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Creation of an Index Traitoris

Captain Juan Juarez

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Having browsed the Librarium aricles of IT's - startlingly few as it goes - I request some giudance from my knowledgable comrades.


I have an IT idea, germinated from another project, to work on whilst the Starstriders flounder - C&C on that welcome though ;) -but it isn't about an entire Chapter and actually about a small force that act as the "household" of one scary-ass traitor.


My question is - given that I only know how to write IA articles, shoddily at that B) - how do I go about making this?


The main stumbling block is that each Marine will be from a different Chapter, etc, originally and recruit to the cause - how do I get a cohesive article from that? It has me stumped, but it's something I'd like to do.

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How I would personally do it? Depending on the size of the household and the style you want the article to have. If there are only a small number of members, I would do an introduction to the structure of the household, the backstory as a group etc. Then you can individually introduce each marine, tell us about where they came from etc. I would suggest reading "Ghostmaker" for this style of story (you could do a more formal/factual based approach as well).


If there is more then reasonably discussed, you could almost follow on a IA-esque format. Or discuss things in groups of Squads under the command of individual leaders. You would end up something like this:


Introduction to the Warband (Discuss the origins)

The Leader

Second in Command

Squad/Character 1-10

How I would personally do it? Depending on the size of the household and the style you want the article to have. If there are only a small number of members, I would do an introduction to the structure of the household, the backstory as a group etc. Then you can individually introduce each marine, tell us about where they came from etc. I would suggest reading "Ghostmaker" for this style of story (you could do a more formal/factual based approach as well).


If there is more then reasonably discussed, you could almost follow on a IA-esque format. Or discuss things in groups of Squads under the command of individual leaders. You would end up something like this:


Introduction to the Warband (Discuss the origins)

The Leader

Second in Command

Squad/Character 1-10


The concept might obviously help better with advice:


The Blackshields form the "household troops" of the Dreadknight - sort of like how the Firedrakes are the bodyguard of the Salamander Chapter Master - but I don't want the emphasis being on the Dreadknight.


There are around 70 or so members, who fight exclusively in TDA with only one exception - the Commander of the Blackshields (who has a name rather cliche and won't be mentioned right here ;)). There are also two "Sub-Commanders".


Each Blackshield is a renegade or traitor tempted to the side of the Dreadknight in a variety of different ways; but each is - surprisingly - loyal to him and the rest of his brothers; the Blackshields have an attitude of "Are you one of us? No? Then you're nothing...".


They fight alongside and on behalf of the Dreadknight and are his most loyal, favoured and trusted brothers.



I reread "Barret's Privateers" and that has some of the style I'm after but focuses, obviously, mainly on Barrett.

The concept might obviously help better with advice:

The Blackshields form the "household troops" of the Dreadknight - sort of like how the Firedrakes are the bodyguard of the Salamander Chapter Master - but I don't want the emphasis being on the Dreadknight.


There are around 70 or so members, who fight exclusively in TDA with only one exception - the Commander of the Blackshields (who has a name rather cliche and won't be mentioned right here ;)). There are also two "Sub-Commanders".


It's all starting to blur together this week, but I seem to remember making this comment to someone else since last weekend...


How, exactly, is a Chaos warband going to maintain a large force of Terminators without access to the Mechanicum or Dark Mechanicum? It's probably the most complicated and maintenance-intensive armor available in the Imperium short of a Dreadnought hull and the manufacture of its parts is limited to select Forgeworlds. At the kinds of numbers you're talking about, I find myself wondering what they have to offer - aside from the tautological fact that they're an all-TDA strikeforce - that would allow them to be anything but a motley assortment of scavenged armor marks.


Do you have a plan for dealing with this?


Each Blackshield is a renegade or traitor tempted to the side of the Dreadknight in a variety of different ways; but each is - surprisingly - loyal to him and the rest of his brothers; the Blackshields have an attitude of "Are you one of us? No? Then you're nothing...".


They fight alongside and on behalf of the Dreadknight and are his most loyal, favoured and trusted brothers.


You've somewhat implied in your opening that there's a kinship to the structure and theme of the Firedrakes, but they're a smaller body within the aegis of a larger Chapter. However, the fact that you're titling the writeup and the Warband after this singular group means that we're either going to be ignoring the rest of the warband, that there isn't a rest of the warband, or that they're so unimportant that they fight under the nomenclature of the elites in their ranks and aren't worth of mention. If the former, that's a little strange. If the latter, it makes me wonder why they'd even bother when there are warbands where they could at least have an identity other than faceless stooges. I only see the second as being particularly productive way to go as things stand.


Thematically, I do have to question their loyalty and group fealty and insular behavior. How are they being welded together so that they shun outsiders and sneer at those not in their ranks, especially since they're being drawn from a host of sources? Would the group dynamics not be more - haha - chaotic than what might otherwise be expected?

Ah, Mr Stompy, we meet again... *strokes cat*


The concept might obviously help better with advice:

The Blackshields form the "household troops" of the Dreadknight - sort of like how the Firedrakes are the bodyguard of the Salamander Chapter Master - but I don't want the emphasis being on the Dreadknight.


There are around 70 or so members, who fight exclusively in TDA with only one exception - the Commander of the Blackshields (who has a name rather cliche and won't be mentioned right here :P). There are also two "Sub-Commanders".


It's all starting to blur together this week, but I seem to remember making this comment to someone else since last weekend...


How, exactly, is a Chaos warband going to maintain a large force of Terminators without access to the Mechanicum or Dark Mechanicum? It's probably the most complicated and maintenance-intensive armor available in the Imperium short of a Dreadnought hull and the manufacture of its parts is limited to select Forgeworlds. At the kinds of numbers you're talking about, I find myself wondering what they have to offer - aside from the tautological fact that they're an all-TDA strikeforce - that would allow them to be anything but a motley assortment of scavenged armor marks.


Do you have a plan for dealing with this?


Each Blackshield is a renegade or traitor tempted to the side of the Dreadknight in a variety of different ways; but each is - surprisingly - loyal to him and the rest of his brothers; the Blackshields have an attitude of "Are you one of us? No? Then you're nothing...".


They fight alongside and on behalf of the Dreadknight and are his most loyal, favoured and trusted brothers.


You've somewhat implied in your opening that there's a kinship to the structure and theme of the Firedrakes, but they're a smaller body within the aegis of a larger Chapter. However, the fact that you're titling the writeup and the Warband after this singular group means that we're either going to be ignoring the rest of the warband, that there isn't a rest of the warband, or that they're so unimportant that they fight under the nomenclature of the elites in their ranks and aren't worth of mention. If the former, that's a little strange. If the latter, it makes me wonder why they'd even bother when there are warbands where they could at least have an identity other than faceless stooges. I only see the second as being particularly productive way to go as things stand.


Thematically, I do have to question their loyalty and group fealty and insular behavior. How are they being welded together so that they shun outsiders and sneer at those not in their ranks, especially since they're being drawn from a host of sources? Would the group dynamics not be more - haha - chaotic than what might otherwise be expected?


This is a concept coming from a massive project that I have coming up - which I can't really mention much about but...


They will have access to alot of resources; there will be a campaign they partake in that will enable to amass the required tech and expertise to ensure their survival, but I don't want to mention exactly what that is in the article.


The Blackshields are not really the "Dark Firedrakes" that was a very weak comparison, I admit.. But the echo the Firedrakes in being both a bodyguard and the best fighters of the force.


The Terminators are the most dangerous part of the troops who will be put together for the campaign I mentioned; Traitor Guard, assorted other warbands that can be coerced or bribed to take part and a myriad of other forces, but I want to simply concentrate on the Blackshields for this.


As to their behaviour; it is because of the marine who brought them together - the Dreadknight is not a particularly dangerous fighter - comparitively - but he has more... non-corporeal (doesnt fit really, but I dont use "corporeal" enough).. traits that make up for it.


Even just answering your questions, I see alot of what will need to be included to make this work; the Dreadknight will need to be mentioned, probably in detail, because he is central to the construction of the band.


I don't really want to mention the hinted at campaign, but perhaps I am going to need to or come up with another reason - perhaps even just make them smaller before that campaign.

I have a question, how would one handle the devlopment of a warband that's already part of a traitor Legion in an Index Traitorus article?


I think that would depend on how you want to focus it.. Will it be focused on the Warband as a whole, or the Marine who leads that Warband? That I'd imagine determines the whole article.

The warband as a whole.


Do you want it as an eventual breakaway, or as just a force with in a force?


Either way, start with a history of the force; why they came together and who brought them/forced them together - interesting angle for tension if they are the remnants of other defeated bands, means they have something to prove etcetera.


Who leads the Warband? How does he maintain his grip? What sort of character is he? How does he intereact with those around him, subordinate or otherwise?


If it's a breakaway, then you can talk about why the split.


Talk about their stomping grounds; do they stalk a particular area of space?

The warband as a whole.


Do you want it as an eventual breakaway, or as just a force with in a force?


It's a force within a force, a Black Legion warband.


Either way, start with a history of the force; why they came together and who brought them/forced them together - interesting angle for tension if they are the remnants of other defeated bands, means they have something to prove etcetera.


It's mostly built upon the remmnants of the Sons of Horus 27th Company with various other cult troops (Berzerkers, Rubrics, Plague Marines) recruited in for specialty roles.


Who leads the Warband? How does he maintain his grip? What sort of character is he? How does he intereact with those around him, subordinate or otherwise?


Technically speaking the overall leader my warband owes it's alligence to is Abaddon, however nominally Heru'ur Varkast, a Chaos Lord leads the warband, he took over after the previous Captain ascended to daemonhood and became the daemonic patron of the warband instead.


I guess you would say he maintains his grip through a mixture of fear and the favor of the Dark Gods. I always imagined Varkast to be a silent, burtal hulk of a man who commands with an iron will. He rewards those who perform well and punishes anyone who attempts to betray him harshly. He operates on a rather simple command style, serve him and live, cross him and die.


Talk about their stomping grounds; do they stalk a particular area of space?


Pretty much the EOT.

Then you have a beginning there.


I know you meant a Warband in the Legion, but that offers the choices I mentioned.. So ner ;)


Discuss how the Warband operates, favoured tactics and potential frictions with the Cult Troops.


Varkast - who and what was he before the Warband? Who are his subordinates and how do they operate together; anyone want to off him and take control?


If you can't/don't want to talk about the Eye, discuss a notable campaign or what part they payed in the Black Crusades maybe?

Discuss how the Warband operates, favoured tactics and potential frictions with the Cult Troops.


They are mostly an all-rounder force with pretty much every troop type avalible to them. but Varkast favours mechanised assaults with losts of heavy armor and assault troops, usually spearheaded by Terminators and Berzerkers.


Out of all the cult troops Berzerkers and Plague Marines feature predominately, with Slaaneshi marines in the minority. The Tzeentch worshippers are technically the smallest, however most of them are Sorcerors and provide invaluble services to the warband.


Varkast - who and what was he before the Warband? Who are his subordinates and how do they operate together; anyone want to off him and take control?


Varkast was a Luna Wolf Terminator Sergant (Operating off the assumption that Termies in the 16th Legion where organically part of the battle company going by Horus Rising) he became Chaos Lord post-Heresy after the previous lord ascended to daemonhood. He maintains a vareity of champions and liuetenants under himn that serve him, but nobody would try to overtrhow him because of his power and brutality. He is effectively the Alpha wolf in the pack. You cross him and you die slowly.


If you can't/don't want to talk about the Eye, discuss a notable campaign or what part they payed in the Black Crusades maybe?


I started on that, writing two short stories centering on a Black Legion squad in the warband.


Eye of the Storm


Maw of the Kraken

You know that by Gree asking those questions you have basically answered your own.


Actually I wanted confirmation from other people before I began to construct it.


I don't think my opinio should count; I'm the most indecisive person I know.. Or am I? :eek


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