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Getting my Brother into 40k


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I want to put together a 750 point Chaos list to get my brother started with 40k. Problem is, I only know how to make Khorne builds (Khârn, Zerkers, Rhinos, ???, Profit!). I'm thinking Lash Prince and PMs, but I don't know what to do with the PMs' loadout or what to do with the second troop choice. Any help would be appreciated.
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The jeske will likely tell you exactly what you need to know, but in general


- One DP at less than 1k points, otherwise 2. Lash Princes are alright, but the list really needs to be built around them. Nurgle Warptime Princes aren't bad.

-PMs should be in squads of 7, preferably with a powerfist and dual special weapons. And don't forget the Rhino!

-Obliterators should be your heavy support.


That's the bare bones of the list. Avoid Lords, Sorcs, Dreads, Possessed and our entire Fast Attack section and you can;t go too far wrong. Add Termicide units, Chosen, and Zerks as required and garnish with your choice of paint scheme!


Wait for some others to reply before making your list though, I'm not too qualified for this as I grew bored of it within six months.

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he wants to make an undivided build with pms and slany lash prince 0_o ???


well there is 0 difference between doing builds with or without zerkers in the chaos dex. the support units are the same DPs for HQs and oblits for long range support and the rest in csm squads . It aint rocket science.


same with load outs . champs with fists , 2x melta . plasma is second choice and flamers are almost never needed in chaos armies .

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Well, he wants to play a mix of the different gods, and I'm the one mainly building the list. Anyway, what would be the best troops choice for tank hunting? The lash prince and I'm thinking either flamer or plasma armed PMs will deal with most infantry, but as I learned from my Khorne army, IG will mop the floor with you if you don't have tank killing power. I'm thinking the PMs will be too slow to pull this off.
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Well, he wants to play a mix of the different gods

doesnt sound like an undivided army to more . multi gods is BL shtick.



chaos doesnt use flamers , it is not needed . csm run x2 melta most of the time they can technicly pop tanks/transports , they try to do it only because we dont have good anti tank in other slots.


I'm thinking the PMs will be too slow to pull this off.

I dont understand the too slow part . Initiative doesnt matter in hth against non meq like IG troopers and if you mean movment then there is no difference between pms or csm as all use rhinos for transport. 2DPs and 3 rhinos to get as fast in to short/assault range oblits to stun/blow up stuff . But yeah that doesnt mean IG are not a tough match up , it is because they have better rules .

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Alright, here's what I have:


DP with Wings, Mos, Lash



Plague Champion with Power Fist

7 Plague Marines with 2 Meltaguns

Chaos Rhino with Extra Armor


Skull Champion with Power Fist

9 Khorne Berzerkers

Chaos Rhino with Extra Armor


I'm thinking the PMs will be the tank hunters while the prince herds infantry to death at the hands of the Berzerkers. My only issue is with what happens when the rhino carrying the PMs gets immobilized. When I got stomped by Guard, both rhinos were immobilized on turn 1.

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yes and there is nothing to do about it . our army "works" because we give an army like IG 7-8 targets minium . of which 4 dont get countered with one shot [those are DPs and oblits] . when we play smaller games , some codex scale down their fire power and still work , ours doesnt work at 1k we can try to get carried by DPs and oblits with minimal pm squads but that is more or less all we can do . When we play less points we dont work . So it aint realy good to learn how to play chaos[not that it is hard or anything , we are a one trick codex] starting at less then 1000.
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If *he* wants to play Chaos Undivided, why doesn't *he* take what *he* wants?


The best way to get someone into 40k, I found, is to let them take a look through the units and pick out the ones that really 'click' for them be it by looks, fluff, or whatever.

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It was basically "I want to play Black Legion, give me a list that doesn't suck," but yeah, I think I'm going to have a chat with him about it after school.


Call me crazy (no really, no-one else will!) but it sounds like your bro needs an introduction to the Chaos Marines in general. It's been my experience that people who jump in too quickly will often jump out just as quickly (if you kept my meaning).


What kinda things drew him to the game and Chaos? What about the things that drew you? Call me sentimental (no really, no-one else will!) but that kinda chat could make the difference between a game and a hobby for him.


If that fails, I'd recommend something like Dawn of War or Dawn of War 2 to introduce him the 40k atmosphere through another medium.


Call me old fashioned (no really, no-one else will!) but those's are my two 'overly-involved' cents.

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Call me crazy (no really, no-one else will!) but it sounds like your bro needs an introduction to the Chaos Marines in general. It's been my experience that people who jump in too quickly will often jump out just as quickly (if you kept my meaning).


What kinda things drew him to the game and Chaos? What about the things that drew you? Call me sentimental (no really, no-one else will!) but that kinda chat could make the difference between a game and a hobby for him.


If that fails, I'd recommend something like Dawn of War or Dawn of War 2 to introduce him the 40k atmosphere through another medium.


Call me old fashioned (no really, no-one else will!) but those's are my two 'overly-involved' cents.

Crazy! Sentimental! Old fashioned!


(Just because no one else will :D)



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Some may think it is odd but I agree with lady C , only I think that by saying "chaos and it doesnt suck" anwsers all the questions about an army that could be made . It means the standard run of the mill BL list everyone plays in one way or another . Fluff , looks , conversions they mean nothing for someone who starts to play . They could something to someone that already plays or played table top games [switcher from WFB for example] , but not someone new. Our models are not bad , but have no good looking IC/HQ or iconic models like other 5th ed armies . I doubt the first thing a new guy wants to do is start converting everything , what he wants is to game and not get his butt kicked because of the type of units he has picked . Thankfuly for new players chaos has a drasticly low number of options that can be taken which makes the combinations of them small too.


+the chaos dex has 0 fluff or atmosphere , and I doubt anyone under 30 years old would like to start playing with reading 3-4 BL books to get a feel of different legions.

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I talked to him about the list, but it was rather brief due to him having places to go. Despite this, I remembered why he wanted to play Chaos. He flipped through my codex and helped me paint a few models, and decided he wanted to get into the hobby. I gave him the factions in a nutshell, and he picked Chaos. He wanted to play Black Legion specifically, because he wanted to keep all of his options open.

As for why I got into Chaos, I had originally planned on getting AoBR and taking orks, but I realized that despite loving the ork fluff, I couldn't take them seriously. I still wanted to play a choppy army, and something about a bunch of insane super-soldiers with chainaxes appealed to me.

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