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Stormraven sprue Pics !


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Yep Yep . :P


Also noticed that the side doors dont seem to be the 'normal' size like in Rhino's and Raiders...



No forge world doors ;)



They looks pretty standard to me, are you shure your not being confused by the big front and back doors/ramps? The normal doors are on the bottom left of the 1st pic, should be as FW compattible as any.


Re: the BA and GK icons only, I honestly belive this is going to be a BA and GK only release for the forseeable future at least. maybe when a new vanilla book appears that might change, but certainly dont expect any white dwarf rules anytime soon...

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Re: the BA and GK icons only, I honestly belive this is going to be a BA and GK only release for the forseeable future at least. maybe when a new vanilla book appears that might change, but certainly dont expect any white dwarf rules anytime soon...


Well, that would be nice. But I was talking to someone in my local GW (got my hands on the Black Box^^) and he was very confident that the SR will be available for other Chapters because the process creating the SR would be too expensive to make this model available for only such a limited group of players. So I think it is only the question which SM chapters will also be able to get the SR. Perhaps DA, BT and SW. But we will see. Maybe we have luck and the SR will be exclusive for us and GK. Let's cross our fingers. :D

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does anyone have pics of the base?



havn't seen one, but i'd say look at the valk...



i dont think so, there doesnt appear to be an underside of the raven that matches the underside of the valk.


your talking about the flying base right? it's supposed to be the same as the valks... i don't have any pics of the bottom of the raven sprue to find the mount point:)

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does anyone have pics of the base?



havn't seen one, but i'd say look at the valk...



i dont think so, there doesnt appear to be an underside of the raven that matches the underside of the valk.


your talking about the flying base right? it's supposed to be the same as the valks... i don't have any pics of the bottom of the raven sprue to find the mount point:)



Its supposed to be, or it is? I am really interested in finding out what size base it is.

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