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DoA Mix ranged armor...Possible at 3000pts


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I'm currently working on a DoA list. 1850 to 2000pts. and I was wondering what if i threw in Some ground armor for ranged assault. Using my DoA as a wall of distruction while the Armor and Dev. units wipe up the rest that are not paying attention to them. I don't have my codex infront of me so I don't know if the what the points would be. but I'm thinking 2 dev units mix melta/plasma/Rockets. 1 Whirlwind, 1 Razorback (possibly the transpot of one dev squad.) and hmm....a vindicator? I'm not sure if this is a crazy Idea or not. Hell I haven't found anyone thats posted this idea or listing before. so your comments are welcome in on this.
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