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Vets in a pod


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yes, they would add durability, but it would make them very expensive.


5 Vets with a Melta and 4 combi-meltas, and storm shields, in a pod = 275 points. They are 200 points before you take the shields, and they are a one shot wonder with all those combi-weapons. I find that our combi-weapons just make this squad too price prohibitive.


I actually like the command squads for tank hunting these days. FNP, and 2 meltas for 145 points.


Just lookign at a few things I would be more inclined to take 5 vets with a fist, melta and 2 Storm shields and put them in a razorback.


Do similar with the Command squads Like this list for Green wing


Company master (equipment of your choice, I would go LCs)




2 x COmmand squad (apoth, 2 melta, fist, in Rhino)


3 x 5 Vets(melta, Fist, 2 SS) RB/TLLC


3 x Tac squad ( melta gun) RB/TLLC


Could be decent with some more work.

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