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Stormraven sprue Pics !


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Its supposed to be, or it is? I am really interested in finding out what size base it is.


i said supposed because i havnt layed eyes on it, but the ones i know who have say valk. while i trust em i wont say it iS till i've seen or its said by gw 9or pics)




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does anyone have an idea at what the price point will be?


I'm guessing and expecting the price to be similar to the IG Valk, or our own Land Raider. I would be surprised if it were any cheaper, seeing how it's a brand new model...


I hope I'm wrong, but this is just what I expect....

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as for the price, id guess at £40 (~$65) its much larger and bulkier than the valk kit, and id be monumentally surprised if it was any cheaper.


on a side note, i wonder what chapter the front of the box will be, blood angels or GK? i hope its BA :P

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Droppods do come with fist iconography.


I like what I see, yet it will be fun to put it together without an construction manual. ^^ And the doors and front hatch seem to be Landraider size which is nice size wise I think.

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Well, it has 4 sprues same as the valk kit so who knows, may be the same price point. If they want to push sales in the current climate (especially after both a price and VAT rise in the UK in the past few months) they;d be wise not to break the £40 barrier.
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