people just use the codex that is meant for IW, NL, DG and many more! I cant see a fluff reason at all, just because C:CSM is out dated, that makes winning more of a challenge and in my humble opinion more fun?


Thanks if anyone can explain


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I was solely curious as to why people count as, if there is an actual CHAOS dex. I have no issue with people count-asing, as the idea of WH is to have fun


Like I said, some people can fully educate you - Brother Nihm in his shiny new red suit springs to mind, Jeske is another and probably even ADB could wax lyrical about it - but it boils down to, in my mind, the lack of true representation:


Can you represent accurately an Iron Warriors force?


World Eaters?


Word Bearers?


Thousand Sons?


Alpha Legion?


Night Lords?


Short answer: No.

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Can you represent accurately an Iron Warriors force?


World Eaters?


Word Bearers?


Thousand Sons?


Alpha Legion?


Night Lords?

The answer for each is: Better than with any loyalist Codex.


What is the most core unit for Iron Warriors? It's Chaos Space Marines. What is the most core unit for Word Bearers? Again, Chaos Space Marines. What is the core unit for Alpha Legion, or Night Lords? Chaos Space Marines of course. Once you have a nice selection of Chaos Space Marines, then you can think about adding more heavy support units, more stalthy or fast attack units or more daemons to model your force more towards one of those Legions.

Trying to find an army list that has "cultists" or "siege stuff" but does not actually have the trademark Chaos Space Marine units and weapons is an entirely backwards approach to represent a Chaos force.

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I was solely curious as to why people count as, if there is an actual CHAOS dex. I have no issue with people count-asing, as the idea of WH is to have fun
You said it yourself indirectly, because our current Codex is not fun. Nor is it flavourful, representative of the Legions and to top it off - it has ridiculously silly retcons compared to old fluff. And then there is all the fluff that is missing..


that makes winning more of a challenge and in my humble opinion more fun?
It might work like that that for some people, but for those who play in tournaments, you can be pretty sure that; they do not want to enter and play with a gigantic handicap, just because they want to field a fluffy list.


It should be possible to have a chance to win on the board by fielding a fluffy list that is representative of a Legion army from the fluff, e.g. without using broken/weak/inefficient, crap units, which in turn are detailed in a book that has 1/4 of the fluff it used to and what little fluff it does have, is dumb.



my 2 Kraks

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Can you represent accurately an Iron Warriors force?


World Eaters?


Word Bearers?


Thousand Sons?


Alpha Legion?


Night Lords?

The answer for each is: Better than with any loyalist Codex.


I never said you could, what I said was that people go for other alternatives because the "first choice" is so inadequate for the purpose.


With some Loyalist Codices you can at least get a semblance of some Chapters.





You heard the siren call through the ether when I invoked your name didn't you? :pirate:



EDIT: Sometimes it suprises me how much I have learnt from you guys here and that I remember it!

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Hah! So you're the reason those odd people in white came and took me to an interesting building.


To the OP:

Many things, like Night Lords, Iron Warriors, World Eaters, and Alpha Legion, are better represented by a different codex. In order:

Blood Angels

Imperial Fists

Space Wolves/Templars(to a point)

Shrike/Khan Marines

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Hah! So you're the reason those odd people in white came and took me to an interesting building.


To the OP:

Many things, like Night Lords, Iron Warriors, World Eaters, and Alpha Legion, are better represented by a different codex. In order:

Blood Angels

Imperial Fists

Space Wolves/Templars(to a point)

Shrike/Khan Marines


You were doing so well until:


Blood Angels/Night Lords: Raptor Cults I'm guessing?

Iron Warriors/Imperial Fists - the Fists are a Codex Chapter, the Iron Warriors remain fairly the same since the Heresy.

Alpha Legion/Khan/Shrike Force - Masters of illusion, deception and subterfuge and they get a dude on a Bike and a guy with really conspicuous giant claws



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Ah, Meester Juarez, we meet again.


The Fists thing represents their siege/be besieged thing. Khan doesn't have to be on a bike. I'm mostly thinking them for the outflank/infiltrate files. It gets you the sneakily appearing from nowhere thing


Surely you should be stroking a white cat?


Aye, I get the Fists similarities but you can't represent the siege mentality of the Iron Warriors with C:SM; that would truly require an amalgamam of C:SM/C:CSM and C:IG .


Outflank and Infiltrate is for a single unit.. Hardly evocative of a Legion :tu:

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I'm not Dutch. Just an expat. You must have missed my film. It was called "Death by Dreadsock".


You live in the land of windmills, dykes and tulips.. You are Dutch until I see a passport :tu:


Outflank still fits better than nothing. Which is what CSM have.


A punch in the face is better than a kick in the particulars, but I'm in a rush for neither.

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Interesting spelling of dike...


Call it a colloquial reference... :whistling:


With outflank, you can easily represent the "they're all over"syndrome because of the randomness of board edge. You also get side shots on vehicles.


Reaching.. The Alpha Legion are masters of subterfuge et all; "they're all over" is more akin to the Night Lords terror tactics.

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In Legion, they pretty much are constantly confusing both sides with their location and whether they're actually there, until they finally converge on one point and kill stuff. That seems like a good description of outflank.


I still think it fits the Night Lords better; where are they? *terrifying scream, followed by whispered wrds from the shadows...* everywhere.

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But that's why we have Blood Angels. They have a sort of stand in for Infiltration: D6 scatter Deep Strike. Almost as accurate, almost as deadly. And Alpha Legion are pretty much wherever you think they are, they aren't. Personally, Ithink they should get a rule similar to the Changeling daemon thing.
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