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Razorback Spam Armies...


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I formed my opinions of the two armies listed based on my past experiences with them and the owners, not ignorance.


first, prejudice isn't a bad word, and not based on ignorance, only certain ones are bad.


a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion



forming an opinion about something based on exp of the list and the owners of said list is indeed a prejudice... that assumes that anyone dropping a certain army type is a certain player type. but because you face certain ones, then your exp is that they will be a certain way, but it may but always be true:)


ok, so, what do we know... neither build is better then the other, it all comes down to play stile, and generalship... and of course, the rolls of the dice.


I'm not going to lower myself to have an English argument in a thread that is already precariously close to be locked, but it wont keep me from saying I don't agree with you.


Now, for the sake of conversation I agree with about everything else you said. Aside from die rolls. For me there is maybe one occurrence in a three game series where a roll is very far outside the norms of statistics. In Warmachine or something with much less die being tossed, I would agree again with you. However, in 40k generally there are enough die the probability norms are made. Again, this is just me.


you won't win if dice don't work, simple as that. best general, best list, best everything can lose to a bad day of diceing.. averages are averages, i agree, but average means you rooll low, you roll high (i have a friend who will inevitably lose a game because a dice roll that should be easy will be failed, like not losing an entire squad of terminators to a 11 ork shoota squad (no big shoota) 5 wounds, 5 ones, squad dead)


i've never played warmachine, or any other table top war game for that matter. (thouhg i will be painting some minis for them soon)


if you make a bad roll at a key time, even if the rest of your dice are average, bad things happen... even if 1 in 3 are outside the norm, how can dice not be a factor... maybe you kill something faster then you want, or don't make that key roll that stops that dread from being able to the unit he wants...


if you are matched up evenly as a general and you have comparable lists, dice rolls are going to win or lose the game, so yes, it does matter. (some people seam luckier then others, I tend to make that desperate roll, that one friend will never make that roll)


and it's all just me, or just you here:) it's not personal,just disagreeing.

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"3-4 copy and pasted units of Assault Marines without Jump Packs in 20pt Razorbacks usually with Assault Cannon upgrade".


Thought so but if that is the case why are DOA lists not consider spamming with the copy and pasted Assault marine squads with dual melta or the like.....

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"3-4 copy and pasted units of Assault Marines without Jump Packs in 20pt Razorbacks usually with Assault Cannon upgrade".


Thought so but if that is the case why are DOA lists not consider spamming with the copy and pasted Assault marine squads with dual melta or the like.....



A baby angel just lost their wings.

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Because DoA lists are really hit or miss and aren't really viewed as overpowered


Well also because most DoA don't just have the same cut-n-paste 5man assault squads with JP... though if it did - I would have to call it spam!


Most of the DoA lists I've seen have Vanguard Vets and maybe Dante and some Sanguinary Guard, a Storm Raven etc... it's not just 5man assault squad x 6.

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No they have the same 3x10 Assault Marines with 2 Meltaguns and a Power Fist/ThunderHammer and 2 Librarians. The rest of it is mix and match between VGV, Honour Guard. Which is hardly any different to the mix and match between Vindicators and Predators in Razorback lists.
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Because DoA lists are really hit or miss and aren't really viewed as overpowered


Well also because most DoA don't just have the same cut-n-paste 5man assault squads with JP... though if it did - I would have to call it spam!


Most of the DoA lists I've seen have Vanguard Vets and maybe Dante and some Sanguinary Guard, a Storm Raven etc... it's not just 5man assault squad x 6.


Most razorback armies have vindis, Baals, Storm ravens or LRs etc as well as the spam of razorbacks.


In other words, my point is that DOA and Razorbacks are quite similar in relation to spamming.

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Here is the net list for razorspam:


Librarian - Shield, FoD/Blood Lance

Librarian - Shield, FoD/Blood Lance


5x assault Marine - meltagun - Razorback/las & pals

5x assault Marine - meltagun - Razorback/las & pals

5x assault Marine - meltagun - Razorback/las & pals

5x assault Marine - meltagun - Razorback/las & pals

5x assault Marine - meltagun - Razorback/las & plas


Predator - auto cannon turret/lascannon sponsons

Predator - auto cannon turret/lascannon sponsons

Predator - auto cannon turret/lascannon sponsons


Baal Predator - twin linked assault cannon turret/heavy bolter sponsons

Baal Predator - twin linked assault cannon turret/heavy bolter sponsons

Baal Predator - twin linked assault cannon turret/heavy bolter sponsons


Everything is spammed in the above list... It's a min maxed wet dream.


G :lol:

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Here is my current DoA list:


Librarian - Epistolary, jump pack, Unleash Rage & Sanguine Sword

Honor Guard - jump packs, chapter banner

* Novitiate

* Lightning claw & stormshield

* Lightning claw & stormshield

* Pair of lightning claws

* Thunderhammer & stormshield


The Sanguinor


Sanguinary Priest - jump pack, power sword

Furioso - extra armor, heavy flamer


10x assault Marine - meltagun, flamer, thunderhammer & stormshield

10x assault Marine - meltagun, flamer, thunderhammer & stormshield


5x Vanguard veteran - jump packs

* Sergeant - power fist & stormshield

* 4x power sword & bolt pistol


Stormraven - extra armor, twin linked lascannon & twin linked multi-melta


Nothing is spammed except the two assault squads.


G :lol:

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That's a very spammy netlist there! What if they did some shuffling added in mephiston swapped a pred for a vindicator, maybe replaced a couple baals with bike or speeder squadrons?


I've never come up against anyone spamming a list that repetitive not that I play very often

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Did he really take that sea of AV11 side armour and not a single bit of extra armour? You could bring that list to a grinding halt with heavy bolters, let alone Space Wolf Missile Launcher spam. And the new BT missile spam list would be even more horrific for it to handle. Everything is getting Shaken at least every other turn, and if you can't move you are getting torn apart for free in combat by anyone with a brain. I'd stun those Predators and string them up with Krak grenades to the rear like lights on a christmas tree.


No counter assault. Nothing at all. The units are essentially useless once their transport is popped. How many points is that? 2250 or 2k?

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