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Tzen's Word Bearers!


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Thanks Highborn!


Some pics!


I want to get some army shots done, but until my house mate comes and cleans his room out, I cant set up the gaming table! So here's some pics of the fatty finished!










Shame really, this is the army done till the new codex comes out, and assuming I am able to play through uni.

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Cheers firestorm40k!


My house mate has left the building!


We moved all of the crap out of his room, and for the final 2months (ish) left, we have converted the room to a gaming room. This is both a practical and AWESOME thing!






This is why I'm off doing a degree, so I can have something this AWESOME permanently up in my own house!


Army pics are comign tomorrow when the light is much better!

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This is it! Just need to retake some pics of the Terminators which I annoyingly deleted after taking, and I'm all done!

































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This is some well done stuff. I see a bunch of ideas I had, but never got around to doing... Oh well maybe when the next Chaos Codex comes out. Though if Alpha Legion gets cultists I might give them a go... I got my black and purple flames guys. They are versatile enough to swing a couple ways... I always have the Diseased Sons for all things Nurgle.


Keep up the good work.

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I love these guys. Your painting reminds me of when I first started in the hobby, looking through the colour plates of the rulebooks and wishing I could paint like the 'Eavy Metal dudes. You've got a great style. Kudos to you good sir.
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I know I said I wasn't adding anything, but I came across this sorcerer cleaning things away and packing shiz up and knew I had to paint him.




Additionally I promised myself a finecast model to paint, and wanted to challenge myself at the same time. I'm really bad at painting black, so who better than Abaddon to test myself on!




Game tonight/tomorrow, with a day of gaming due Tuesday against my brother and my mate Geoff!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Got a bucket load of photos coming this way!


I'm trying to do them in smaller groups so I can make it more manageable. Here are some pics against my brother. I think I lost all fo the games I played, but it was a great day, and the game against Geoff was so annoyingly unlucky on my part.


This first game was against Chris, my brother!



My army!



Chris' Army!



GUO annoyingly summoned early



Daemon Prince down to one wound!



The table and scenery



My GUO forced to foot slog it across the table, which essentially allowed my brother to pick him off at his own pleasure.



I don't really take many pictures of his orks, they're never really painted :(

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Ok, even more pics! This time of the players and the table! As Geoff and Rob showed up, we decided to split the table up into two 4x4 surfaces in order to have two games running at the same time.



Here is the table!



Geoff and my brother Chris, whose Visage I'm sure you're all familiar with by now!



Rob, who was a lovely fellow, and I'd only met previously once before. He managed to pretty much table me, whilst being lovely about it. Which made it harder for me to hate him :(



At the end of the day, the lighting for pic taking was gettign worse, and the games came to a close. My brother celebrated his losses with a pint.


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My first game was played against Rob, he beat me. He beat me hard! I tried to take pics all day, but often the lighting conditions weren't that great.


I tried to stick to pics of my opponents armies as I'm sure your all sick of seeing my stuff on its own!


Long fangs perch up high for a nice vantage point of the battlefield!



My Dread ties up a Grey Hunter squad!



Some more Space wolves!



Rhino down!



That same squad albeit without a Rhino!



The climax of the battle! It was a really good game, loads of cool moments involved!


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Chris played his first game against Geoff's Death Guard army. He got beat too. It wasn't a good day for me and my bro!


Geoff's army



The slow advance of the plague marines!



Even a smouldering impact crater can't stop them ripping Chris' orks to pieces!



The remains of the (unpainted) orks still stood defiantly but to no avail!


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The last games once again left both Chris and I without victory, although how I lost my games is still beyond me.


I only have the one decent pic from Chris and Rob's side of the table, as the light was really failing me now and I had to crack on with my own game!


The wrecked vehicle should speak volumes to you!



My game started off really well! The oblits made short work of a Rhino. We had rolled a new mission from the battle missions book which essentially left me with a full army to pick off Geoff's force as it came on in much the same way a Daemons army would do.



My terminators then moved on to make short work of the squad inside. By this point both Geoff and I felt the game had been won by me already, and neither of us saw him pulling a victory from it. We did however decide to continue as we wanted to see the game through.



More of Geoff's army came piling onto the board, but I still felt reasonably in control of the game. If anything I guess I got a little complacent but that alone didn't make me lose the game.



On one side of the table I had my dreads and my terminators plus oblits. Geoff did manage at this point to divide my army and kill them off one by one. Annoyingly I don't think i did anything wrong, but my army let me down. I failed dice roll after dice roll where it got to the point where even Geoff couldn't believe his luck. This isn't to take anything away from G, he is the better general between us, but the scenario really did stack the odds against him



Geoff's Daemon prince had managed to hold out with one wound for pretty mucht he entire game tying up pretty much half of my army, and allowing him to use his own heavy hitting Sorcerer, second Daemon prince and GUO to pick off the rest of my force. My Daemon prince eventually joined the fight but it was much too late and it left Geoff in control of the table



I was genuinely dumbfounded by my loss, and even Geoff conceded that he felt the game had gone my way very early. Neither of us could pick up on anything I;d done wrong, It just seemed like his force was invincible to my attacks, as he made invulnerable save after invulnerable save, and most of my attacks missed anyway.


Still, the games all went really well, and a great day was had by all!

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I've been pretty busy recently with packing/sorting uni out/general stuff you do when you move out of a place, but I have been painting now and then when I've had the chance.


This is probably the last Word Bearer Miniature I'll be painting for quite some time! He isn't especially good but he's been sat on my desk under coated too long for me to neglect him now!



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