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Flesh Tearer Deathrate


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"On the day of his ascension, Seth listened grim faced ... Within two centuries, the Flesh Tearers would be no more, abandoned by their allies and betrayed by their own flesh"

--- Page 55, C:BA


Here is my question, Gabriel Seth was made Chapter Master in 40,815 - and where the current lore sits time wise, around 175ish years have passed by, out of the forewarned 200. For all intents and purposes, if Seth showed up at Dante's "Scions of Sanguinius Council" with around 375 battle brothers (assuming in the 2 years since the 3rd War for Armageddon, their standing strength of 500 took severe losses on the battlefield) it would appear that his Chapter is not dying in the manner, or as quickly, as reported.


Is this actually a reason to take a step back and reevaluate where they stand as a Chapter on the brink of destruction? Yes, it is easy to point out the massive losses they have recently taken during the Armageddon campaign, but as far as undoing themselves, has 175 years proven anything for them?

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I believe the initial estimate was prooven wrong. And this might be because of how Seth has led the chapter.

Since Seth's ascension, the FT have been in near constant battle. Going from battlefield to battlefield so slaughter the enemy's of the Imperium in it's name. Maybe, just maybe, this constant battle has kept the Black Rage in check because it feeds that part of the psyche that required blood shed on a regular basis.


Another option, could be that just because Seth is so badass he is able to stop time enough to ensure his chapter did not die out as fast!

But that is going on the brink of Chuck Norris jokes.. which, admittedly, do fit Seth pretty well.

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stasis, warp time dilation due to all that travel to warzones, maybe he instigated a program to attempt to cleanse the geneseed, maybe there still are 375 battlebrothers, but no viable geneseed left in storage? Current live bodies may be the last ones with progenoids that may still provide new marines... There are many ways for a chapter to die out...
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Since Seth's ascension, the FT have been in near constant battle. Going from battlefield to battlefield so slaughter the enemy's of the Imperium in it's name. Maybe, just maybe, this constant battle has kept the Black Rage in check because it feeds that part of the psyche that required blood shed on a regular basis.


I would think it'd have the opposite effect.

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Since Seth's ascension, the FT have been in near constant battle. Going from battlefield to battlefield so slaughter the enemy's of the Imperium in it's name. Maybe, just maybe, this constant battle has kept the Black Rage in check because it feeds that part of the psyche that required blood shed on a regular basis.


I would think it'd have the opposite effect.


I agree, hence the double maybe ;-)

But we do not know what the true nature of the Black Rage is. Maybe enough bloodshed will calm it?

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The Rage and the Thirst are pretty tied together. If even our Sanguinary Priests are tempted to start draining the blood of their brothers whenever they retrieve the gene-seed, I imagine the more bloodshed one causes the vampiric urges to rise up. The more blood you shed, the more blood you feel like drinking, and the more blood you drink the closer you come to being unable to put those fangs away.


At least, that's how it works in my mind.

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I do not agree the Rage and Thirst are related that way. Mostly because both occur at a different moment.


The Rage occurs on the eve of battle, when the Battle Brothers go into prayer and contemplation and they relive the memories of their ancestors.

The Thirst occurs only during the battle, or when blood is being shed.


I believe, that fulfilling the Thirst might maybe, maybe help keep the Rage in check.. so to speak.

Just a theory though.

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