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Razorback Spam Armies...


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Here is the net list for razorspam:


Librarian - Shield, FoD/Blood Lance

Librarian - Shield, FoD/Blood Lance


5x assault Marine - meltagun - Razorback/las & pals

5x assault Marine - meltagun - Razorback/las & pals

5x assault Marine - meltagun - Razorback/las & pals

5x assault Marine - meltagun - Razorback/las & pals

5x assault Marine - meltagun - Razorback/las & plas


Predator - auto cannon turret/lascannon sponsons

Predator - auto cannon turret/lascannon sponsons

Predator - auto cannon turret/lascannon sponsons


Baal Predator - twin linked assault cannon turret/heavy bolter sponsons

Baal Predator - twin linked assault cannon turret/heavy bolter sponsons

Baal Predator - twin linked assault cannon turret/heavy bolter sponsons


Everything is spammed in the above list... It's a min maxed wet dream.


G :geek:


Well I copied this exact razorspam list because... its fluffy, yeah that's it. That is the reason I built/copied this list, because it's fluffy. I realize I could rationalize ANY combination of units in the codex as 'fluffy' but yes, that is the reason I built/copied this list.


And, and... if you don't believe me, you are a condescending elitist!

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I think that razor spam list would be great looking. :geek:

I think it'd look rather boring with the amount of units that'd be similar :/


no way... with all those little box tanks you could have all kinds of nerd fun lining them up in different formations. All that flat space to mess around with free hand...


If I ran the list I would have it so when nine of the tanks are arranged 3 across and 3 down (3 little columns) they would make a picture when places all next to each other. Like the chapter logo or something.

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That'd be cool Till... I doubt many would go through that though.

In my opinion I'd like to see variety in an army, something that makes each squad/unit/tank look like it's got it's own history and was just stamped out of a giant-cookie-cutter-from-Mars :L


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That'd be cool Till... I doubt many would go through that though.

In my opinion I'd like to see variety in an army, something that makes each squad/unit/tank look like it's got it's own history and was just stamped out of a giant-cookie-cutter-from-Mars :L



Meh, I've always liked tank heavy armies. The new new DoA army Im workin on is actually my first all inf list... not counting my nids I did years ago. I love the freedom of artistic choice you have with tanks. Make them bland, weathered, freehand, army wide themes. Also, I love the little bits you get to mess with that inf armies don't let you play with, like gas cans, radio antennas, shovels and what not...


edit: here is a line breaker I did a while ago. Its nothing special, each was easy to do and didnt take long... just simple little boxed with a tiny bit of free hand. IMO 1 painted like this would look bleh, but 3 looks cool. 9 would be a party in my pants!





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Love the way those vindi's look :)


And if you don't mind, i'm, going to steal that idea of the yellow stripes on the sides of the siege shield :huh:


Oh have at it... Im as creative as a toilet plunger... I got the idea from a picture somewhere. ty btw

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