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Im back!

Emperors Immortals

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Hi guys, im back after a short break with no computers- but let it be known that i was not idle.


I had a series of battles ranging from 1500 pts to 4500 with my glorious Immortals against such foes as orcs, tau and nidz, but the bes was a series of battles i just had with a mates nidz that all had poison upgrades and a swarm of gaunts.Needless to say the blood claws ruled supreme.Highlight was definatly my DC assaulting 2nd turn from there LRC and obliterating the hive tyrant plus guard in one round of combat (2 PW 1PF and a rec).



So, very excited about the new releases coming for us, and my local GW redshirt has told me there will be a special surprise for BA players - though he will not tell me what it is - so any guesses? (i dont think its a new IC, but i dont know for sure).



Anyway, our second child is on the way, so keep up the great posting guys im gonna need the escapism ;)

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welcome back fellow son of sanguinius

and congrats on your second child.


as for the 40K stuff

that battle sounded epic

were getting the storm raven and a furioso kit (do some digging and you'll find the sprues)


and don't worry in a week or two the new kit pics will be up, and the LPC just kicked in so there's something (just started mine to)


but once again welcome back

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Thankyou for the gratz brothers, first i juat saw your SP and hes looking great cant wait to see the finished product!!


second - he already knew about the SR and the Dread kit, so im wondering if its the rumours of the army box or perhaps even a new unidentified and non-leaked set?!?!?!?


third - there were no cameras with us but i am hoping to start a blog detailing me putting together a competition army and then being abloe to compete(considering the baby coming it will be a long term project lol).

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