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Quick Question on Predators

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I'll agree with the above poster, the havoc launcher with it's twin linked S5 blast meshes very well with the role of the dakka predator, where the combi will most likely just be fired as a single extra S4 shot at 24", where you'd be better off spending half the pts to get the TL bolter shot. I could see taking a combi flamer maybe, but I'd rather have it on a rhino or champ where it would be more likely to be used. Basically anything that gets close enough to the predator to be flamed probably has already melta'd it.
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depends on the upgrades, depends on the cost of the vehicle and the roll you have for it, and what else is in your army heh.


For vindicators and landraiders, demonic possession is a must, yet I rarely run any upgrades on my rhinos, why? because they are damn cheap and I like them that way :unsure:


for a dakka pred, I dunno, never used a pred (like, ever!), but I guess a havoc launcher could be useful for added dakka.

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Dakka predators are great value. As they lay down a torrent of fire, with the new rules for wound allocation this can result in sniping special weapons and characters in squads - and wound allocation shenanigans don't dampen the firepower as generally the wounds do not ignore saves.


So in short, increased number of saveable wounds = chance to kill specials but less net kills.


and cheaper. If you have some sufficient anti tank in your army but lacking in the mowing side, a dakka predator is an excellent addition as said anti tank will often receive more attention.

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