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My Lamenters


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Well ladies and gents, I've been painting enough yellow for a lifetime, but I still have more to do. So far I've painted up a few Lamenters, and this what I've churned out so far.


Chief Librarian Artaris, The Exsanguinator(The Lamenters have their own version of The Sanguinor too, surprisingly enough :tu: ), as well Chapter Master Malakim Phoros(Converted to match his background and rules in Imperial Armor: Volume 9: Badab War Part 1)



Captain Krezal, Strike Force Leader Duvaal, and Captain Vlaskis



Calix Members(Sanguinary Priests of the Lamenters) Verik and Maalin



Squad Volturno



Squad Silvaren



Squad Merik



So far I still have a Dreadnought, Rhino, Razorback, 2 Honor Guard squads, Vanguard squad, as well as a Chaplain to paint.


-Matt :tu:

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Looks like Lamentors are the Marines to be and I'm glad to say you didn't disappoint with your models -_-.

I particularly like the Exsanguinator, nice job there :tu:




Hah, thanks.


For some reason the gold on my models almost looks "dry' and not as vibrant as it is in person. Weird. :tu:

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I LOVE SHINY AND GLOSSY SPACE MARINES! I really thought you'd get ripped - give it time - for not flat-washing them. But apparently you're like me and don't swoon and falter under the abhorration of the paint critics who swear by flat versus gloss. GOOD FOR YOU!


I ALSO LOVE THE ANIMATED FACES ON YOUR CHARACTERS!!! I paint mine like they are kick-a$$ toys, not movie minis. Again, GREAT JOB!!!

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I LOVE SHINY AND GLOSSY SPACE MARINES! I really thought you'd get ripped - give it time - for not flat-washing them. But apparently you're like me and don't swoon and falter under the abhorration of the paint critics who swear by flat versus gloss. GOOD FOR YOU!


I ALSO LOVE THE ANIMATED FACES ON YOUR CHARACTERS!!! I paint mine like they are kick-a$$ toys, not movie minis. Again, GREAT JOB!!!



Thanks man, but truth be told they aren't that shiny until I hit them with a light coat of Purity Seal to seal them against chipping. :D

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