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Tzen's Word Bearers!


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Love the paint job and the fact that you're bringing our Legion to the forefront. One thing I've grown to like as a cheap conversion - replace the Obliterator's head with a terminator head. It just makes the model look better and more in line with being a space marine.
  • 1 month later...
How did you get Astorath to stay hovering? I gave mine the possessed wing-pack but now cannot work out how to base him short of pinning the model to terrain.


I just converted the backpack that came with the model:





Here's the latest marines I've done:




I'll prolly update this thread later with more images of everything. I'm drawing towards the conclusion of this army till the next chaos codex arrives, literally just have a rhino, 3 terminators, 5 more marines and a Great Unclean one to paint then its finished! :D

I need to go back to all my CSM's and paint them this way, but I doubt I'll have the motivation for a while! :D


I got asked fro some close up pics on another forum so here we go.










These aren't technically finished, when the whole squad is painted to this level, I'll be adding battle damage. But I want to do them all at once or the damage seems to be in identical areas on each mini, and whilst in some areas it makes sense, in others it doesn't.


Just one of my many little irks when painting for you there! :D

Woow i love them. :wub:

i saw youre dread on gw's site months ago and i forgot that colour sheme and i tried to find it though i did not so can you please tell me?

Cause its epic . ;)

Also you inspired me to start a Csm army now. :)

Edit: youre colour scheme was something like Red gore blood red blend blazing highlight maybe som mechrite red? am right?

I noticed Astro had a slannesh symbol on his ribbons, and with the Horrors and then a Great Unclean One, are you doing more of a Chaos Unified feel? I always had the impression that Word Bearers were Khorn-ite based chapter.... correct?


And I don't know how bad it is in England, but we still have alot of Religious Right dominating our politics as well, so the feel of a speration between Church and State is getting narrower and narrower. :)

Woow i love them. ;)

i saw youre dread on gw's site months ago and i forgot that colour sheme and i tried to find it though i did not so can you please tell me?

Cause its epic . ;)

Also you inspired me to start a Csm army now. :)

Edit: youre colour scheme was something like Red gore blood red blend blazing highlight maybe som mechrite red? am right?


Thanks very much, I'm glad you like them!


I paint them this way:


Mecharite red > 50/50 mech red blazing orange > blazing orange > 50/50 blazing orange and vomit brown.


Final highlight of vomit brown on the tips of armour! :)



I noticed Astro had a slannesh symbol on his ribbons, and with the Horrors and then a Great Unclean One, are you doing more of a Chaos Unified feel? I always had the impression that Word Bearers were Khorn-ite based chapter.... correct?



Word Bearers are the Chaos Undivided legion. In Rogue trader days they were aligned with Khorne, but they haven't been for a long long time.



And I don't know how bad it is in England, but we still have alot of Religious Right dominating our politics as well, so the feel of a speration between Church and State is getting narrower and narrower.


I'm an Atheist myself, but I love the irony of corrupt religion. I dislike it in the real world, and I actually like the American constitution because it cant have a state based church. I think that idea is worth defending! In England I like to think we've out grown the need for religion. It sounds patronising but there's no other way of describing it.

I reall like the scheme for the wings, could you elaborate please?


Well, the wings come from the plastic possessed wings. Do you refer to how I built them or the paint scheme?


The paint scheme please.





Paint scheme is:


Mecharite red > 50/50 > mch red and blazing orange > Blazing orange > 50/50 Blazing ornage and Vomit brown.


You can pick out top highlight with vomit brown, tone em down with a red wash.





Terminator shoulder pads.


They haven't photo'd as well as I think they have turned out so far. Better than painting them on no matter though!



I've always wanted a red army but have always thought that the Word Bearers look kinda wrong, the red not being very nice. But you have changed my mind with your minis. They are clean and not at all over the top regarding highlights and stuff like that. In short - I love it :) Keep up the good work.


- Natanael

I'm drawing towards the conclusion of this army till the next chaos codex arrives
I am in the same boat with my own army unfortunately. But kudos to you, you have truly done the Word Bearers justice and your subtle yet outstanding conversion work is inspiring, not to mention the crisp painting. :P
I'm drawing towards the conclusion of this army till the next chaos codex arrives, literally just have a rhino, 3 terminators, 5 more marines and a Great Unclean one to paint then its finished!




Anyway, very nice as always, the Astoroth conversion is very nice!

I've not had much time to paint recently, due to collge stuff, but I finished this guy yesterday!






I wanted a bit of a nurgle esque theme because he's the guy who is supposed to become my Great Unclean One. Still had to remain a word bearer, just a bit to obsessed with nurgley shiz.


Notice the three heads! Once he's finished looking at it, he can pop it on top of the other two to make an impromptu nurgle symbol! Almost as if I planned it!


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