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Rolling Glaives Encarmine attacks for Sang Guard


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This is almost an insignificant topic, so apologies in advance ;)


In almost all situations, when rolling for identically armed models in close combat, I just grab all the required dice and roll together in one go.


I was wondering if people who use SangGuard on a regular basis take this approach normally too?


Since it just occurred to me that to do so could possibly give an unfair advantage as far as the master-craft aspect is concerned, i.e. by rolling all attacks at once, the maximum number of master crafted rerolls could be applied, rather than a more random split denying rerolls for no misses/2+ misses per model.


So I also wondered if people already think it is not a big deal to do this, or try to avoid doing this, or have been pulled up in the past for doing it?

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I roll for every model separately. Time-consuming yes, but also the most accurate way. Or, just use 5 different kinds of dice and re-roll those five misses, if at hand.

I'd find it cheating to just roll them all together and just pick out 5 dice and reroll them because every model has only 1 reroll. So if one hits will all his attacks, you lose that one reroll. And if you rolled them all together you couldn't know if a model hit or missed and at what ratio.



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For someone who plays a pure Sanguinary Guard list, and who lacks sufficient quantities of multi-colored dice (I use custom red-marble dice, gold pips, with the 6-pip being represented by the Blood Drop + Wings), I will usually clarify with my opponent which they would prefer I use. For tournaments I would absolutely roll for each model individually, but in a friendly pick-up game, I will leave it at my opponent's discretion whether they want the accurate rolls, or simply bulk roll to minimize time wastage. If the opponent is unsure or unfamiliar, I'll roll for each model individually.


I will say it makes mass combats a down-right pain.




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Local group says just roll them all together, pick up 5 and re-roll them because whatever they hit is dead anyway.


I personally separate mine. I want that lone marine standing to swing back at my SG. It's easier to win combat on your opponents turn if you do it the right way.

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I have a set of dice just for my samg guard army. It has enough differnet colour dice for me to roll for a sang guard squad with


5 Sang guard

Chapter banner


Sang priest



All at once.


Though looking through a pile of 8 different colour dice finding the miss and which ones to reroll is a pain.

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