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Ready to try my Scout list of doom!

captain sox

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Hey all.


I basically run an all Scout army. I call it a 'hybrid' army because I can run it either with Codex:Space Marines and now I can run it with Blood Angels. They have the same rules, BS, WS, etc. They also have The Red Thirst, which adds another interesting elemet to them. What caught my attention to BA was the Baal Predator (with its's great Scout USR). Since then, I've really become intrigued with several aspects of this chapter. One of the things that Scouts lack is heavy support. I've run games with Land Raiders as my 'Command or HQ' Vehicle, but it's a stretch. I try to keep to the fluff of the 10th Company*: A Captain and Troops. No dedicated transports (ie Rhino's or Razorbacks). The Captain could have an Honour Guard, but they would either come in a Land Raider or now Stormraven.


I usually hand my opponents a short story to go with my army which basically reads like this:


The Captain of the 10th Company and his recruits are out on a training mission when things go terribly wrong. He finds himself out matched and out gunned against a far superior enemy. The Captain calls to his Chapter Master to supply re-inforcements, after all survival of the Chapter is in jeopardy! The Captain and his recruits have to continue fighting, waiting for their support to arrive.




So I'm building my 1500 pt BA Scout list of doom which looks like dis:



Captain: 135

- Power Weapon

- Storm Shield



Sniper Squad: 180

- 8 Snipers

- Missile Launcher

- Cloaks


Close Combat Squad I: 150

- 9 Close Combat Scouts

- Sergeant with Combi-Flamer


Bolter Squad: 185

- 3 Bolter Scouts

- Heavy Bolter

- Sergeant with Combi-Plasma and Powerfist


Close Combat Squad I: 180

- 9 Close Combat Scouts

- Sergeant with Combi-Flamer, Powerfist and Melta Bombs


Close Combat Squad II: 180

- 9 Close Combat Scouts

- Sergeant with Combi-Melta, Powerfist and Melta Bombs


Fast Attack


Baal Predator with Flamestorm Cannon

- Heavy Bolter


Baal Predator with Assault Cannon

- Heavy Bolter


Heavy Support

Stormraven Gunship:200

- Twin Linked Multi-Melta

- Twin Linked Assault Cannon

- 4 Bloodstrike Missiles


Basically the army is run like this:


Infiltrate 2 of the the Scout Close Combat Squads to a position where the Baal's can zoom up and join them. The Melta Close Comabt Squad will be the tank hunters. The Captain will run with one of the CC Squads for added punch. The Snipers will shoot at MCs and Light Vehicles. Depending on whether I have first or second turn, the Stormraven will come in from reserve and help where needed (which will be most likely everywhere).


This is my first crack at at legit BA list... it's quite different from the regular Shrike, Speeder list I run often.


Let me know your thoughts.



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You can also draft in drop pods as a kind of deep infiltrating tactic.


Otherwise it seems like a rather fun list to play, have you thought of dropping 3 scouts to bolster teh bolters and perhaps boosting your CC squads numbers?


Also, bikes - they regularily sweep ahead of the main advance and are therefore open to youre use (and landspeeders - my personal favourite SM unit).

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I personally wouldn't give melta bombs to sergeants with a powerfist, while it has an extra dice for AP it has far less attacks making the fist more often then not the better choice for attacking tanks in close combat. On the other hand you close combat scouts sergeant and your captain don't have a powerfist or melta bombs making them vulnerable against things like dreadnoughts. So I'd advice moving the melta bombs there.

Also you captain uses a power weapon but can't get an additional attack due to his storm shield for the same points he can has a lightning claw that makes the same amount of attacks but does allow rerolls to wound.


I don't much have insight fluff wise, not really my department, so there's my opinion on points expenditure.



My spelling is crap :|

Also you have two squads called "Close Combat Squad I"

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Hello again, and thanks for the replies.


I was thinking about running 2 bolter sqauds and 2 close combat squads along with the snipers to give a little more shooty. another version is this:




Sniper Squad w/Missile Launcher

Bolter Squad w Combi-Plasma, Powerfist and Missile Launcher

Bolter Squad w/ Combi-Melta and Heavy Bolter

Close Combat I with Combi-Flamer and Powerfist

Close Comat II with Combi-Flamer and Powerfist


Baal Predator with Flamestorm and Heavy Bolters

Land Speeder Typhoon w/ Heavy Bolter

Land Speeder w/Multi Melta


Stormraven w/ MultiM, Ass.Cannon, etc.


what about now?


Oh, In regards to Melta Bombs, sometimes they are very handy for killing Raiders... I run a Tri-Melta loadout in my Vanilla Army: Land Speeder Storm, Sgt. With Combi-Melta and Melta Bombs. The good news is that it is very good at killing Land Raiders... the bad news is when the contents of the Land Raider comes out...

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Not sure what the land speeders are doing here. They don't fit the story and surely the point of the scouts is getting them into inconvenient positions for the enemy rather than moving around after them during the game. Why not put a scout bike squad in with combi-melta and grenade launcher (s). Then why not have the Captain on a bike too so that the mission could have been a scout/bike one. He could have a combi-melta or storm bolter if high volume fire power or vehicle melting is what you'd be missing from the landspeeders.


(now if we were allowed the LS Storm...)

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Single stormravens Don't work. Very very easy to kill , and when you take them , you need armour saturation to draw your opponents attention away from them. I think a list of Scout bikers and Scouts or scouts with 3 baal preds might be alot more viable however.
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