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LPC 2011 WIP: Mutters


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So my oath for the Index Astartes Forum is to paint 5 Scouts and a Dreadnought for my Soul Drinkers MotF Army. Here's the Unpainted primed-but-I-forgot-the-guns-and-feet picture:




And here's the color of the rest of my army, for reference (This is all I have painted of my army so far. I'm new.)




So, ambitiously, being a new player, I was glue happy, and after kitbashing together a bunch of Scouts for tomorrow night's Warhammer 40k night at my FLGS, I sniffed too much glue and found too many legs in my bit box. I figured, "Hey, I play Soul Drinkers, and I have wayyy too many legs here, let's kitbash Sarpedon!" So I did:







So this is my WIP thread for the Librarium Painting Challenge. I'll start with my actual Oath, which is the 5 scouts and the Dread. If I have time, I'll paint up Sarpedon too!

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So we have Warhammer 40k nights on Tuesdays at my FLGS here in St. Louis. I played my first game of Warhammer! I summarily lost to Orks with my MotF 5 dread list.


His Army:4(?) Trukks, 2 Battlewagons, 4 ATVs with rokkit launchers. Ghazi(?) and a Mek as HQs (I don't know orks too well, but that's what he called it)

My Army: 5 TLAC Dreads, 2 MotF, 2 sniper scout squads, 2 CC scout squads, 2 tac squads. (I had 3 scout bikes, but forgot them on the painting table at home)


I killed his HQs, immobilized a ton of his stuff, but his lootas shot me up crazy and I couldn't blow up his vehicles worth a crap. I learned a lot about the game, though, so it wasn't a complete loss.


I learned a few things: 1) 5+ cover saves suck. 2) Related to that, having no 4+ ruins to bolster sucks too. 3) I need to know more about the enemy vehicles and units. 4) Deployment matters a lot. 5) a 3+ save is a LOT better than a 4+ save. My Tacs took significantly less wounds. (also, their WS of 4 vs the Orks was better.)


Overall it was nice. I'm considering dropping one of the MotF guys for Sarpedon (counts as Tigurius or Librarian/Epistolary) Also, possibly throwing in drop pods for the dreads, maybe making them ironclads, and/or adding in a squad of terminators in Elite or Dev squad in Heavy support.

Yeah, Sarpedon is still just a beginning conversion. It's my first, so its a bit raw. I think I'm going to lop off the feet, or find some green stuff and attempt my first green stuffing on something that isn't all that detailed (like arachnid legs and claws)

Here's my first foray into my Oath! I give you Dreadnought Hermes!






If you'll notice up at the top, my other Dreadnought has "DIE" written on his legplate. I put "MAIM" on Hermes. My dreadnoughts are a little murderous. Also, Hermes is the Dreadnought I always use in close combat, hence the splattered blood all over his close combat weapon and flamer.

So I put on a few movies and spent my whole Saturday painting! I got my oath done! wooo! Here's the scouts!





Camo was kind of hard. I don't think its bad for my first attempt at camo cloaks, but hey, I got plenty more scouts to paint. :P


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