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Codex re-design projects.


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For those of you who have been brought out of hibernation by the recent FAQ :P , I'd like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to two projects that we have underway in the Unforgiven Rules Development sub-forum. There are two projects with different aims:


Project Redemption seeks to bring the Dark Angel Codex in line with more recent power armour releases such as Codex: Space Marines and Codex: Blood Angels. It will look at unifying wargear, stats, points costs and unit entries.


Project Unforgiven seeks to design a new Unforgiven Codex based upon the background and a set of themes that we have established.


Input in both or either project is welcome.

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To be honest I don't think that Dark Angels need army wide rules like Blood Angels and Space Wolves. I would keep combat tactics for Greenwing, they fight in the same way as Codex marines. I included rites of battle for Dark Angel Masters, it means they have some use. In Blood Angels the Captain is a completely worthless option. I also used the wargear options from Codex Marines, because the Masters of the Dark Angels should have access to relic blades and artificer armour. The swords used by Azrael, Belial, and Sammael, are relic blades, but are also master-crafted. Obviously like every other Chapter their Masters are WS6 now, and I'd give Azrael I6. Striking first against most enemies with four or five attacks at strength 6? That's pretty good. I'd leave Sammael as the only unit with eternal warrior though.


Deathwing (including Belial) get Deathwing Assault and Fearless.

Ravenwing (including Sammael) on bikes get Scouts, Hit and Run, and Skilled Rider. Land Speeder and Attack Bike squadrons are 1-5 instead of 1-3 like normal marines.


Unique units, Deathwing, Ravenwing, Company Veterans (in my list a blend of Sternguard and Vanguard for uber flexibility), Reclusiarch with elite level Chaplains (needed to make those pesky fallen repent).

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