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Razorback Spam Armies...


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At this point I hate them. To me they are this edition's Scout Squad with naked Veteran Sergeant armies of our old Codex or the uber-heroes of 2e. What's the joy in having multiple AssCan Razorbacks with naked RAS-5s where the only time the infantry dismounts is if the Razor gets knocked out? :P


Maybe I'm just a cranky old bugger who feels that infantry should be the point, not their transports. :P What do you folks think?


P.S. Much of this rant brought on by playing a tournie this weekend where I got whomped by one of these armies. It was very cleverly designed for tournament play (won the whole thing actually) but there was something really boring about only seeing 5 marines and Mephiston the entire game. ;)

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I agree with TheTeeth. They make the game boring. I mean, how many of us like to play a game where the entire thing consists of around ten models moving around and annihilating stuff. In my Vanilla list, I like to use Razorbacks, yes, but as fire support for my tactical squads, not as main battle tanks.
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I use razorbacks if i use smaller units or want a little extra punch in my transport... but then i don't have any with assault cannons...


but i dunno, i can't say i care one way or another if someone wants to bring lots, they arn't that hard to kill, if not a little repredative, but then i'm not one to worry about what they have, i just play the game and go about my day.

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Hate, hate, hate them. ;)


very boring and un imaginitve. plus i have no idea what the big deal is?. i've played against them a few times (BA and SW versions) and i have beaten them pretty easily ( with BA and chaos).


i just dont get how all those little units can even be effective when they can be isoltaed and killed so easy.


long live the 10 man unit :P

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Funny you mention this, as i faced a DA (with BA dex) several times over the last few weeks, with the result being my DOA (that means his death on my arrival BTW) army consistantly massacred him, and my mech list did about teh same thanks to a large number of dreads.


Having said that, i dont mind facing them, but its a pity mst of the Assback generals are :) s themselves.

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I understand it from a gaming and possibly even from a fluff perspective (mechanized scout company or something), but like the OP, I enjoy the game more when its about the infantry instead of the boxes they drive around in....
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I'm lucky in that I play in a friendly enviroment, all my opponents take armies built for fun AND effectiveness. Only problem I get is facing a mate's Ravenwing army as he is just as mobile as I am :cry:


I can see how the Assault Cannon spam could be lethal against certain armies but against BA with our mobility and vast array of can openers it's a bit of a silly idea.

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I'm not a huge fan of razorspam. Doesn't seem to fit the style of the Blood Angels, I prefer larger squads flying around.


Its not the most fun army to play against, though I enjoy the different tactical challenge it presents every so often.

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I have four ass-cannon razorbacks and three Vindicators. 12" and shoot? Yes please.


I'm convinced people don't like them because they don't understand them. There are plenty of tactics and tricks I use, and have to use to win. The idea that a TL-Assault cannon = win is a fairly idiotic one, and my games are good fun.


I like my mech BA, and truth be told, it's far more fluffy to my 2nd ed. mind, where the BA were about mechanised, mobile, small squads moving rapidly into position defending bridgeheads on Armageddon, then DOA armies, which don't feel fluffy to me at all.

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Before the Codex was even officially released we were discussing what new additions would be the best to take, and I highlighted the Fast moving Razorbacks with TL Assault Cannon which would only cost a pittance, alongside the new Fast Vindicators to make an incredibly effective mobile mid-ranged shooting force


If I am playing a game to win it then I am obviously going to take what I perceive to be the strongest force.


But on the other side, I have an all DC army as well so I play both sides of the coin.

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I have four ass-cannon razorbacks and three Vindicators. 12" and shoot? Yes please.


I'm convinced people don't like them because they don't understand them. There are plenty of tactics and tricks I use, and have to use to win. The idea that a TL-Assault cannon = win is a fairly idiotic one, and my games are good fun.


I like my mech BA, and truth be told, it's far more fluffy to my 2nd ed. mind, where the BA were about mechanised, mobile, small squads moving rapidly into position defending bridgeheads on Armageddon, then DOA armies, which don't feel fluffy to me at all.



Thank you! Im going mech mostly so the armies a fluffy counterpart to my mates speed freek army

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I have four ass-cannon razorbacks and three Vindicators. 12" and shoot? Yes please.


I'm convinced people don't like them because they don't understand them. There are plenty of tactics and tricks I use, and have to use to win. The idea that a TL-Assault cannon = win is a fairly idiotic one, and my games are good fun.


I like my mech BA, and truth be told, it's far more fluffy to my 2nd ed. mind, where the BA were about mechanised, mobile, small squads moving rapidly into position defending bridgeheads on Armageddon, then DOA armies, which don't feel fluffy to me at all.





I dont remember that at all from when I played in 2nd. I remember a mix of jump and mech....and oddly enough lots of tactical squads. Incidentally how i play :P

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My name is Bill and I'm guilty of having three AC Razorbacks in my army to go with 2 AC Baals, 2 AC Speeders, a Crusader and a Redeemer. Does this make me a bad person? :P


Seriously though, if I'm facing a min-maxed spam army then I'm going to fight fire with fire :D . The RB's can be changed to Rhinos which is my usual configuration for my 2 Tac Squads.

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Wait? People are upset that BA players are utilising fast rhino chasis? That's like Space Wolves getting upset that other SW players are using T-wolves, or BT's getting upset for having aspirants (scout like guys?) in there squads as wound soaks, or a DW player using Terminators. Doesnt make sense to me, but maybe that's just me. :D
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Wait? People are upset that BA players are utilising fast rhino chasis? That's like Space Wolves getting upset that other SW players are using T-wolves, or BT's getting upset for having aspirants (scout like guys?) in there squads as wound soaks, or a DW player using Terminators. Doesnt make sense to me, but maybe that's just me. :)

Some SW players are completely disdainful of Thunderwolves in all their forms.


Anywho.... Im solidly for Razorback spam. I enjoy watching my opponents armies crumple quickly and then dealing with the cleanup.


Seriously- taking out 8 AV 11 vehicles? Peice of cake. Ive yet to see a razor-spam army that could stand up to solid firepower.

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