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Must have full mech or none?


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Here's my question. When I'm writing a list I usually include a lot of jump packers but I often feel like including a couple of vehicles ( I mean literally just one or two) but then I think if Im including so much infantry in my lists, I might as well just get rid of the vehicles to try and waste up my enemy's anti-tank investment. On the other hand, if I do use vehicles I feel like I have to pack as much armour in as I can to try and saturate the battlefield with them and weather the AT fire.


So, do you guys think that its necessary to go full mech when you include vehicles? Do you run lists with just one or two vehicles?

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I run a hybrid list but I know exactly the feeling you have...

They way I cope with it is by thinking about by using Jump-infantry And tanks I am making my army more versatile and more of an all-comers list


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I have to say that only taking one or two vehicles places an aweful big target on them since most of your opponents will have dedicated AT fire units. To be successful I think that you need to rely upon the BA's strength which is speed. Get in close and get in quick so you can support the vehicles you brought. If you favor a stand off approach I think that your vehicles will get picked apart quickly. If you rely on DOA with your jumpers it could be an aweful long time for your one or two vehicles to hold up waiting for support.
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A mix can work depending on how you do it. I used to run 4 tanks followed by about 25 jump infantry. It worked fine, the important thing is speed. All my tanks were designed to be able to move 12 and still fire at full strength (Vindicators, razorbacks, rhinos, rarely took predators). They also protected the jumpers who hid behind the vehicles until it was time to strike.


Lately I've been playing purer jumpy, but mixed can work.

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