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Just Wanted to Share...


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I just finished playing a 1000 pts game with my brother about an hour ago and managed to pull off a win with our old Codex. Granted, this was just a friendly game and the Dark Angels finally got an update (just saw the thread) so I suppose it doesn't matter, but still...


Anyway, the real reason I wanted to share this little bit of personal joy is this: it was probably the funniest game I have had in a long while. My brother and I often joke about his horrible luck, but this was just painful.


- My Whirlwind, a tank geared toward taking down lightly armored infantry, devastated one of his Tactical Squads and dropped that squad to below half strength in about two turns. How he managed to fail so many 3+ saves is a mystery.


- He lost two Sternguard to overheating while shooting Vengeance rounds and only manages to take down three bolter Marines from a Combat Squad. They were then subsequently wiped out by said Combat Squad in the following turn.


- His Librarian periled while casting Quickening before failing another psychic test casting Might of the Ancients. My brother managed to roll double 1s and double 6s back to back in one turn.


- My Chaplain and his Command Squad utterly wiped out my brother's other Tactical Squad and took zero casualties in the process. It was really demoralizing for him watching my HQ brain his Marines right after witnessing his own HQ "brain" himself.


- His missile launcher Marine killed himself with a scattering frag missile. Imagine our disbelief watching the series of terrible rolls just unfolding before our eyes for this to even be possible.


- To add insult to injury, his Land Raider failed to kill the squishy Whirlwind with its Lascannons and Hunter-Killer Missile near the end of the game.


- Lastly, his only Kill Point was a Rhino.


Ultimately, the score was 4-1 in terms of Kill Points. In actual casualties inflicted, it was 10-28. I am not really sure how many of those casualties were actually caused by me. He was understandably upset during and after the game, but, in the end, we both couldn't help but laugh at such dismal rolling.


It's all part of the fun, right?

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It was indeed. Sadly, he just thrashed me in a 1500 pts Annihilation game. It seems that fortune favored him this time since it was I who was failing those critical saves (and blowing myself up :) ) We're planning on having one more game before I have to go back to University, so I hope I can make a better account of myself.
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